Birthday party

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Deon P.O.V

Today the kids birthday and we was up early trying to get everything together. Jade was getting the candy bags together and I was seasoning the meat. It's 11am and the party start at 1 and Jess and Myanna still ainn here. The baby sitter drop them off 2 hours ago and 3 toddlers in one house is a hell hole. Lucky Princess got them to lay down for a nap while we get everything together. Why would they even go all the way home anyways. They ainn gonna get here til 1 if they up now. They ainn even answering they phones. Only thing ik is they better get they asses hear.

Jess P.O.V

We been up since 9 getting things ready for the party. Queen was in the kitchen getting the food ready and I was in heat making candy bags. We kno the party starry at 1 and we live 2 hours out but we jus trying to make sure everything is together. The twins clothes was already packed and Myanna laid out our matching outfits I brought. It was jus a super man shirt with blank pants with sum all white ones. The twins had a whole super man super girl costume. We was almost done. Queen had covered all the food up and I was making the lay candy bag. Only thing that had to be done was to shower.

I walked up the stairs and turned on the shower. I walked out to get my dry towel and by the time I came back Queen was in the shower.
"Why man?" I asked
"Cause you was taking forever to get in." She wined
"Mann I'm finna get in with yo ass."
"Nawl Mann. Wait yo turn or go in the other one."
"Nope. Move ova."
I opened the shower door and got in the shower. Queen bent ova and her ass was all up on a nigga. She turned around and looked down.

"Umm... Sir your friend." She said pointing down.
"You did it. You gotta fix it." I said

She thought it was game. I started kissing in her neck and she started moaning. I turned her around and pick her up. Her back was now against the wall. We started kissing.

And well let's jus say Yeah boy got lucky. Real lucky👅.

3 hours later

Myanna P.O.V

Mann I Ainn even gonna lie Jess kno how to fuck. But he ainn jus fuck me he made love to me. Big difference. I been in need for it. Fucked me so good I went down stairs and made him sum eat. But umm..... we had a round 2. Bent my lil ass ova that counter and fucked me til I cam 3 times. I almost burned the eggs. But ion kno about us. I want him back so badly but him cheating is really hurting me. I barely sleep at night cause I be ova thinking trying to figure out why he had to cheat tho. I till don't understand.

But we jus pulled up to my parents house. It wasn't a lot of cars outside. I can say it was about 15 people hear at the most . We walked in the house the twins was running around. Queen picked Paris up and I picked up Jj. We headed upstairs and put the kids in the tub. I walked back down stairs and started getting the stuff out the car. After I got done I with upstairs and Myanna was getting the twin dressed. We already got on our matching outfits only thing we gotta do now and bring the kids down stairs. And I was looking at Myanna and her ass was sitting right in them jeans. I took a handful of her ass in my ass.
"Aye buddy don't get too happy cause you got to taste this."
I laughed.
"I'm still daddy tho."
Jess P.O.V
Middle of the party

"I wanna thank everybody for cumn and showing my kids and my Godson love. We really enjoyed you guys. We will be having cake and ice cream very shortly." Myanna said

I was kinda getting nervous. I pulled the ring out my pocket. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped.
"Damn Mann what you all jumping for?" Levi asked while laughing. Wen he looked down and saw I had the ring in my hand he got serious."you sure you ready for this?"

"Yea Mann I'm ready."
"Than go propose to her. Make my sister happy."
I walked to the middle the back yard.
"May I have everyone attention." I yelled
Everyone turned they attention towards me.
"May Myanna come sit in this chair."
Myanna checks blushed real hard as she made her way to sit in chair that was right in front of me.
"What's going on Jess." She whispered
"You ah see." I said back

"Myanna you have been the best thing to ever happen to me. You stuck with me though all the bullshit. You came into my life and turned it upside down. From the first day I saw you I knew you was going to be mines. You my first love , my baby , my everything. You are the mother of my first born kids. You gave me something that no other female ever can say they have me. And that's my kids. I love the  hell out of you girl and Ik i fucked up a lot. You forgave me and I'm jus asking for one more chance and I promise you this ah be the last one." I got down on I knee. Myanna gasp and tears started to form in her eyes."I guess what I'm trying to say is Myanna Maria Iyanna King will you marry me?" Tears left her eyes. Everybody said Awwnn. "Well will you."
"Yes baby I will marry you." She said everyone cheered. I picked her up and hug and kissed her. I put the ring on her finger."she said yes." I yelled. Everybody was cheering.

" I love you." I said
"I love you too."  We shared a passionate long over due kiss.

After the party

"I got something to talk to y'all about." Mason said. We all sat down in the living room and turned out attention towards him.

"I'm moving the drug operation down there to Atl to y'all mothers brother. If y'all wanna come y'all need to start packing cause we next week." He said

"Well that's fine with us cause we was planing on moving anyways." I said
"That's fine with me."everybody else said.
"We moving next Saturday and the plane leaves at 1pm. Be ready or get left." Princess said

I got my family back and we moving. A fresh start for everyone.

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