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   I opened my eyes waking up from my sleep. I opened my eyes, everything is still a blur. When my vision cleared I realized... THIS ISNT MY ROOM! I looked down at my waist and saw two arms rapped around it. I slowly looked behind me and saw... Oh it was just Toby. I started to rember all the events that happened yesterday. Just great, BUT WHY IS HE HUGGING ME?! "Toby... Wake up... AND FREAKING LET GO OF ME YOU PERV!" I yelled as I caked his knee. "Huh? What's going on?" Toby said obviously tired as he rubbed his eyes. His eyes landed on me and his face brightened up. "Oh good morning y/n! Did ya sleep well?" He asked happily. "Toby get your hands off of me and get me some breakfast before I punch you in the face." I said in a monotone voice.

      " aww that's not nice... Oh well, you can use the bathroom and wear my clothes while I'm gone! Just don't go out this room or attract attention!" He said as he went to the bathroom and came out with his clothes from yesterday. "Do you always wear that ?" I asked him. "Ummm only the jacket ans sometimes the mouth guard and goggles." He said as he waved goodbye to me and left the room. I realized he left his goggles on the edge of the bed. Then I got this great idea! I grabbed the goggles and put on myself. Everything was a shade of orange when I put them on. It actually made it easier for me to spy things. Like the two hatchets that are kind of bruried under clothes on the ground... A waffle sticker on the wall... His mouth guard on the bed... WAIT WHAT!?

      Then I got another great idea! Why not wear his mouth guard!? I grabbed his mouth guard and tried to put it on which took a while. I looked in the mirror in the bathroom and I looked... AWESOME! I looked like one of those punk pop singers on TV and in my view, they looked awesome! I also kinda looked like Toby, only a bit. "I look great!" I said but I realized my voice had a slight touch to it... It kind of sounded... Robotic? I don't know but it sounded awesome also! Then I started to make a pledge of the leagues pose in front of the mirror. "I am Ticci y/n and I approve this message!" I said in the awesome voice I had. 

           "Y/n what are you doing?" Knowing it was Toby and knowing he was going to tease for wearing his stuff I didn't face him. I cupped my face hiding it from him still facing the mirror. "Uhh... Nothing..." I said still facing away from and cupping my face. Then all of a sudden I felt him touch my shoulder. The sudden movement made me let go of my face and jump into the air a bit. When I looked up in the mirror I saw Toby smirking holding a large stack of waffles in a plate in his other hand. "Wow y/n I never k ew you would look so cute wearing that!" He flirted. I punched him in the arm and threw his goggles and mouth guard in the floor. "Shut up you jerk >_<" I was embarrassed by his comment. I only used my tough front to hide away my embarrassment. " anyways what's up with the tall stack of waffles?" I asked him looking at the tower of waffles in his hand. "Oh this? This is our breakfast!" He said happily as he took a waffle from the top and ate it.

        There were at least twenty waffles. "Okay?" I said as I try to take a waffle. I couldnt... I was too short. I heard Toby snickering. "Sh-shut up and just place it down..." I said trying to hide my blush. "Okay what ever you say!" He said as he placed down the waffles on his coffee table. Then I noticed he wasn't ticking. "Hey Toby why aren't you uhh... Twitching?" I said twitching instead of ticking to be nice. "Oh, because that happens when I'm nervous, excited, afraid, worried, you know all those things that get you trembling." He said as he ate a waffle. "Oh okay." I also ate a waffle.

Lunch Time-

       "Toby where's luuuunch!?" I asked him falling on his bed. "Right here!" He replied as he took out a stack of... Waffles. "You eat that for lunch!?" I asked him. "Yep! And sometimes other things!" He said as he ate a waffle. I didn't even bother to complain with this waffle loving idiot. Some time later we finished the stack of waffles. Bored out of my mind I decided to ask him a question. "Hey Toby how did you even get here?" I asked him. "Oh w-well." He said as he was ticking again. "I-It was a-after i k-killed my d-dad and li-light the s-sidewalk o-on Fire." He paused for a little bit. "But th-the Fire surrounded m-me and my p-plan to escape f-failed. Then th-the creature that had b-been watching me s-saved me and g-gave me a j-job then that f-faceless ass became m-my boss." He finished. It's funny how he called his boss a faceless ass. It must've been slenderp.

  "So your saying you work for Slenderp?" I asked him As got closer to him since I was interested. "Haha, y-yea I work f-for that g-guy." He said smiling at my nickname. "I remember one time when me and my boss got stuff in Jeff's mane.. (If you guys watched that video name the video in the comments!) I remembered poking him and touched his face when he mentioned I touched his face I remembered saying "your non-existing face!" Haha! That was funny... And then after that we got out and Jeff was forced to have a hair cut but he kept complaining about trying to look seductive and attractive." I started to laugh and then he started to laugh. We both fell of the bed and started to roll on floor laughing our butts off... Like old times!

Dinner Time-

"Toby don't tell me dinner is waffles.." I said as I saw him walk into the room with a plate and something covering it like it was fancy. "Pfft I'm not gonna have waffles for dinner! Who does that?" He said like it wasn't obvious. "Oh I don't know **cough* you*cough*" he looked at me like he was just shot in the heart. "Me? Eat WAFFLES for DINNER!?" He said it like it was disgusting. "No no no no no... That's just horrible." He said as he handed me the plate he was holing. I picked up the cover and saw (fave food) ... YAY! "THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!" I squealed as I started to eat up. "Hey don't eat it all! I want some! Also you'll be full before you eat dessert!" I looked at him. "Desert?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. Then he showed me another plate with... Waffles with whipped cream and melted chocolate. "... Really?" I said as I face palmed. "What? What's wrong?" Toby asked like having waffles for desert wasn't a problem.

Ticking Love | Ticci Toby x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now