Little Siblings Steve x F!Reader [Clean]

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Little Siblings Steve X F!Reader [Clean]


"Yes mom I can watch after Sarah and Sam." I said into the phone.

"Love you too bye." I added before I hung up.

I got my purse and I got in my car.

Then I got a text from Steve.

I decided to call him since my phone was synced to the car anyways.

"I'm going to pick up Sarah and Sam." I said.

"Babysitting? Kids are cool." Steve said.

"You don't feel like babysitting, I can hear it in your tone." I said.

"Really? But why can't your brother babysit her?" Steve asked.

"Sam is 7. Sarah is 3. They can't babysit each other. Heck, they can't even stand each other." I said while driving across the high way.

"Exactly. Well how long are they going to be here?" Steve asked.

"Please don't tell me---" I got cut off by the sound of tape.

"Yes I am baby proofing our floor." Steve said.

"Really, it'll only be like 3 hours. That's the maximum." I said.

"A lot can happen in three hours." Steve said.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes and got out my car.

"I'll call you when we get there." I said.

"Love you." Steve said.

"Ew mushy stuff!" Sam said as he got out of the house.

"Steve!" He yelled once he noticed who was talking on the phone.

"Hello." Steve said.

"We're going to your house!" Sam said.

"Yea, I know. Awesome isn't it?" Steve asked.

Yep, this was going to be a long three hours

After I got the two kids in the car safely I said goodbye to my mother and drove to Stark Towers...well more like Avengers Tower.

Sam just looked awestruck while Sarah was still trying stay awake.

"Sam unbuckle Sarah." I said to him.

He did as I said and I opened the door to Sarah and picked her up. She started to move around a little but still went back to sleep.

As I was about to open the doors for Stark Towers, I heard Tony's voice through the intercom.

"They're not my kids, right?" He asked.

"They're my brother and sister." I said.

"Oh, Y/N. Welcome." He said and the doors unarmed so I can get through.

Wow, how many potential kids does that man have?

I held Sam's hand and walked with him until we got to the elevators. I woke up Sarah so she could walk, she looked around where she was and she smiled.

"Steve!" She yelled.

"Inside voices." I said.

"I don't have one." She exclaimed.

"Clearly." I said.

Yep, a long two hours.

Once we got to the correct floor the two of them ran around our 'apartment' to see where Steve was.

"Steve." Sam said.

"Steve." Sarah said.

"Hello." Steve said.

"Okay, Sarah, Sam, and Steve. I am going to the park and I expect to see everyone with the same number of body parts, alive, and looking the same way they look now. Am I clear?" I asked looking at them.

"Sure." Steve said.

"Whatever." Sam said.

"Y/N, I'm hungry." Sarah said.

Yep, a long hour and half.

We got to the park and Sam immediately started bragging, "Yea my sister is S/H/N (Super Hero Name) and she's dating Captain America!!" The other kids around him looked like their brains exploded.

"Whooaaaaa!" Was all I heard, then I focused my attention towards Sarah.

"No, don't eat that!" I yelled and ran towards her, but I slipped on a twig and landed on top of Steve.

"I was trying to catch her, but I guess I caught you." He smiled.

"She's eating dirt." I said.

"Not anymore." Sarah said.

"Spit that out." I said.

"Never." She yelled and ran away.

"I'm telling mom." I yelled.

"Okay okay, you didn't have to go that far." She said.

She spit out the remaining dirt and wiped her hands, I then took her to the bathroom so she could wash her hands.

When we got out, Steve and Sam were sitting on the bench waiting for us.

"You could've just waited in the car." I said.

"You have the keys." Steve said.

"I gave you the keys." I said.

"Hehe, about that." Steve started.

I looked in my purse, "Here it is!"

"Let's go guys." I added and got them in the car.

When I got in the car, my mom started calling me, yay the demons can go back home.

In summary, everything went okay, considering they were only with me for three hours.

"When can we have kids?" I asked randomly.

"When we get married." Steve said. "Is that a hint?" He asked.

"I will never tell you when it's a hint. Good night Steve." I said and kisses him and went to sleep.

"I'm taking it as a hint." He said and kisses back and went to sleep as well.

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