Its Queen Bitch

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Myanna P.O.V

Im tired of people always feeling sorry for me. Im tired of feeling sorry for myself. Myanna is no longer here. Its Queen now. Dont nobody kno how i act wen queen come out but Levi and my Granny. Im tired of being this weak lil girl that's always running to her daddy,  brother and boyfrann for help. Now its time i do some on my own. Im determined to kill them bastereds that raped me. But the top 2 people i want is Carter and Keyatta. Ion care about the others i only want them bitches. Keyatta is bitch made all the way around. She acted like she was my friend for years. But its cool i ainn about to sweat ah no edges ass bitch.

Imma jus kill ha ass and call it ah day.

I got out the hospital a few days ago and every since then i been planing my revenge. Me , My mom and Jade going to get them our selves. It ainn that hard. All them niggas pussy dumb. Only thing my mama gotta do is act like she wanna be with Carter for a couple of weeks and if everything go as planned we have him eating right out of hands.

Ion kno what my dad em got planned but they moving too slow for me. I dont want them bitchs to live any longer. They done put me threw hell and back . Crazy thing about it I love them motherfuckers that set me up. I wonder what was it in for Quan & Tre. Im not about to stay up all night thinking about it either. Maybe I'll ask before i kill them. I need answers from Keyatta ass too. She not getting off easy. Fuck wrong with her? I took her in as a sister. I would've did anything for that girl. But she done fuck it up now. When i see her ass its no talking im beating that ass.

Jade P.O.V

I still cant believe that my own dad kidnapped me. He ah bitch made ass nigga. Me Queen and Princess getting them niggas. Especially Keyatta ass. Can't wait til i see her ass. What was her point of trying to break us? I told Queen dont trust her after she hit me across my head with that vase. I mean ik i ainn dumb ik i saw that girl hit me but i let Queen believe what she want to. But. .. What people dont kno not even Deon.Quan came into the room after Queen left and raped me. 

He told me if i ainn enjoy it he was gonna kill me my baby and Deon. That day i put my big girl pantiest. Im keep that secret to my self. I'll go to my grave with that.

Now I have sex with Deon eveyday all day long jus to get the image of Quan off me. I jus keep my eyes open while we having sex.

Me and Deon jus had sex an hour ago and i want him again right now but i cant cause he at work. So im jus going to go help Queen with the babies cause ik Jess and Levi gone too. Plus her parents went out of town for business for the week. And Jr sleep thank god. That lil boy cry up ah storm wen he sleepy. I got out the bed and went to take a shower. After my shower i put me sum clothes on. I went with sum booty shorts and a tank top. I walked out the room into Queen room. She was sleep with the twins on her chest sleep as well. I grabbed Paris and took her to they room. I put her down in her crib and went to get Jess Jr. I did the same with him. I went back into my bestie room and woke her up.

"Bestie wake up i gotta tell yhu sum."

"Bisshh tell me later. The twins been crying every since Jess left."

"Baee they in they room right now. All the kids sleep bisshh wake up we gotta have girl talk."

"Please can it wait."

"I'll order food and buy us snacks."

"What kind of food?"

"I'll get yo favorite."

"White castles?"

"Yes hunny."

"Alright imma get up and take my shower."

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