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Jess P.O.V

We been at the hotel for 2 days and this our last night. I enjoyed my mini vacations with Queen.

I decided to tell Myanna about my cheating tonight. Every since the day she was kidnapped I ainn cheat. I feel so bad Mann. I been acting like this prefect boyfriend but I'm not. Mann one of hoes text me the other day saying she was pregnant and the the baby was mines. Myanna gonna leave my ass for good.

I stepped out the shower with a lot on my mind. I can't believe I done did this girl like this. I really wanna be with her. I know imma be single for a minute Mann. Might not even see my kids. I walked in the bed room and Myanna was sitting in the middle of the bed eating grapes and watching Baby Boy. She looked up at me and smiled. I faked smiled back. I dropped my towel and grabbed my boxers off the bed and slipped them on. I sat on the bed and grabbed the remote turning the tv off.

"Yoo wtf Jess." She said reaching for the remote.
"Aye.. We need to talk Myanna."
"After I get done watching my movie."
"Nah right now."
"Is it that important?" She questioned with an concern look on her face.
She sat up in the bed giving me her full attention.

I braced myself for the heart breaking news I was finna give her.

"Myanna I haven't been honest with yhu."
"What yhu mean?"
"I've cheated on yhu more than once."

Myanna P.O.V

Was I hearing him right? Did he jus saw he been cheating on me? I looked at him with a confused yet hurt look. I felt the tears building up in my eyes. I closed my eyes shaking my head. He gots to be playing. I got out of bed to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Baby I need yhu to say sum."
"Yhu playing with me right? Please tell me yhu playing? Lawwddd Jess I need yhu to be playing with me." I said as my voice break
I saw the tears come down his face and I knew I he wasn't playing. I let the tears run.

"Is yhu kidding me? I gave up ass all of me and this is how yhu repay me by cheating on me." I was breaking down in tears and emotions was everywhere.

"I cheated threw yo pregnancy. I cheated the day yhu got kidnapped. I'm the reason we came home so late. I cheated the day yhu got raped. I'm sorry."

"I fucking hate yhu." I screamed "how could yhu ever do this to me." I started walking towards him."Yhu fuck nigga. I wish I never meet you." I threw the first pouch to his face. He hurry up and grabbed me. He pulled me into a hug and couldn't help to cry harder. "Why?"

"I'm so sorry baby. I never meant to hurt you. I wasn't thinking wen I was out the cheating."

"Am I'm not good enough.?"
He pulled my face up by my chin.
"Baby you more than enough. I ainn realize what I have til yhu was gone." He kisses me and I turned my face.
"What can I do to make this up to yhu?"
"You broke me Jess. Ainn no fixing this shit." I said pushing him off me. He grabbed my arm pulling me back into him. He kissed me.
"I'm finna show you how sorry I am."

He picked me up and put on the bed. For sum reason I allowed this to happen. He started kissing me on neck then he moved down to my breast. He took the big t-shirt I had on off.

The next morning

I woke up and looked at the clock that sat next to the bed. 7:00am. I looked next to me and Jess was sound ah sleep. I slid out of bed and walked in the bathroom. I took a quick shower and put my clothes on. I pack my stuff and wrote a letter to Jess.
Baby I know Yhu never meant to hurt me but you did. I'm sorry but it's over. After all the shit I been threw i never thought Yhu would be the one to hurt me. You can come and get your clothes tomorrow. You have to find you a way home cause I'm taking the car.

After writing the letter I grabbed the car keys and left.

I made it home around 10 clock. I called Jade and asked her to bring the kids around 3 pm today. She only agreed because I told her it was very important and I needed her to cum ova.

I kicked my shoes off and laid in bed. I started crying harder. I can't believe that he cheated on me. Being in the bed we shared HURTED me more.
I can't believe that he did this too me. I'm done.

Its War (Book 2)(EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now