Chapter 7

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"Carter please. I'll do anything jus don't kill my babies."I begged


"Yes anything. Jus let my babies live."

"Ayee boys." Carter yelled down the hall

"Yea boss"One of the boys answered after everybody was in the room. Its about 20 workers.

"I got ah treat for yall. This is Myanna King. Mason & Princess King Daughter and would do anything to keep her twins alive. So yall can take turns with her. Do whatever yhu like."

Half of the boys left out with a disguise look on they face. The other half had this devilish smirk on the face.

"Im first" A darkshinned boy said."And yhu better not cry either"

I woke up out of my sleep covered in sweet. I looked around the all white room realizing I was in the hospital room. I looked down at my arm to see i had ah IV. I looked to right to see my mom and dad. I looked to my left to see Levi ,Jess and the twins. I tired to reach out to Levi but get to far away. I felt ah hand touch me and i looked over to see my mom. Our eyes meet and for minute ainn nobody say nothing. We jus looked into each other eyes and saw all the pain and hurt.

"Im sorry Queen." My mom said

I tired to talk but no words came out. I took my hand and touched my throat with it. I felt ah tube right there. I moved my hand down to my chest and felt another tube there. What in hell done happen to me.

The machines hooked up too me started beeping like crazy. 2 nurses and a doctor ran in and told every one to get. I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head and body started to Shake uncontrollably. After that ion kno what happened to me

Priness P.O.V

After the doctor kicked out the room. I ainn kno what was going on. I heard code blue in room 2321 and i started crying. A lot of doctors ran into Myanna room. I hope my baby okay.


3 hours later

We are now back in Myanna room. Doctors said the medicine she was on made her have a seizure. They took her off the meds and ran an MRI of her brain to make sure her brain activity was good. Myanna woke up about an hour ago. Not knowing what was wrong with her. But im jus glad the seizure didnt have any effect on her brain. She jus went back to sleep 5 minutes ago and me and Mason about to head home. We gonna take the twins with us too for Jess can stay with Myanna.

Im finding Carter ass myself and im killing him and them bitch ass workers of his. He done fucked with the person child.

Jess P.O.V


I looked over to Myanna and she was wide a wake. They took the tubes out her throat and chest so she can talk.

"Baby?"I said


"Why what?"

"Why im the one that always gotta have shit going on with me. I cant get a break." Her voice started to break and her eyes filled with tears.

"Baby don't cry. Its going to be better sooner or later. I got chu. Imma make sure personally that ainn nothing else going to happen to yhu." I climbed in the bed with her and held her. At first her body tensed up but after a couple of seconds it relaxed.


"Shhhh baby dont say nothing else. Jus kno i got chu."

For the rest of the night we stayed like this. In a peaceful silence. She was crying off and on. She was there for me wen i was down now its time for me to do the something.

For a person that jus turned 18 she been threw hella shit.

Jade P.O.V

After my bestfrann passed out on the floor earlier today i havent been able to really do anything. It was like my body was here but my mind wasn't. I couldnt even feed Jr right.Deon been real understanding about it. Im jus praying to the good Lord that my bestfrann be okay. Myanna always going threw something. After all this over with i want my bestfrann to go on a vacay. She need to relax and get away from all the drama and bullshit. But that's all for now its time for me to get sum rest.

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