Steve x F!Reader x Tony ||"Y/N!"|| Pt. 2

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Warning(s): Cursing

Note(s): This is the chapter where the gender and father of the baby is revealed
•This was semi-proof read
•Today is the last day for requests (August 12, 2019)

Pairing(s): Tony x F!Reader; Steve x F!Reader; Loki x Reader (You know how he appears out of no where)

Word Count: 2143 Words

Tony's P.O.V.

I looked over at Steve and sighed softly. He wasn't angry at me like I expected him to be. He was broken and I saw it in his eyes. I felt a pain in my chest. Was I having a heart attack? Am I feeling guilt? This is all so new.

-Well guilt. Not the heart attack.

I looked over at Steve, he's been quiet all day. I've been trying to talk to him to hear any news about Y/N and the baby, but he just wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't talk to anyone.

It was lunch time, Steve still stayed to himself. I walked over to him and put my drink down, slamming it a bit to demand attention.

The blonde stayed quiet and looked down at his food.

"Where is she?" I asked him.

"Who is she?" Steve asked in monotone.

"You know exactly who- Where is Y/N?" I asked him again.

Steve looked at me. "Haven't you done enough? She left me and you know this. Why do you wanna know? Are you gonna run off with her and the kid?"

"I don't...I don't know." I said and looked down.

I wanted to text Y/N, but it seemed liked she blocked herself from the rest of the world. Maybe it is time I called her, it's been three months.

Y/N's P.O.V.

God I missed Steve so much. I miss waking up in the morning with his arms wrapped around my waist and my face pressed against his chest.

I constantly ask myself why I chose to run off with Tony of all people. I've been talking to my therapist and she told me to put my past behind and to focus on my own health and the health of my baby, but I just can't stop thinking about it.

I sat on the couch in my new apartment, I moved in here about two months ago, when I ran off, I stayed at my cousin's place for a while since he was generous to let me stay.

I looked at the tv and went to find the remote. My phone started ringing, Tony was calling. I sighed and worked up the courage to pick up the vibrating iPhone.

"Y-Y/N?" Tony asked. He sounded nervous and scared at first as if he called the wrong number.

"Tony. Hey." I said softly.

"Y/N how are you?" Tony asked.

"I'm good..why'd you wait three months to contact me?" I asked him, "Never changed my number."

"I just thought you didn't want to hear from me again. I thought you cut yourself off from the rest of us. I want to be there for you. I want to help you." Tony said.

I sighed softly, "Tony. I can't. I don't even know who's baby it is. I can't have you taking care for me and it ends up to be Steve's."

"Still can't believe Steve's not a virgin." Tony mumbled softly.

I rolled my eyes, " care about me?" I asked him, my voice soft, I didn't believe him.

"Yes, I do. I'm sorry. It's my fault you're even in this mess. I shouldn't have gotten so close to you." Tony sighed.

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