-Fate and Hope-

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I had to save BEN first! I am so sorry Masky! "GUYS WATCH OUT!" I yelled out and ran after BEN first. They both looked behind but not in time, but luckily for BEN I cut the string. Sadly for Masky he was wrapped in the string and was used as a human weapon... well... Proxy weapon. "What... just... happened?!?! Did you seriously just SAVED ME?!" BEN yelled out. "Yes I did, now hurry up and lets hurry and save Masky before he's knocked out cold! Or worse, he could die!" BEN nodded and we went after The Puppeteer, I took a quick glance at Toby and saw he was winning which was good.

As we caught up with the Puppeteer he swings the screaming Masky at us. "HELP ME!!!" he screamed out. "What do you think we're trying to do here?!" BEN yelled at him. As I stabbed The Puppeteers leg, which made him a bit unbalanced, BEN helped out and I guess he zapped him. But Masky was no where to be found. While BEN was making sure The Puppeteer won't stand back up ever again, I went to help out Toby. "TOBY HEADS UP!" I yelled out towards him as I saw the nurse aim her chainsaw at his arm but he dodged it. The nurse scowled at me for warning him which made her distracted. And while Toby has the chance to finish her off, he did. He threw his hatchet right at her neck and her head flew off in to the crowd as her blood splattered around her, Ugh I feel like puking, I wish I never saw that...

Toby walked towards me covered in blood. "Toby don't you dare go near me like that." I joked. "W-well you m-m-might as well g-get used to it." He laughed a bit. But all of a sudden an arrow hit my arm. "OW! What the fuck?!" I yelled out. "Oh g-god... are you okay?!" Toby asked really worried. The arrow wasn't too deep in, nor did it hurt so badly but it stings like a bitch! I pulled the arrow out and Toby doubled check to see if it was a serious injury. "Y/n! Have you seen M-masky?! I lost h-him in the middle of the crowd!" Hoodie came out of no where and asked me. I never seen him like this. I looked around me, and there were less enemies now, and I saw everyone besides Masky... "Sorry I haven't but... I saw him earlier." right as I said that I heard Zalgo's demon voice... not he had any other voice. "Are you looking for this?" I looked towards the throne I saw Zalgo sitting on earlier and saw Masky wrapped up. And Clockwork poking him like a weirdo.

"M-MASKY!!!" Hoodie yelled out and ran towards him. "Wait Hoodie!" I tried to reach out and stop him but he was too fast for me sadly. 'THAT BASTARD ZALGO!!!!" i thought. "Come on Toby let's help Hoodie!" I said to Toby. "O-okay!" We finally caught up with Hoodie and we were so close there to Masky. But when I looked at Clockwork and Zalgo they were both smiling... at me. I felt a little dizzy for a moment. Then everything started to fade a bit. I stopped running and grabbed onto Toby's shoulder. Hoodie noticed and looked towards me. "Wh-whats wrong guys? We're al-almost there!" Hoodie exclaimed, but he was still worried about me. "T-Toby... help..." I whispered before my legs gave in and everything became dark. And all I could hear were Toby's distant yelling and footsteps...


I woke up on the cold floor, I had no weapons and I had no idea where I was. But I felt unsafe... VERY unsafe. I walked around the hallways... but there many of them. After a while I heard giggles... Clockbitch... "CLOCKWORK I KNOW YOUR HERE!" I yelled out, but all I got in response were more giggles. "COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled out again. "Are you sure you want me to come out?" she sounded like she was enjoying this. "Yes I'm very sure I just said that." I said. "Okay then, you asked for it..." I swear she sounds so creepy when she's happy. Then I heard footsteps behind me... I turned around and saw Clockwork holding a knife. "Your TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! MAYBE YOU SHOULD RUN TOO!!!" She yelled out with a smile, I got a bit freaked out, because I swear she looks so creepy when she's happy!!! I started to run, I was arm-less (Not seriously) I had nothing to defend myself with and I was freaking out.

As I was running I heard her footsteps running after me. I was lucky enough I was just a bit faster and got her off my track. Also I was lucky to find a hole, and I crawled through it. But while I was crawling through, I heard Clockwork nearby singing a familiar tune with her own lyrics. "Tick Tock don't get caught! Run away there's no reason to stay, You can run! You can hide! But there's no way to save you from this destiny!~" I heard her... she was coming closer... Help me !!! SHE HAS A HORRIBLE SINGING VOICE!!!!

As I was crawling, as if bad luck had finally strikes to over 9000%. Clockwork was right behind me. "Your time has ran out!" She yelled out. I quickly started to crawl away. I may not be able to die, but I still feel pain, and actually... I CAN DIE FROM BLOOD LOSS AND MY HEAD BEING CUT OFF!!! But I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. My fate is decided right here and now, and my hope is building up. As I crawled out the hole. I landed outside in front of my Creepypasta family, with Zalgos disappearing body sprawled out on the ground...

Ticking Love | Ticci Toby x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now