19. erupt

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Alina P.O.V

"How is it possible that you are pakistaní yet have a British accent?" I question looking back to Zayn while walking a ways a bit on the beach away from civilization.

We were deep in the Island at this beach. Which is perfect because it feels like it was just the both of us here and nobody would interrupt. Nothing to distract us. In our own perfect little bubble. I'm wearing a bubble striped off the shoulder bikini set. Zayn is in orange swim trunks and a simple black SnapBack. Seeing him like this is very distracting since everything is on display to see.

"I suppose my birth parents were from that decent. Wouldn't know the accurate details to give you." Zayn answers softly not wanting to look me in the eyes. I catch up that it's a delicate subject and instead of pressuring to hear more, I change the subject.

"What's your favorite subject?" I ask next with a perky attitude hoping my earlier question doesn't completely kill the vibe we have going on.

"Favorite subject like education wise?" Zayn clarity's with a frown on his face.

"Yes silly, unless you do a lot of science, then that type of subject." I tease with a smile on my lips.

"I've always been horrible at mathematics and sciences so definitely my least favorite. I like English but only the reading portion, writing I can bare but not my most favorite hobby. Science I don't care for much, it's cool when you think about it." Zayn answers. I nod and in my mind try to imprint those words in my head. I like learning more and more about Zayn. Seeing who he is, just him not the guy, who worked for Zerrick.

"What's your favorite subject?" He returns the question with a smile of his own.


I hate when he does that little smile of his. Makes it feel like my stomach has entrapped all these butterflies. I get this urge to want to kiss all over his face and crush him into my chest.

"English and writing are my favorites. Both of those subjects I excel at. Math isn't hard but it's not my favorite. I'm good at it. Science never interested me so I don't care much for it." I answer honestly looking down at the sand, kicking tiny rocks here and there.

"You didn't look like you'd be the literature type." Zayn comments, and I stumble over my own two feet, onto the sand almost had Zayn not gripped my arm last second.

I look at him with an expressionless stare until he realizes what he said. Whenever he was investigating me he didn't make the assumption of my likes or dislikes. Of course he didn't. When you're plotting on destroying someone's life you don't care for the details beyond the necessary I assume. My heart is was being squeezed inside my chest and Zayn's eyes widen when he realizes what he said. I know he didn't mean it intentionally but it was very insensitive.

"I'm sorry Alina. . .I wasn't thinking." Zayn apologizes.

He looks hopefully but I turn to look away from him because it's making this whole thing hard. It brought a surge of emotions that were so confusing and making me question where my sanity is at. Why do feelings get in the way of things making everything so messy?

Realistically, what am I to expect out of a relationship, if we ever get there, when we met like this? Down the line if I wanted more would Zayn be able to give that to me? What would be the plan? What would I expect to live towards? I had so many questions but so very little answers. I want to forget them, and just live in the now but the more I did that, the more these questions would recenter to my focus again.

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