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I picked to be on Toby's side. Hey he was my friend longer ALSO Masky started the fight. Someone tossed me a bamboo sword... it can't hurt anyone so that's good! I wasn't going to join Toby, because I really don't want to hurt anyone. I started to watch the two battles. Clockbitch vs. Lily. Toby vs. Masky.

ClockWork vs. Lily:
"What the fuck Lily! Why the fuck are you siding with her?!" Clockwork growled at Lily, both of them still in their fighting stance. "Why? Why? Because she accepted me faster then you did! Also did she bring a snake here and let the snake tackle me while she is laughing her ass off not caring the slightest bit? No, but you did." Lily snapped. "OH you fucking little shit! I just knew you were a bad person... who the fuxk eats their own grandma with a wolf?! " Clockwork sassed. Lily was now ready to strike at her. "Y-you... you... YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Lily completly snapped and and jumped into the air aiming her scythe at Clockwork. "Fuck..." Clockwork mumbled under her breathe not meaning to make her that mad. When Clockwork went to move out the way so she wouldn't get hit. In the process her upper right arm got cut in a centimeter, and it was a long cut. She growled and looked at Lily who now has eyes like BEN's. "I'm going to make you fucking pay!" Clockwork sneered. "Not if I do first." Lily smirked and aimed for her torso. Like last time she got cut but this time it was an inch deep. She fell down on the ground and blood was pouring out quickly. Gasping was heard from the crowd. Lily slowly walked up to her and raised her scythe above her head. "No one needs you." Lily said her catchphrase with a huge sadistic grin. Before she could even cut Clockwork a scream was heard. And that scream was from a girl everyone knew. Lily quickly stopped.

Toby vs. Masky (I'm not going to add Toby ticking (twitching) stuttering because I'm lazy xD)

"Masky all you had to do was fucking protect y/n... You already FUCKING knew I loved her! You! Your a monster ... RUINING MY FUCKING DREAM!" Toby yelled, he was lucky y/n was watching this battle from a far distance and couldn't hear a word he said. "What?! I ruined your dream? What dream? If your dream was to fucking date y/n then why didn't you just do it when you had all those chances! You FUCKING had her with you most of the time! She didn't even know me more then you but yet she accepted me! She would've said yes to you! If you would've asked her out before I got attached to her this all wouldn't had happen!" Masky yelled back surprising his partner Hoodie. Masky was usually the pissed off calm one. Toby growled and wasted no time to strike at Masky's side. Masky dodge it and aimed for Toby's face (He's not wearing his goggles or mouth guard) and only left a small cut on his cheek as he was backing away. "I don't even know why I ever trusted you!" Toby growled and aimed for Masky's face this time breaking the mask in half and making it fall to the floor. Masky froze... he doesn't like his face, never less showing it to people. Toby smirked at his terrified face. He threw one of his hatchets at Masky's stomach and it made a deep wound. At this rate everyone freaked out and tried to stop Toby for doing any more damage to Masky. He walked right in front of Masky who is now on the floor clutching his stomach. Good thing the only way they can die is having their hearts ripped out. Blood was pooling under him, it was a huge puddle also. Toby raised his hatchet above his head about to cut into Masky's heart. "Good bye Masky..." Toby mumbled and swing his hatchet down. But before he did a blur went in front of Masky and a scream was heard, and he completely snapped out of his trance.

Okay!-The violent stuff his over... A bit of it at least.
Your PoV-

Both of the fights were intense, Clockwork is losing to Lily. Masky and Toby look like they were tied. I paid more attention to the battle with Toby and Masky, I really wish i hear what they were saying. I saw the moment when Toby broke Masky's mask, that's when I started to dash over. 'Why?! Why are they trying to kill each other when they were such good friends?' I thought. When I saw Toby about to kill Masky I quickly got in front of him with out thinking shielding myself with my arm... then I felt pain. My vision went dark...

Time Skip-

'Your hurt.' Toby said as he examined my knee. I fell down with him and I were running up the hill in the woods. 'Haha that's what I get for being clumsy!' I laughed it off. Then he grabbed my by my shoulders. 'No! I-it could get i-i-nfected! Th-this is a-all my f-f-fault!' he yelled. It surprised me for a bit, but then I smiled. 'Okay then Toby... Let's go back home and you can treat it for me okay?' I said, he was dumfound for a moment but then smiled. 'Yea!' he said.
I woke up from my flash back. When I opened my eyes everything was a bit blurry and I felt numb... I also heard some voices but they were a bit muffled. Then I tried to sit up using my (Your non-useful arm) but it hurt really bad! Then the pain made reality snap back all to me too quickly and it gave me a head ache so I held on to my head. 'Toby is my friend, Toby died, Toby loved me, I found Toby, I met Masky, I lost my mother, I live at the mansion, I date Masky, Toby and Masky fight... I lost my arm... I quickly looked at the arm I used to defend my self and it had stitches. Then all the voices that were muffled were heard after was being shaked. "Y/n! Snap out of it!" I looked at who was shaking me and it was EJ. "EJ? what happened..." I asked him. "You saved Masky from dying but you lost your arm... so the most I can do for you was to stitch it back on." he said. "Oh..." then I looked to the side of him to another bed with Masky on it. "Umm EJ can I talk to Masky alone for a moment?" I asked him "Can you stand up?" He asked. I sat then stand up but my arm was still aching. "yea I can." He left and me and Masky were alone, good thing he was still awake. I walked over to him. "Umm hey masky..." I said. He smiled at me, "Yes y/n?" he said sweetly, I kind of regretted doing this but i had to for his safety. "I need to break up with you..."

Ticking Love | Ticci Toby x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now