mean it

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Alina's POV

"Hell no!" I say as firmly, to get my point across,"I refuse to share a bed with you and be handcuffed."

"I don't care what you refuse. Now get over here, because you will sleep, and you will be handcuffed." Zayn murmurs, tiredly. There's an edge of annoyance in his voice. I also know he's tired and just wants to go to bed already.

I'm going to use that to my advantage. I wasn't going to make this easy for him. Give him hell until we got to where ever he was taking me.

"I said no!" I snap.

"You are seriously testing me right now and my patience is wearing very thin. Have to go about it the hard way always." Zayn stands up. Unfortunately for me he's on the side of the door so I couldn't really make a run for it. I'm not making that mistake unless I have a really good opening.

"You're going to have to make me because I'm not going to willing do anything for you." I spat.

"Glad you said so, you just made my life easier." Zayn grins wickedly.

My heart drops in fear when he takes the first step forward towards me. I move out of his reach and try dodging him as much as I can. I even jump onto the bed so I could make a run for it and to get into the bathroom but Zayn gets ahold of my ankle.

My face hits the blankets making the impact softer. Zayn climbs over me and gets a hold of both of my hands then pins them above me. He leans down to whisper into my ear.

"You are going to learn to not mess with me Alina. Value your life." Zayn growls. I gasp when he bites my earlobe slightly.

"Now you're going to apologize." He snaps pulling away.

"No." I said simply.

"If you don't, I'm going to make you, and you won't like my method." He threatens.

"What you're going to hit me again?" I spat tensing up anticipating the blow at any second.

"Not exactly princess. See right through that door is a bathtub that I can fill up with water. I'll shove your face into it as many times, as it takes until you say sorry. Although I do wonder how long you can hold your breath underwater though?" Zayn murmurs cynically.

I know he'll actually do it and I didn't want to go through that. No matter how much I hate to do it, I will apologize.

"I'm sorry." I mutter not meaning it. Zayn knows it but I don't think he cares. He just wants me to swallow my pride and rub it in my face. See me, lowering down to him, because my life is in his hands.

Instead of saying anything Zayn turns me over. He grips my chin to make me look up into his eyes while he stares down at me.

"Are you really?" He murmurs.

My heart starts beating furiously with both anger and fear. I wish I could hurt him somehow. It would be no use, because no matter what, Zayn'ss stronger than me.

"Yes." I say through clenched teeth.

"Why are you so tense Alina?" Zayn purrs laying down on the right side of me.

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