+Tīccī Tøby+

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WARNING: BLOOD up ahead, there's also a huge time skip so don't be confuse and there's some BAD WORDS, enjoy!
"Come on! It's not that scary in the woods!" My friend kept shaking me asking me to go to the woods. "NEVER!!! I hate the outside! I'm not scared!" I pouted, that's was true, I hated the nature life, nature has fire also, so I hate it. The fire took my best friend Toby a year ago. Also there were some of murder cases in the woods, and I did NOT want to die yet, not just yet. "Pretty pretty please! With cherry on top?" My friend pleaded as she made a pouty face. I looked at her, "hmm lemme see... NOPE!" I stood up making we fall on the ground because she was holding on to my arm. "But y/n-chaaaaan! I want to see the Creepypastas !!!!!" She squealed as she dreamed about Jeff the Douche. "Why are you so interested in them? They're all killers and if they see us their just gonna kill us you know." I said making a point. "But I can use my charm skills and make them fall for me! Hen we can both be safe and I can date Jeffy Poo!" She squealed again going into her fantasy world as she hopped on my bed and hugged one of my pillows. "Is there any one else beside Jeff the Douche, Slenderp, Creepy Clown Guy, Clock Girl, Jeff the Douche girl version, and the Demon with Mouths?" I made stupid nicknames for all the Creepypastas she told me about, I admit they all sounded a bit creepy but hey, stupid things get stupid nicknames. "First of all y/n-chan! Their names are Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, Laughing Jack, Clockwork, Jane the Killer... AND SHE'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM JEFF BECAUSE HE'S MORE BETTER AND SHE'S AN ASS! And lastly Zalgo!"

"What ever Skylar... But just tell me if there's some others one... Just three atleast." I asked. Her face lit up when I asked her. "Oh! There's the three proxies! There's Masky, he always wears a mask and it had feminine black features, so the mask is probably for a girl but... Oh well! He uses a knife like most an he always uses pills to stop the nightmares Slenderman, his boss, gave him on accident, his partner in crime is Hoodie. Hoodie always wears a yellowish orange-ish hoodie, his weapon is either a gun or a knife, he doesn't get nightmares and he's quite shy. But there's the last proxy that always annoys the two, his name is Ticci Toby..." My mind went totally blank when she said that name, that nickname, the nickname that Toby, Toby Rogers had, my best friend. Then my mind went full of thought of Toby. Before Skylar said anything else I said something. "TELL ME ABOUT HIM!!! WHERE DOES HE LIVE!? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE!?" I asked her loudly, she sat there on my bed with a shocked face, which soon turned into a smirk. "Oh? Did I strike a nerve? Let me tell you alllllll about him! We can have a double date with Jeff and Toby! *clears throat loudly* Ticci Toby's real name is Toby Rogers..." 'Oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!!!' "And he wears orange goggles, a black mouth guard, a brown arm striped hoodie with navy blue hood, and black gloves with regular ripped jeans and black sneakers. His weapons are two hatchets, one old, one a bit new. And he always ticks... As people say twitch, but I just say tick instead. He annoys Masky the most and always the top prankster. He has dark voices in his head but yet he loves waffles!" She squealed.

'Oh my GOD! It WAS Toby!!! He... He's still alive? Or is it just a story that went around and people believed he was a Creepypasta? This does explain why two hatchets were missing at his house...' My thoughts were broken by my friends teasing. "Sooo y/n chan... Do you wanna go find Toby in the woods... Or not?" My old tapping habit came back, I was tapping my fingers like crazy. "Oh no... Y/n-chan your tapping... I thought I got rid of the habit for good, I don't you to be called tick Tock again..." She said sadly. I noticed my tapping fingers. "Oh! What the ? You know what? That's fine, I always kicked their butts and also I don't mind that name at all." "So you don't mind if they call you problem child or poison rose again?" She asked me. "If they do ill kick their ass, I just don't mind tick Tock." I told her. "Okay fine, fine... But can we just go to the woods now?" She asked. "I was gonna ask the same thing." I smiled.

Time Skip-

"Did you just hear that scream?" I asked Skylar as we both stopped. We were in the woods and we just heard a scream. "W-well! Just ignore it! We are prepared! And besides you can kick ass and you have a knife y/n-chan!" She said scared but soon it became a cheery voice. "Yea, a pocket knife." I corrected her. "Still! A knife is a knife!" She said as she pushed me deeper into the forest. (Forest and woods are the same thing) But as we it deeper into the forest, the darker it gr and the dead it looked like. "Hey this kinda looks the forest you spawn in, you know in the Slenderp game." I said as I looked around. "D-don't say that! And his name is Slenderman! Don't be rude!" She got closer to my ear and whispered "he might hear you!" She whispered yell. I just shrugged and kept on walking till we saw some blood trails. "U-uh... Y-y/n-chan!" Skylar said frightened as she backed a bit away. "Sh-should we g-go now ?" She asked.

"This is YOUR idea and no, I'm going to find them no matter what." I said as I pulled Skylar and started to follow the blood trail. She kept trembling as more blood appeared. And a bit later, we saw a corpse. It was slashed up and it was hard to even recognize if it was a boy or a girl. "Y-y/n-ch-chan! C-can we p-please go now!?" Skylar asked in fear, trembling. Me on the other hand was disgusted, who ever did this should had gotten rid of it atleast. "Can we atleast keep going till we see something interesting... Like a wall or a building? Walls are nice..." I said trying to make Skylar smile or laugh a bit, maybe just even clam down a bit. "H-how is this not e-even scaring you!?" She asked. "Well... I watch alot of horror movies ever since I was five." I said as I dragged Skylar deeper into the forest.

Then we found a wall, and behind that seven foot tall wall there was a huge mansions. It looked like it was haunted, it was really huge like, four stories tall and 50 windows on the front on each story. But what caught my attention the most was a boy sitting on the wall, and that boy made Skylar freeze in fear. "T-Ticci t-Toby..." She whispered. The boy was of course no other then Toby, my beloved friend. "T-Toby?" I said quietly but loud enough for the boy to hear. His head turned towards me, he sat stayed that way for a few seconds, then he fell off the wall. He quickly scrambled up and ran towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Y-y/n!?" He yelled out.

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