Wake up

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Levi P.O.V

Everyday i came in and sit by Myanna side hoping she will wake up. The doctor said she could hear everything we saying so i try to talk to her. The twins actually doing better. In the last week they heart and lung improved to the point they ainn need no transplant. Me Jess and my mama been switching out every other night. I try to make jess go home sum days but he dont move. Right now im sitting in the room with Myanna.

"Baby sis i need yhu to wake up. Them babies need yhu. I need yhu. Baby girl even Jess need yhu. We gonna find them niggas that did this to yhu and we killing them. Im sorry i always get yhu caught up in my mess. I promise im clean this up. Crazy thing about it baby sis i dont even kno who im suppose to be beefing with. I kno Quan still after me and yhu. And i kno he had sum to do with it. I jus dont kno who he got working with him. But whoever it is they done fucked up the wrong family. I love yhu baby girl. I promised i would protect yhu and I'll be damned if i let ah pussy nigga throw me off my grind. I gotchu baby sis."

I got up and walked out the Hospital room as Jess was walking in.

"Wassup bro" i said.

"Shit living" Jess said.

Jess P.O.V

I walked in Myanna hospital room and took ah sit. I had jus got done visiting the twins. Im so glad my babies is doing better. Doctor even said they might be able to go home at the end of week. I learned how to give them they medicine and care for them with they diabetes. they cry every time i check they sugar and give them they shot. Its breaks my heart to be putting my kids threw any type of pain but at long as they living i can kinda live with it. My first time giving them they shot i cried afterwards. Lol i kno what yall thinking like why is a Gangsta crying but i gotta heart too. My kids and Myanna is my soft stop and when any harm come to them i cry. Its better than me going on a a Killing Spree. I talked to Myanna everyday.

I give her updates on the babies and how the doctors say she's doing.

"Baby yhu gotta wake up. I really miss yhu. Your smile. Your laugh. Yourvoice. I even miss yhu waking me up in the middle of the night to go get yhu sumthing to eat. I miss coming home at night and rubbing yo feet. I even miss making love to yhu baby. I wanna marry yhu Myanna. I wanna buy a big house for yhu and kids. We can be one big happy family"

I leaned over and kissed her lips. I grabbed her hand and pulled it in to mines.

"Baby please jus wake up. Yhu my everything. I am deeply in love with yhu. Yhu bonnie and im yo Clyde. Yhu my rider and i wouldn't trade yhu for nothing in world. I trade places with yhu right now jus to take yhu out of your pain. The twins are doing amazing. They look jus like they daddy. We gotta pick names out for them. Our baby girl act jus like yhu. She barley like my ass." i let a tear escape my eyes and a chuckle cum out my mouth.

"I miss yhu like crazy. Im sorry. I should've never left yhu that night. Maybe yhu would be here with me right now. Ainn no maybe i kno yhu would be here with me right now. Baby jus wake up. I love yhu."

I felt her grib get tighter on my hand. I looked up and saw her eyes opening up. Her other hand went straight to the tube in her throat.

"No baby dont touch that. Im about to go get the doctor." she shook her head okay.

I jumped out my sit and ran out the room. I grabbed the closest nurse and doctor i saw and brung them in the room.

"Sir we gonna need yhu to step out while we work on her" the nurse said.

I step out the room and called everybody letting them kno she was woke.

30 minutes later the doctor and nurse came out the room.

"She looks to be fine but imma page the doctor thats on her case and let her kno that she is up. She remembers everything but she kept calling for sum body name Jess. I figured that he was yhu cause she kept saying he was outside the room. She wants to see her babies too so im going to go see if a nurse can bring them down." the doctor said

"Thank yhu so much doctor."

"Dont thank me. Its my job."

I walked into Myanna room. Her eyes lit her like a kid on Christmas. I went over to her and hugged her.

"I thought yhu was dead."

"Nawl baby girl. I'll never leave yhu."

"It didn't look like yhu was breathing wen we pulled off."

"Dont worry about that. Jess kno im here. Remember its Us against the world."

"I love yhu much Jess."

"I love yhu too Queen."

I kissed her in her lips and got in the bed with her. Im jus glad my baby okay.

Its War (Book 2)(EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now