xGood or Bad?x

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Masky just kept smiling. "It's okay, it's because you don't like me anymore right?" He said. "No no no! It's just that if I keep dating you, Toby will kind of, try to, kill you." I said. This surprised him for some reason. "Wow... you actually think of me this much? Your too kind y/n..." Masky said. "Well, well, well, this is why I hate you y/n...' i heard a voice I learned to hate so much already. I turned around and saw her. She was wrapped in so many bandages I almost laughed. "Said by he girl who got her ass kicked by little girl." I laughed. "Why you little bitch!" she snarled and tried to get up but fell and yelped in pain.

"Hey clock bitch you might not want to move when your injured." I said and walked over to her. I may hate her and she may had killed my mom and almost killed me but I still have a heart... at least 1/100 of a heart for this bitch. "Pft, your looking out for me? Please I'd rather die then have you helping me out." She said and spat blood on to my face. I just stared at her startled at her reaction. Then I snapped, this bitch over here is still being a bitch even though I'm trying to be nice! And she said she'd rather die? Oh I will show her who's fucking boss! I stood up quickly from the rush of adrenaline and looked around for something. When my eye caught something shiny I took it and I realized it was a poison needle. I smirked and lunged towards Clocky with it. But a second before I could even stab her with it she realized what I was about to do and she had the look of fear on her face.

When I stabbed her with it she stopped moving and fell lifelessly on the floor. I sighed and jumped back on to my bed. Then I remembered...Masky. I looked next to me to see what was Masky doing. He just stared at me like wtf. "Uh um y-y/n wh-why did you d-do that?" He asked. I sighed knowing he was sacred now. "Dont worry you douche head, I'm not going to kill you too. She killed my mother and tried to kill me so this is what she get's." I said. "N-no not that... wh-what will you do i-if Slender figures out... He will k-kill you!" Masky stuttered. Oh he was thinking about my safety. "Shh don't tell him." I said and giggled. Then Masky realized what my plan was. Make it look like Clockwork died of blood loss.

Time Skip-

I finished with my work of making Clockwork looked like she died with blood loss. EJ already came down here seconds ago and freaked out when he saw her dead. Right now he was getting Slender and the others to help. "Where is she?!" Slenders voice boomed as he entered the lab. EJ pointed towards the bed she was on. Slender walked over there and it seemed he was trying things to help her get back up alive. I am now starting to think it was a bad idea to kill her. But, there just has to be a cure for a dead creepypasta! I mean like... there's no freaking reality anymore so anything that seems impossible should be possible by now!

Minutes later bunch of creepypastas came down here and checked on Clockwork besides Toby, Lily, and Hoodie. Hoodie was checking if Masky was okay asking over and over again even if Masky said he was fine. Lily was just covering her face with her hood and took glances towards me by time to time. And then there's Toby who is sitting on the bed I was on. "So, Clockwork died huh? That's actually some good news for me." He said a bit sad. It sounded like he actually did cared she died. "Your sad about her aren't you? It sounds like you are." I said. He shakes his head no. "No, I'm upset about something else, sorry about ruining your party." he said. "No no, it's okay Clock bitch over there was going to ruin it anyways. Also I have some news for you." I said to him. "Oh really what other news is important as my annoying lover dying?" He smirked.

"I broke up with Masky." I said. He looked at me like I was crazy, then looked at Masky, then back to0 me. "What?" he said. "Why?!" "I have my reasons." I smiled. Then Toby really did smiled this time like his usual smile. I looked over to Masky and gave him a thumbs up. He also gave me a thumbs up. But luckily no one noticed. After Slender, EJ, and Dr. Smiley confirmed Clockwork was dead they threw her in a bush... Yea not a very nice funeral but no one really really cared. But I still started thinking... was it a good or bad thing I killed Clockwork?

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