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He just stood there and I think he was looking at us, I can't really tell because his mask some how doesn't let me see his eyes. Just to ignore the awkward tension I threw four waffles at Toby ending the fight. And of course for bonus points I threw the extra one at Masky. "Ohhhh! I won and got bonus points!" I hollered putting my hands up like I just don't care. "Hey! That wasn't fair!" Toby said as he threw his two waffles at me but missed. "Well too bad!" I said with a toothy grin. Masky was still standing there probably thinking wtf is going on. I looked at him and he stared back, I scratched my head nervously. "So um, sup?" I said still scratching my head. Then Masky turned and faced Toby.

"How long has she been here?" He asked Toby. "Um si-nce yesterday..." Toby said as he started to tick again. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He asked Toby another question. "Because I-I was protecting h-er, there's no nee-d to tell yo-u." Toby said. "Well I could've helped you know." He told Toby. "What e-ver..." Toby just crossed his arms. Masky faced me again and walked towards me while Toby was glaring daggers at Masky. When he was close enough he handed out his hand. "Nice to meet you again y/n." he said. I could tell he was smiling, because I could see the kindness in his eyes. I shaked his hand also smiling.

"Nice to meet you too!" I said happily which sounded like I was a little girl.... I wish I could change my voice. Masky just chuckled and we stopped shaking hands. "So why are you here?" He asked me while he put his hands on his sides. "Oh um because a creepy ass mother fucking ugly killer that's probably a crazy cat lady killed my mom and is looking for me and knows were I live sooooo why not live with Toby in a house full of killers instead even thou that crazy ass cat lady lives here." I said and earned a chuckle from Toby. "Oh... Who is it?" Masky asked me, from the look of his eyes he looked a bit serious, how can he even care for me? "I-t's clockwork... She's fu-cking jealous and wan-ted to kill h-er." Toby answered.

Then I remembered Skylar telling me about her, she was the most fucking creepy ass girl I read about, she needs to control her temper tch. "Oh the clock girl I heard about her story, one messed up shit head." I said crossing my arms and sitting on Toby's bed with a straight face. Masky just looked at me like I was crazy. "But she had a horrible life! How can you blame her if she's fucked up!? Don't speak so lowly about us killers!" He sneered, he must cared about all the killers in this place. "Well first of all NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH." I looked down realizing I was yelling and the two looking at me surprised. "Also I speak lowly if her because I know I'm stronger then her... Do you see me killin people I hate? No you don't, I beat them up or run away. I actually have a mind to do common sense stuff then just to stand there and take all the blame and hits."

The two boys that I was talking to started to look guilty. "You kn-ow y/n you ne-ver told me wh-at happened... You al-ways said you te-ll me later." Toby said. "Sorry it's just... Complicated..." I said as I rubbed my upper arm (people do that when their nervous) "sorry I didn't know... I shouldn't had yelled at you since I didn't know your background story..." Masky apologized. "It's okay bro, stuff always happens." I said still looking down.

"Hey Masky." I said.


"Can you keep this a secret?"

"w-ait! Wh-y him!?" Toby butted in but I ignored him.

"Sure, also Toby she has a point. If you don't go out killing soon slender is going to be suspicious. Clockwork will also get suspicious and visit you. So when you go killing ill look after y/n."

"hey I'm not a pet you know!" I said

"I know, your more like a child." He chuckled.

"Hey!" I yelled

Toby cleared his throat loudly, which caught our attention. When I looked at him he looked kind of mad, but he was only shooting daggers at Masky. "Okay that's a good idea 'Timothy' now please leave the room, ill go killing tomorrow night." Toby sneered at him as he pointed to his door motioning him to leave. "Tch fine..." Masky said but before he left he faced me. "A secret?" I asked him. "A secret." He said as he left. I knew he smiled, I saw the kindness in his eyes. I turned to face Toby and smiled. "Isn't he too nice for a killer?" I asked him. He just looked mad. "What?" I asked him. "But aren't I too nice for a killer?" Toby asked me. I knew he was jealous now, feeling pity for him and hugged him. "No one could replace you Toby." I said. He hugged me back. Seconds later the door was opened again. "Wait what time are you going killing to... Morrow?" It was Masky again. "GET OUUUUT!" Toby yelled as he walked over to the door and slammed it in front of maskys face and locked the door. Then he faced me, I was making a WTF face. "What? Was that wrong?" He asked.

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