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A week later
Levi P.O.V

Today is moving day. I got all my stuff moved down there 2 days ago. I decided to get my own place already furnished. It Ainn nun big. 3 bed room house.1 1/2 bathrooms.A nice size back yard. A lil movie room in the basement. It's sum small to start off with.

I packed the rest of clothes and headed out the door. I put all my bags in my trunk.
Well i guess this it. Atlanta here we cum.
I got in my car and pulled off. Airport here I cum.

Princess P.O.V

"You think the kids ready for this move?" Mason asked
"Cali is all they kno. It's time to start sum where new." I said

Today is moving day. We had all our stuff packed and on the plane. We was waiting on all the kids.

"I really think Myanna need a new start. Been through so much. From getting kidnapped at 16 to getting cheated on by the nigga that saved her." Mason said

"My baby girl strong. She know how to handle hers. She had sum hard times but she made it through. She got her happy ending.19 going on 20. Twins , a husband and with one the way. Her past define her. She kno her truth." I said
"Plus Levi been through a lot. From losing Lauren and the baby to almost getting killed. He need a fresh start too. Sum new a be nice for them." I added

"Damn. Our kids been through more than a normal teenager. Do that make us bad parents?" Mason asked taking a puff from the blunt .
"Nawl. It's the life we choose to live. Us and our kids suffered the consequences of it. As long you ah kingpin and Levi ,Jesse and Deon our next in line they cycle ah never end."
"Damn who would've ever thought Carter was Jada Dad. You think she will always feel sum type of way towards us cause we killed her dad?"
"Lol. Baby you funny that one. First off we took care of that girl. Anything she needed. From homecoming tickets to clothes on her back and food in her stomach. She my daughter."
"Ik. I'm jus saying her baby did get shot cause of us."
"That was her beef too. Keyatta shot that baby. Keyatta had beef with both of them. They had the life she wanted. Especially Myanna. But I always knew something wasn't right with that girl. She was a lil bit too nosey. When she a lil girl and I use to take a them to the nail shop and the movies and stufff she was cool. Then she got older her mother told her truth and it made her feel like she could've been her life not theirs. She should've been a smart young lady and talked to you about it. Her and Myanna was already like sisters blood would've jus made them closer." I said.
"Damn it's 1:30 where them kids at?" Mason asked
"Give them a minute. They do have kids and my baby is expecting another one." I said laughing
"Yeah yeah. They better hurry up before we leave them."

Our life ainn perfect. We been hell and back. Our kids been through it all. It Ainn nun but Love and Tragedy. Our truth. Our story. Our life.

Jess P.O.V

I had jus got done putting all the bags in the truck. Myanna been sleep all day. She ainn even wake up to eat.

Oh how I hate Myanna right now. She don't like one ounce of me. Don't even let me get started on how much she eat. She eat all day long. She eat sleep and shit. It's like I'm rising the twins by myself. They bad ass hell too. Oh lord. I barely got any sleep this week. I packed all our clothes tended to the kids plus Myanna. I jus been playing housewife this week. 7 weeks pregnant and I sweaa she acting like she huge asf. Complain about everything.

Deon and Levi don't even feel sorry for me. They laughed right in my face. Levi gonna say sum " Lauren ass pulled a knife on me then cried in arms then fucked the shit outta me all in 20 minutes. She was only 2 1/2 months pregnant brig. You still got 6 1/2 more months to go." Then you kno Deon had add his say so."Jada Mann she crazy. She couldn't stand me. I woke up one night with a knife on my chest and a note on forehead and I quote it read play crazy." I Ainn ready for this.

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