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Jess P.O.V

I woke to an empty bed. Maybe she in the bathroom. I got up and looked in the bathroom. No Myanna. Damn. I looked around the hotel room. Still no Myanna. I looked in the dressers and her clothes was gone. I sat back on the bed and rubbed my hands over my head. She really left my ass. I gotta go get my girl back. I started to pack my clothes wen I noticed a note.

Baby I know Yhu never meant to hurt me but you did. I'm sorry but it's over. After all the shit I been threw i never thought Yhu would be the one to hurt me. You can come and get your clothes tomorrow. You have to find you a way home cause I'm taking the car.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number. She sent my ass right to voice mail. I called Levi . He picked up after the 3rd ring.
Phone Conversation
Jess:yo you talked to queen today.
Levi:I'm at y'all house right now
Jess:Fuck Mann she told Yhu?
Levi: yeah nigga you fucked she talking not letting you see the kids
Jess:Fuck man I need you to come get me.
Levi: Mann I can't leave Myanna like this
Levi: fuck.... I gotta call you back
Jess:What was that ?

Fuck Mann I need to get home. I called up ah cab.

2 and half hours later

The cab  pulled up in front of the house. I paid the man and stepped out the cab grabbing my bag. I put the key code in and the gates opened. Thank God she ainn change the key code yet. I walked up the lawn and I heard screaming. I drop my bags and ran in the house. I ran up the stairs and opened the room door and saw Myanna crying into Levi chest. Jade was rubbing her back trying to calm her down.

"Jess I think Yhu need to go." Jade said getting up.
"I can't ... I gotta be here for her."
"Don't you think you caused her enough pain." She yelled at me getting in my face
"Look Jade I'm not trying to argue with you. I really wanna talk to Myanna."
"It's okay y'all. I'll talk to him ." Myanna said
"Mhm." Jade said walking out the room.
"Baby sis jus kno I'm a phone call I'm a scream away." He walked over to me and shakes his head."Fix this shit man."
"I'm trying King."

He walked out the room and closed the door.  I walked over to Myanna and got on knees.
"Myanna I was thinking about everything I had to say to Yhu while I on my way home. I jus told myself to tell Yhu the full truth. So here it go.... Before me and Yhu started getting serious I had all the hoes the night we had sex I dropped all my hoes but wen you did that shit with Quan I felt like I had to get Yhu back. Ion kno why but I had to. I was hurt that Yhu was messing with that opp ass nigga. Mann Myanna I worked so hard to get Yhu back jus to do Yhu wrong. I'm sorry baby. I promise it will never happen again. Jus give me 1 more chance Yhu don't gotta give me nomo chances after this one. I love Yhu baby girl. I'll give Yhu anything man jus give me this 1 thing."

"Jess...... I can't." She took her promise ring off and sat on the bed."Yhu fucked me ova cause I was raped? Do Yhu kno how fucked up that sound? Tsskk I can't believe yo grimy ass. Yhu ... I can't even act like I ainn kno tho . Maybe if I would've jus fuck Quan that day I would've never got rapped. Maybe if I would've let Tre fuck in the kitchen he would've been after my ass.  I hate Yhu Jess."

"How could Yhu say sum shit like that? Yhu don't mean that shit . Yhu jus talking. "

" Dont tell me what I mean nigga. And A couple of days ago one of yo hoes called my phone. Told me she was pregnant by Yhu but I ainn wanna believe it . Thought she was jus one of them bitchs trying to break us up but I see she was telling the truth."

"I might do have a baby on the way. She said she 3 months."

"3 fucking months Jess. 3 months ago we moved in this house. Yhu told me Yhu ainn cheat on since I had the babies. Nigga is Yhu serious? Pack yo shit and get tf out. Go play family with that bitch me & my babies ah be good without Yhu." She yelled

"What? Mann I ainn going nowhere. And yo ass going to put this mfka ring on yo finger."

"Fuck Yhu Jess. I ainn doing shit Mann. I hate yo ass I mean that shit. It's over. Ion wanna never see yo face again. Go fuck yo new bitch ."

"Myanna Yhu got me fucked up. Yhu can't keep me from kids."

"Yhu wasn't thing about yo mfka kids wen Yhu was fucking  that hoe RAW was Yhu? No I don't think so. Don't try to play that mfka gave with me. I'm done with yo ass. Get yo shit and get out nigga. Yhu got 5 minutes or imma start helping yo ass move yo shit."

"Where imma go Mann?"

"Go to that bitch house. I highly don't Gaf jus get tf outta my house."

"Fuck Yhu Myanna ."

"Fuck yo ass too." She said walking out the room." I hate to ass Jess. I wish I never meet yhu. Yhu should've jus let they ass rape me. Cause this shit yo ass putting me threw sum ...... Jus kno I hate Yhu bitchhh." She yelled threw the house . I heard her screaming and glass breaking . I walked out the room and creeped down the stairs . Myanna ass was smashing every picture of us every glass I even touched. Jade grabbed her and she jus broke down.

"Why Bestfrann? Is I'm not good enough? Is I'm ugly? Do he not love me? I jus wanna kno why. I ainn never nothing to him. I was always loyal. My loyalty ran so deep I got raped cause I wouldn't cheat on him. He don't kno that Carter took me trying to get to him. They wanted to give him and set him up but I didn't. They beat Bestfrann. He don't even kno how much shit I went threw for him. Why? Why would he do me like this. A baby too. He fucked her raw.. Omg Bestfrann he fucked her raw. Oh lord this hurt so much." She was crying harder than I ever saw her.

I walked ova to her and grabbed her of Jade arms. I ainn notice that Jade let a few tears fall too.  I pulled her into my chest and she got to hitting in my chest.

"Why? What did I ever do to yhu?" She said still beating me in my chest. Her knees started to buckle. I lowered our body's towards the floor. We sat down and she in the middle of my legs still crying.

I can't believe I hurt her this bad. I gotta show her how much she mean to me.

"I love yhu baby girl. Imma fix this shit. I promise Yhu I will."

Its War (Book 2)(EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now