Break Down

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Myanna P.O.V

Family of Deon Jr." a Doctor came from the back and said.

We all stood up walking towards the Doctor.

"Deon Jr is in recovery right now. The bullets didnt do much damage. He did lose alot of blood so we did give him blood. Yhu should be able to see him."

"Thanks so much doctor." Jade said.

"We ah be back later on. We need to get the twins home for they medicine." Jess said

"See yall later" Jade said

"Levi yhu coming home?" i asked

"Nah i got sum business to take care of. I'll be home sum time tomorrow."

"Kk. Be safe brother."

"Always baby sis."

We got the twins into they car seats and went straight to car and headed home. Wen we got home we feed the twins and put them to sleep.

I went into my room grab one of jess big shirts and took an shower. I still had Jr dried up blood on me.

I heard the bathroom door open. At first i didnt think nothing of it. Then i heard the slidding doors of the shower open and i came face to face with a nake Jess. My eyes roamed his body and stopped at his now 12 inch dick. It was standing at full attention. I heard him clear his throat. I looked up to him with an smirk on his face.

"I was wondering if yhu would like sum company in the shower. But from the looks of it yhu wouldn't mind." he stepped into the shower and got behind me. He took my towel out of my head and started washing me up with it. I turned around and our lips met.

He turned me around and back was now facing the wall. He pick me up. Our kissing was rough but passionate. I felt his fingers slip inside of me.

"Damn ma yhu extra wet for daddy."

It was our first time having any type sexual interaction since a couple of days before i got tooken. So i was enjoying every minute of it.

He speed his pace up and I was moaning uncontrollably.

"Fuck baby im about cum." i moaned out.

He hurried up and pulled out. I looked at him with an confused look on my face. He jus smirked back. I felt him passion himself at my entrance. He pushed himself slowly inside of me. My nails was deep into his back and my mouth was wide open. He went slow for i can get us to his size. It's been too long. I missed him inside of me. I missed everything about him.

"Damn girl its been too long" Jess said while groaning

"I kno daddy" i moaned out

"Fuck girl."

"Right there. Fuck... Im cumn daddy."

"Yhu gonna cum for daddy."

"Yes.. Im cumn"

"Hold that shit." he said slapping my ass

"I can't."

Before I knew it we both came.

"Now lemme clean that up for yhu daddy."

Jess P.O.V

Mann wen Queen got on her knees she had an nigga knees finna give out. She was giving me the best head i ever had. Man this girl was doing all type of tricks. She been only sucking my dick for 5 minutes and got me already about to cum.

I pulled her off of me. I pulled her up and bent her over and got to pounding her insides. Before i knew it i was cumn inside of her. Shortly after me she came.

We washed eached other up and went to lay in the bed.

Next thing ik was she was sound asleep. I layed there rubbing her wondering How was steady falling as her protecter. Every since Queen got back she done had this wall up. She haven't shed one tear. Mann i gotta do better.

I was up thinking for about an another hour til Myanna woke up.

"We need to talk"I said

"Okay. Talk about what?"she questioned


"What about me?"

"Yhu kno yhu can talk to me about anything right?"


"So why yhu keep this wall up?"

"I dont"

"Yes yhu do Mane."

"Jus drop it"She said getting out the bed

"Nawl mann im not letting shit go. We need to talk about what happened to yhu. Im here for yhu Queen." i said grabing her arm. I got the bed and wrapped my arms around her waist."Its okay to cry baby. Let it all out yhu dont gotta hold it in nomo." i turned her around and sbe started crying in my chest. I turned us around so she could sit on the bed. She was crying real hard and I jus let her cry. She needed it.

"Why me?" she asked "why i gotta be the getting kidnapped and gang raped. Why i gotta pay the price? For sum bullshit my dad is in. Im tired of this shit." she semi-yelled.

"Baby everything gonna fix itself." I said wiping her tears

"I wanna move the fuck outta this house."

"Wanna move in my apartment?"

"Wen did yhu get an apartment?"

"Been had one."

"Ig i can."

"Now go yo fine ass down stairs and fix us sum to eat." i said slapping her ass. She giggled and grabbed one of my shirts and headed down stairs.

Im lucky ass hell to have me an down ass girl like Queen.

Myanna P.O.V

I went down stairs to fix me and
my baby something to eat. I pulled out 5 pizza puffs and sum fries. 2 pizza puffs was for me and 3 was for Jess. That boy can eat. But ion kno lately i been real hungry. Maybe my period about to start back.

I turned the grease on and put 2 of the pizza puffs in the microwave. I heard foot steps cumn down the stairs and i turned and saw a naked Jess. I stared at him and licked my lips. He walked towards me. Our lips meet. He deepen out kiss and i was getting wetter by the second. He picked me up and put me on the counter. I pulled my shirt off. He got to kissing all over my neck. I grab his dick in the hand and placed it at my entrance. He looked up at me and smirked. He pushed himself slowly inside of me.

"Fuck.." he said

Levi P O.V

I got out the car and headed inside the house. Today was a crazy day and i just wanted to relax. I walked inna house to hear my lil sister moans threw out the house. I sweaa i was tired of catching they ass having sex. I walked in the kitchen and saw Myanna getting fucked in the counter. Like damn thats where ah nigga prepare his food at.

"Mann what the fuck." I yelled. He pulled out of her and Myanna was trying to cover herself up with her hands."Mann im telling pops on yo ass Queen. And ya ass better clean thst counter off." 

I walked back out the house and got in my car. I pulled off going 75mph. I pulled out my phone and called my dad.

Phone conv

Levi:Pops i jus caught Myanna and Jess fucking inna kitchen

Mason: Say nomo im omw home right now

Levi: Bet


End of phone convo

They ass had me fucked up. I wasn't finna keep having them damn nightmares of them fucking. So hell yeah I told my pops on her. Hope he kick both of they ass.

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