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Jess P.O.V

I was doing 90mph to the closest hospital. Myanna was in the passenger seat in horribleeeee pain. I was rubbing her leg trying to insure her that everything was going to be okay. I pulled up in the hospital parking lot and pulled up right by the emergency doors. Lucky for me a couple of doctors was standing outside. They rushed to the car trying to see what was wrong.

"She having stomach back pain. It's hurting wen she pee and they pain is becoming unbearable by the minute." I manage to spit out.

The doctors called for a stretcher. They placed her on the stretcher and took her inside the building.

I grabbed the sleeping twins out the car and ran in after them. They took her back into the room and started an I.V. They said they about to give her some fluids and pain medication. About 10 minutes later they was taking her for a CT scan. After the CT scan Myanna was knocked out from the medicine they had gave her.

I called Levi and Deon let them  kno what was going on. And they said they was on they way.


"Ahhhhhhhhh" I jumped up out my sleep to see Myanna crying and screaming. She holding her stomach.

"I'm finna go get sum body baby." By the time I got out the door the doctors was rushing in.
"We have to get her into emergency surgery right now." One doctor said. By this time the twins was crying. I guess they knew something was wrong.
I went over and grabbed Paris trying to keep her down.
"What's wrong?" I said
"She has a cyst that big as a softball  and it can buss any minute. We jus better hope we not to late."
"What if it did bust?"
"That's bad news sir. It can cause real bad damage."

They rushed her to the back and told me to sit in the surgery waiting room.

Levi , Deon ,Jade and her parents came 10 minutes later.

"Where she at?"Princess asked
"They rushed her in surgery saying she had a cyst big as a softball and they had to get her in there before it bust."
"Fuck" Princess and Mason yelled
"What's a cyst?"Levi asked
"It's a bump of fluids or blood that sit on your ovaries or Fallopian tube . It can cause major damage if it gets too big and bust."Jade said
Everybody got quite. We all was in our thoughts. Only thing that was heard was the twins giggling every few minutes.


A doctor came from the back. I ainn even pay her any attention cause doctors been coming out here checking in on us and letting us kno things was good.

"You y'all are the family of Myanna King?" She asked
"Yeah."I said
"Look we kno the damn surgery going good if y'all don't got no real update for us don't keep coming out here." Levi said
She laughed."I'm the Doctor who did Ms.King surgery and I coming out here to tell y'all that she was out of surgery and we did catch the cyst before it bust and successful removed it but since I don't have no real update I'll go." She said walking away
"Hold up Miss." Mason said
She stopped and turned around with her arms folded.
"I'm sorry for my foolish son remark. We jus all under a lot of pressure right now."
"It's okay I understand."
"Now please can yhu tell me what happened."
"Alright" she showed him 2 pictures."see this is her right ovary and you see that it look normal. No dumps or anything. This picture " she said pulling out the 2nd picture "is her left ovary and yhu see that big dump surrounded by these little dumps. These are cyst and we was lucky to catch the big one before it bust. Your daughter is one lucky girl. She's in post- op right. Only 2 people can go up there but within 30 minutes she should be in her room where everyone will be able to see her. The nurse will show Yhu to where she at."
"Thank Yhu so much Doctor ." Mason said
"Yhu welcome sir." She said with wide grin
"So Yhu going to the back?"Mason asked
As they got to arguing about who gonna go back and see her I walked up to the nurse and asked will she take me to her. She took me to her but she was still wasn't up from the medicine they gave her so I waited.

I sat next to her and started rubbing her. After 10 minutes she got to waking up.
Out of nowhere she got to crying again. I went to go get a nurse. She gave her sum pain medicine and told her to calm down. Levi came into the room.

"Yhu ah lil sneaky ass nigga." He said laughing
"Nah y'all ass was jus playing. I had to see my baby." I said back
"Jess." Myanna said
"Yea baby."
"I love Yhu. Yhu ainn have to be here for me but yhu is and I'm so grateful for that."
"That's what I'm suppose to do baby. I'm never leaving your side." I slide her promise ring back on her finger and kissed her.
"Awwwnnn." The nurse said "We are about to move her to her room. You y'all can come with us if Yhu like." Another nurse said
"Imma go get the rest of our family. What room is y'all taking her too.?" Levi asked
"Room 1934 it's on the surgery floor."


Myanna was sleep off the all drugs they gave her.  Everybody came into the room loud as fuck.

"Aye " I yelled at them. They all got quite."shut tf up. Don't y'all see she sleep."
They all took they seats saying shit under they breath. I took my seat next to Myanna bed. I grab JJ and sat him on my lap. "Mama " JJ said reaching for Myanna "she sleep lil man " I said putting him down. He walked towards Princess reaching out for her. Next week was the birthday and I ainn kno what we was doing for them. I'm guessing a simple party since Myanna jus had this surgery. At our house or her parents house.


Myanna P.O.V

"I need to get the twins something to eat and give them they afternoon medicine."I heard Jess say.
"Bring me sum back too." I said in a sleepy voice
"Damn fat ass Yhu wake up out of your sleep wanting sum to eat."Levi said laughing
"Stfu I ainn eat since last night." I said laughing . Everybody started laughing but I couldn't laugh how I wanted to cause it hurt. "Y'all stop it." I said I'm between laughs .
"Ite but what Yhu want?" Jess asked
"W.e Yhu get ion really care."
"Ite now if I bring back yhu back sum and yhu say yhu say that ion want it ion gonna kno what to tell yhu."
"I want sum coffee and donuts too."
"Mhm fat ass."
"Ik my ass fat."
"I would say sum shit but yo parents inna room."

Later that night

Everybody left the hospital and it was jus me and Jess. My parents took the twins. The twins birthday next week and I really don't kno what we gonna do. I spent my birthday inna hospital. My family made it fun for me.

"Baby what we gonna do for the twins birthday next Saturday?" Jess asked
"Something simple like a barbecue at my parents house. Have ah bouncy house and lil party games. And me my mom and Jade can cook the sides."
"Yeah that sounds good. I'll make a couple calls tomorrow get everything in order."
"But what are we gonna do for your birthday?"
"I really don't want anything."
"Don't trip I got chu for your birthday."
"Jess fr I don't want anything serious."
"So ig we staying at yo parents house still yhu recover fully."
"Jess ...."
"Ik we not together I jus wanna be there for you I'll sleep in the guess room."
"That baby not mines ."
"Don't yhu remember wen I told you that the girl I messing around with said she was pregnant while I got an dna test and the baby not mine."
"It makes me feel kinda better but Yhu still cheated on me and fucked her raw so... That don't take the pain away."
"Ik it don't ... Imma jus prove to yhu that I'm sorry."
"Mhm.... Jess i wanna let you kno that you kno that we not together even tho yhu put the promise ring back on my finger."
"Oh Ik yhu jus have me hope. One day inna future."
We sat in silence and watched tv.
"I love yhu and imma show you how much yhu mean to me."
"I love yhu too."

Its War (Book 2)(EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now