+Tøō Cłøsē+

899 24 4

WARNING: There would be a lot of BAD WORDS and some threats (dont know why I warned you about threats but who cares)

I ran down the hallway, they keep chasing me. Who is they? Well the other residents of this place of course, why would they let a human like me live here anyway? "Come over here doll!~ let me put you to sleep!" One of them said. "Come here you little bitch! Toby's fucking mine!" The fucking girl I knew too oh fucking well yelled. I saw the staircase and dashed down them, but of course I just had to fucking slip and fall! I pretty much rolled down the stairs and hit my head at the bottom, I sat up and rubbed my head. "Aw shit..." I cussed. "Come here little kid!~ I just want to play!~ hehehe" a creepy clown said, he was at very top of the stairs. Remembering what Skylar told me he was Laughing Jack. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit." I cussed the whole time while I say up and dashed down another hallway... My worst mistake, there was only one door. I took a chance and ran in the room and shut the door quickly. But just to my damn luck! Two killers were in the room with me! Just fan-fucking-tastic! Actually I think it was good, the killers were Masky and Hoodie, they're my friends right? "Oh thank goodness Masky and Hoodie! Help me the others here are trying to kill me!" I panicked. Then I heard Masky chuckle... Not his usual chuckle.

"Y/n, y/n, y/n... You know we were just pretending to be your friend right?" He said. Ten horror strikes me, my worst fear... Betrayal. They both looked at me and took out a knife. I screamed and saw a window behind them... I had to take this chance. I jumped right at the window and to my surprise it actually did break open and I got out perfectly fine. I started to run trying to find a way out of the woods. But then I saw someone familiar, Toby! "Toby! Toby help me!" I yelled for him. When I finally reached near him he turned around. I couldn't see his eyes or mouth because of the mouth guard and goggles. I hugged him out of fear. "I am so so scared Toby..." I cried. Then he hugged me back, but soon it got tighter. "I am so sorry y/n..." He said. Out of curiosity I looked up at him, and when I did I saw that... That faceless creature behind him. Then I heard static.

Dream ended-

I almost jumped right out of my bed. "Ugh... It was just a dream." I said as inlaid back down on the bed sighing. "Heh, did you have a bad nightmare?" I looked beside me to see Toby laying next to me, he was looking right at me. "... Maybe." I replied. "Aww poor lil old Tick Tock here had a nightmare! You poor poor thing!" Toby teased as he hugged me from behind and nudged my head. "I-I did not!" I pouted as I escaped from his grip. "Really? Because you kept tapping your fingers so quickly and kept yelling my name.~ If it wasn't a nightmare was it a dream with me?~" he flirted. My face quickly heated up. "I did not have a dream like THAT! Wait I was saying your name!?" I said. "Haha! No no I was joking! But the part when you tap your fingers is true." He said. I stared at him very very carefully to detect any lies...

"Okay whatever, hey can you get some breakfast?" I asked him. "Sure, you want scramble eggs and bacon this time right?" He asked remembering about me complaining about eating waffles everyday, if I ate something alot for a week I get tired of it. "Yep." I replied. He nodded and sat up, and when he sat up I saw something so terrifying... HIS BARE CHEST! Okay okay, I'm just freaking out because I always freak out when I see half naked people. His chest was also quite nicely built (but between you and me it wasn't that buff looking .-.). "OH GAWD TOBY PUT ON A SHIRT!" I screamed and threw a pillow at his face. "I'm sorry! I forgot!" He panicked knowing that I could quickly beat him up like what I did to his bullies back then. He quickly scrambled off the bed and into the bathroom.

In the kitchen-

"OH GAWD TOBY PUT ON A SHIRT!" Yelling was heard from upstairs. Everybody stopped what they were doing. "Umm should we check what's wrong?" Clockwork asked. "Nah, I think it's just Masky on his period screaming at Toby again." Jeff chuckled as he put his feet on the dining table. "Jeff take your feet off the table." Slenderman commanded. "Heh, make me fuckface." He challenged him. Slender's trendil's stretched out and wrapped around Jeff's feet and dangled him in the air. "That's what the bitch get's." Jane laughed. "Haha! Look Jeff's the new chandelier! Haha!" LJ laughed also. "LJ that wasn't really funny." EJ said. Sally and the others kept quiet. "I'm gonna go check on Toby and Masky." BEN said and stood up. When BEN left the dinning room people started to talk about how weird BEN, Toby, Masky, and Hoodie has been acting.

Back to the room-

"What's wrong!?" Masky panicked as he pretty much broke in. "Oh hi Masky, Toby forgot to put on his shirt." I said. "Tch, that idiot." Masky said. Seconds later BEN came out of no where. "What the hell are you doing here?" Toby spat as he walked out of the bathroom and saw him. BEN smirked smugly and floated in front of me. "Aww, can't I see the new cutie in the house? She just so cute I resist to stay away.~" he flirted and lift my chin up, I just snarled is disgust. Seconds later BEN was slammed into the wall. "Don't you dare fucking touch her." Masky said. "Hey I was suppose to say that!" Toby complained. I mentally faced palmed. "Ugh... Killers these days..." I mumbled. "Toby please just get breakfast before my stomach eats itself." I said. Toby nodded and gave me thumbs up. "Okay!" He said and ran out the room, the other two just waved bye to me and left.

Time Skip-

​ "Hey you cheated!" I yelled. "Did not!" BEN complained. "You j-just did BEN! Y-you freaking cheater!" Toby also yelled. Me, Toby and BEN are playing video games in Maskys and Hoodies room. Masky was doing some paper work on his desk while Hoodie was just watching us play. You wanna know what we're playing? Mario Kart on Nintendo 64 and BEN just went through a wall for a short cut. "Its a secret passage built in the game!" BEN whined. "No you definitely cheated dude." I said. "I agrea w-with y/n!" Toby agreed. "What ever!" BEN sassed. "Would you guys keep it down?" Masky asked. Then there was ten seconds of silence besides the akind of cars and button mashing. Then the annoying sounds started. "NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN ANYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN NAYN!!!" BOTH Toby AND BEN yelled in the nayn cat melody. It made Toby sigh of annoyance. This made me laugh so hard, but when I laugh, I lose focus, and whenninlose focus that means I... "HAHA YOU GOT THIRD PLACE Y/N!" BEN nagged. "No no no no! YOU GUYS WERE DISTRACTING ME!" I complained. Right after I said that the door opened. "Guys could you just all shut up for- who's that girl?" An unfamiliar annoyed voice said. I looked at the door way to see a guy with a royal blue mask with two empty black sockets and black ... Tears? Besides that two words popped into my head. 'I'm screwed'.

Everyone's head snapped towards him. Masky was the first to react. "Oh! EJ! her? Well uh... She's a guest! A secret guest that Slender invited but it was supposed to be a surprise to most of us!" I walked up to Masky and high five him for the awesome plan. Then I sat back down on the floor with BEN and Toby. "Still doesn't explain who she is and is she... Human?" EJ asked. Just so I could end this all I stood up and walked towards him, even if everyone was shaking their heads, what's the worst that could happen, yolo right? "Hi my name is y/n and I am staying here as a surprise guest for now, and yes I am human." I said. He nodded "if that so...can I ask you something?" He asked. "Yes sure." "Can I have your-" "NO!" Everyone shouted. EJ put a hand on his hips. "Well fine then, if you guys care sooo much about her, well its nice to meet you y/n." He said.

And right when I thought every thing was fine now someone just HAD to join the party. "EJ! Can you treat my fucking wounds?!" A raspy voice and stomping was heard down in the hallway. "Oh god not again." Jack mumbled. Then a boy with raven black hair and white dried skin colored boy came up to EJ. He turned and looked at me, then I saw his black rimmed eyes and carved smile... Oh its too good to be true, Jeff the Douche. "Oh its Jeff the Douche!" I exclaimed. He instantly grew mad. "Who the FUCK is this lil bastard right here?!" He asked, more like commanded. "She's y/n, the surprise guest here." EJ answered him. "Hello!" I happily said to him. He shot me a glare "fuck off." He growled. "Nah I rather not, but you could!" I sassed back happily. Then he even got more pissed off, BEN was laughing, Toby high five me and was also laughing, Masky just chuckled, Hoodie was covering his mouth and looked like he was about to die of laughter, and EJ chuckled and high five me.

"Why you little bitch!" He yelled. Since I had enough fun teasing him I stopped so I could get on his good side. "Okay okay sorry dude I was just having a Lil fun! Cmon now can you forgive me?" I pleaded him with puppy eyes. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "What? Hell no." He said. "Pretty pretty please with bloody knifes and dead people on top?" I pleaded again, he looked at me like I was a rare animal. "Hell ya I forgive you!" He said and he lightly punched my elbow. And then that's where it went down hill. "Toby! Where are you?!" I heard the voice I never forgot... THAT CLOCK BITCH. "AWE HELL NAH IM OUT OF HERE!" I yelled quietly. "Bring me with you!" Toby whines and I grabbed his arm and jumped out the window, right when I jumped out I heard her go in the room. "What was at the window? I saw something..." That was all I heard as I landed on the ground but it didn't hurt do some reason. I looked down to see me on top of Toby. "Wh-what? Do you l-like being on t-top of me?" Toby asked me. I quickly jumped off of him. "I'm sorry!" I- apologized. "Its okay, an-nyway... That was cl-close..." He said "too close" I said.

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