Husband!Tony x Wife!Reader ||24||

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Warning(s): This is short 🤣
Note: Yes, I have watched the new episodes of Spongebob, it's quite different than what I'm used to ;-;
Pairing: Tony x F!Reader
Word Count: 346 Words

I woke up out of my sleep only to turn over and look at my husband poking me. He looked at me with his big brown eyes and a smile plastered on his face.

Before I could even lift my hand to face palm he shot the question. "Y/ you know what's funnier than the number 24?"

I rolled my eyes and turned over. I heard and felt him get out of bed. "Tony where are you going?" I asked and followed him to the lab.

He was sitting in his chair making something. "What are you doing?" I asked him, I tried to run up to see what it was but he was much more steps ahead of me and covered it before my eyes can lay on his 'masterpiece'.

I frowned and crossed my eyes walking back to bed. I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my ass as I walked off, "Why do you always look at my ass when I walk off?" I looked at him.

Tony looked at him and acted shocked, "Me? I'm a respectable-"

"And what we're not gonna do is lie to our wives." I chuckled softly and kissed his forehead, "If I give you your answer will you come to bed?" I asked.

He nodded like our son. I sighed softly, "Okay. Tony the number that's funnier than 24 is-" The motherfucker cut me off again.

"25!!" Tony yelled and held up a piece of paper that had the number 25 decorated on it.

I groaned and facepalmed harder than I ever have. I swear I left a mark on my face from the countless times I have facepalmed. I looked at him and heard our son run in, I looked at the 3-year-old, "Honey go back to bed.."

"25!" My darling child yelled with his father and giggled.

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