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Day 1-

It's not that bad here, just alone in this empty room. Some times Clock bitch comes over and mocks me, but it actually keeps me more sane. Also Deamon was nice enough to drop off some food and we made jokes for a while.

Day 2-

Zalgo has been visiting me now. Every five hours, I know that because he just put a clock in my room now. I don't know if that was a good or bad thing. At least a can keep track of time.

Day 7- It's been a week i think. I now have a bed with no blanket or pillow which I think is just cruel! I also have chalk and a calendar. Some have the days have an mouth mark. When I asked Zalgo he said they were special days where I get to leave the room for a while, but it was twice a month. Also Clocky and I hot on even worse terms by me trying to choke her and she spitting in my face. And I think i forgot to say Deamon is still visiting me every once a day.

Day 12- Almost two weeks now, I'm starting to feel... depression. And something else I was feeling, I felt like I had the feeling before I lost my memories. Zalgo caught Deamon talking to me so he strictly told him to not chat with me and just simply had me food. What an ass.

Day 14- It's now have been 2 weeks. Luckily for me I have a special day this day. I don't know if its evil, normal, or good but I'm taking a risk. When Zalgo let me out he told Deamon to take me to the video section. When we sat down he took out a good comedy movie out and watched it. When Zalgo saw it he quickly got angry with him telling him that was the wrong footage and Deamon kept saying he doesn't care. So I was instructed to go back onto my room.

Day 20- Everything is boring. I've been drawing on the wall of all the friends I have and my chalk ran out while I was drawing BEN, i kind of already miss everyone allot. Mostly Lily, Toby, Masky, Sally, and BEN. We all do something special together. Mostly Toby, and I play allot video games with BEN. Why am I reflecting on my life now? For damn sake I should be trying to keep sane.

Day 30- New month, I have a special day today. This time it's audio. Deamon leaded me into this room with a computer looking thing with these slots you can move up and down. I don't know...I'm not a tech nerd. He handed me headphones and I gladly out them on hoping it will make me more sane. He said he had to play something that might make me more insane but then he will play something sane. When it started, it sounded like Slenders static. Then... i felt like my head was dying. I held my head since it was starting to hurt allot. I also started to scream... it hurts... it hurts... it sounds just so...horrible... When Deamon saw this he quickly turned it off. I was still in pain, I can still hear it for some reason even if it was off. He started to turn on some sane music. It kind of helped a bit but i can still hear it in the back of head.

Day 45- How long has it been? I've been so busy thinking about my life so far... it seems so unreal, why do I think of this now!? Why am I even thinking about any of this!? Oh yeah thats right, five more days is my next special day. Im scared, my head still hurts from fifteen days ago, was it even that log ago? I wonder where my friends are at. Deamon stopped visiting, I started to get food twice a week. Clockbitch is being more and more cruel. I don't understand life.

Day 50- It has been so long I've been here. todays the day, I get to go out and play... This time it's physical. This guy named the Rake who i thought was a dog showed me the way and Zalgo was in the room which looked like a lab for experiments of animals. I had to run the treadmill, pull weights, other gym stuff... but then i had to lay down on the lab table... i already know where this was going when he took out tools. He started with one of my eyes... it hurt. Then my head... it also hurt. The more he added to me or the more he threw away of me the more it started to hurt. So I couldn't help it but to scream for my life.

Day 60- After the horrible surgery i had last week, Zalgo gave me a long knife. It was a good thing to use to complete my wall art of... friends? So even still have any? I don't have anyone to rely do i? So I'm alone? I have no purpose to live anymore right? No one to love for right? Alone in the darkness forever in pain........ right? Without even noticing I started to write on the wall with the knife, 'Alone' was written every where when I snapped out of it. And how i snapped out of it was because of Deamon sneaked by to see me and it snapped me back to sane.

~~ "Hey are you alright in here crazy girl?" he asked me. "Yeah I'm just greaaaaat! Being in a locked room being alone is sooo much fun!!!!!" I said sarcastically. "Well... do you want to escape with me?"

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