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2 days later

Levi P.O.V

Mann I'm so glad they letting Myanna out the hospital today. Them mfkas twins bad Asl. They get into everything. I had to baby proof the house 3 times and the house was already baby proof from the last time they was over here. They bad ass woke me up outta my sleep beating me inna head. Jus a few more hours Levi and this nightmare will be over. I ainn never having kids ever in my life.  I pulled my phone out and texted Jess.

Me:Mann what time y'all coming home?
My shoota🤘🏼🔫: I don't kno why wassup?
Me: yo fucking kids Mann they bad asf😑
My shoota🤘🏼🔫: 😂😂 awwn they give uncle Levi an hard time😂
Me:Mann this shit not funny 🙄
My shoota🤘🏼🔫: Just take them to a park and by the time we get there they should be tired so only thing yhu gotta do and bath them and feed them🙂
Me: mhm if Yhu only have 1 child wen yhu get here ion kno what happen to the other 🙃
My shoota 🤘🏼🔫: nigga 😂 have a good day with they kids uncle Levi😼

This nigga really think this shit ah joke. My parents ass think the slick. Gonna leave me with these kids for 2 days straight. Only break I got is wen we went up to the hospital and that really wasn't a break cause I still had to watch after them. Never having kids ever in my life.

Jade P.O.V

We was on our way to the hospital. Myanna called earlier an said that she was getting out later on today. Yesterday wen I went up there the nurses was helping her walk and gave her this breathing thing to help her catch her breathe and for her lungs wouldn't give up. Jess been her biggest supporter during this whole thing. I even saw that she got the promise ring on her finger. I ainn say anything about it yet but imma say sum today wen she to her parents house. 

At the hospital

It was going on 5pm and they still ainn discharge her. Levi and her parents was at the house setting her up for her lil surprise party. It wasn't sum real big. Jus family and her close friends. Princess got sum people to cater the food. I was getting restless sitting in this hospital room. Levi kept calling talking about what time we was going to be there . Ig the twins was getting on his nervous again but who care he the baby sitter.

"Bestfrann " Myanna wined
"Yes cry baby."
"I'm ready to go. I'm tired of this hospital."
"I am too. These damn doctors moving slow."
"Where is Jess with my damn food?"
"Shut yo..." Gets cuts off

The nurse walked in the room.
"Okay Ms.King here are yo discharge papers. We already sent yo medicine over to the pharmacy. It should be ready. Any questions?" The nurse said
"No." Myanna said
"Okay. Have a nice rest day." She said pasting Myanna the papers
"Yhu too." The nurse walked out the room
"Where tf Deon and Jess at?" I asked
"I'm finna call that fool right now."

She called Jess and cursed his ass out. While she on the phone with Jess I called Levi letting him kno we was on our way home.

"Girl come on let's pack your bags." I said

30 minutes later

We had packed all her clothes and was headed down to the car. Jess showed up about 20 minutes ago asking why I ainn cover for him. I had to remind that nigga who tf his baby mama was again. We got in the car and started our way home. Jess took the long way cause they wasn't done sitting up. We showed up at the house an hour later .

Myanna P.O.V

I was beyond irritated. This night made a 20 minute ride into an hour. I was cussing his ass out the entire ride. Like why do it take you 20 minutes in a damn gas station wen you didn't even need gas? Oh I sweaa this nigga was testing me.

As soon as I saw my parents from a far distanced I got happy asl. I was ready to relax. We pulled in the drive way and wen I saw everyone car I already knew my relaxation was out the window. We stepped out the car and Levi ran outside with the kids not to far behind him.

"Mama." They screamed
"Mamas babies." I tired to pick them up but Jess instantly stopped that.
"Mama can't pick y'all up right now." He said picking them up. I smacked my lips and made my way in the house. The house was dark. I turned the lights on and everybody jumped out and screaming surprise.
"Awnnnnn." I said with tears in my eyes
"Awnn cry baby."Jade said coming up to hug me."this was all Jess doing."
I stopped hugging Jade and walked over to Jess. I hugged him and thank him.

"Ainn no reason to say thank you. You deserve this baby." I looked him in the eyes. I leaned in to kiss him. He leaned in too and we shared a passionate kiss.
"Awwnnnn." Everybody said
"Ite nigga."Levi said
I giggled and went to say my hellos to everyone. I got to my 3rd person and I started to get short breath. I guess my dad saw me because  he came over and carried me over to my reserved seat.


I was now getting the twins dressed for bed. The party ended 30 minutes ago. Jess gave the twins a bath and I was getting them dressed while they was cleaning up. I had fun at party. I ainn drink or smoke cause Jess wasn't having nun of that shit. Treated my ass like a lil ass kid. I jus only wanted to smoke a lil blunt.

I had both of the twins dressed. We walked in they old and I shocked to what I seen. They had they own lil beds in here. They climbed in they beds. I kissed them good night and we said I love you.

I walked back into my room and Jess was sitting on the bed. I took my clothes off and grabbed one Jess shirts we left behind. I climbed in bed and turned the tv on.

"You gonna lay in here with me?" I asked Jess
"I thought ...... Nvm yeah lemme shower first."

Jess P.O.V

I was shocked that Myanna asked me to sleep inna room with her. But I ainn gonna give up the chance. I went to take my shower and I laid in the bed with her.
"Baby."I said
" Yeah."
" I really..." Get cut off
" Jess I really appreciate what you doing for me. Words can't explain how happy I am that you ainn never once leave my side during this whole thing. Thank you so much for everything. Even the party."
" Myanna you is an amazing girl and  I really love you. I kno what I did was unacceptable but you seems to sum how to forgive me. I told you I was gonna show you how sorry I was and I am doing that. And there's more to come."
"Jess my love for you run deep. I'm still hurt by you getting that girl pregnant and I want a DNA test wen the baby come out. I still can't believe you fuck her raw." I saw the tears coming down her face and I turned her towards me and pulled her into a tight hug."why you had to fuck her Jess? Am I'm not enough?"
"Baby you more than enough. I was drunk off my ass and she offered to drive me home and being my car back the next day. I only agreed because Levi and Deon had already left. I didn't kno she was gonna drive me to her house. I don't remember what happened after that. Next thing Ik is I woke up in her bed naked and I knew I fucked up. "
She started to cry harder and I was trying to clam her down before her sticks ripped.
" I sweaaa I'm sorry baby please jus calm down." Herring her cry like that really broke me. I felt my eyes watering up and a tear escape my eyes.
"Jess why? I was suppose to be the one that had all your babies."
" Ik and you is baby. I don't think that baby is mines. Imma jus get an DNA test while she still pregnant."
"No Jess. We can jus wait till she have the baby."
"You sure?"
She started to calm down. She wiped her tears and cuddled up under me.
"Yes I'm sure. I gotta get ready to play step-mama"
"You ah make an awesome stepmama."
She laughed. First laugh of the night. Making progress.
"Yeah I know."

We talked and laughed for the rest of the night. Mann I miss times like this. I gotta get this situation under control cause I can't be having my wife to be under stress. Imma give Myanna another baby in a few months. We still gotta get Quan and Carter. Kenyatta dumb ass already gave them up and we gonna get them before they get us.  It's a war coming and it ainn gonna be pretty.

Its War (Book 2)(EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now