10. far alone

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Zayn P.O.V

The next few days were hard on me. I become more restless as the days drag on. It's not something I'm used too so it's tiring.

The constant nagging and gnawing feeling in my chest. The constant worrying about her whereabouts. Is he treating her right? I don't understand why I paid her existence much importance. She's like any other girl I've caught before. Everything was done exactly the same with no errors.

I almost reached the point of asking Louis if he's heard anything from her. I know Derrick Montgomery, lad has his issues. Nice lad and all, but if there's live example what a sociopath is, Derrick would be it. It could be him. Knowing this made me feel guilt for handing Alina over to him.

I sincerely hope she never inspires his wrath.

"Mate where is your mind?" Liam nags again for like the billionth time this pass hour. I couldn't blame him though, it's my fault for acting so bland, and letting my mind go back over and over to Alina.

"Sorry lad I'm just really tired." I lie easily through my teeth. It works though because Liam's expression soften into understanding.

"Ah, you've must of reached your stamina limit." Liam nods in understanding.

Sure mate let's call it that, who gives a bloody fuck I think to myself.

"I can go over this with you later if you want? Zerrick doesn't really care right now if you're on another case. Quite opposite he's been urging for your rest." Liam informs me, while he gathers the paper work in front of us, to place back into its Manila folder.

"I'll go over it back at my flat. Just leave the paper work with me." I offered holding out my hand and Liam places the folder in it.

"Look, take the day off Zayn. Go to your flat and sleep. Tomorrow morning wake up, go over the folder, and get back to me." Liam says.

"Okay, thanks mate." I sigh grateful getting up to go. Liam and I exchange a quick hug before going our separate ways. Liam was the first one, to leave the conference room, then I follow after him. I didn't feel like driving, so I ordered one of the drivers, to drive to my flat instead.

The drive is pretty quick since we take a short cut through the city. Usually I didn't take this route but I need something to distract me. I'm hoping the scenery would help but nothing stands out. Everything came back to Alina and that's starting to frustrate me.

Maybe that's what I need. With the thought in mind I pull out my phone. I scroll down my contacts until reaching the one I'm looking for. On the third ring she answers the phone.

"Yes Zayn?" Lauren answers sultry.

"Are you free right now?" I ask checking my watch. It's a little over twelve in the afternoon, so I know there wasn't anything, going down at the club. So to answer my own question, yes Lauren is free.

"I am." Lauren confirms still.

"Tell Dario to drive you over to my flat in 20 minutes." I instruct.

"So demanding Zayn, may I ask why?" Lauren asks in a flirtatious tone.

"Don't worry about it. What you should worry is how you're going to relieve me of my stress baby." I chuckle into the speaker.

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