-The Clock is a Lie-

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It's been a month since I've became a proxy. I had to shed some blood with my bare hands and a few missions but Toby will always block my eyes. Today is Wednesday... YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! I woke up to the sound of ticking. Knowing who it was I sat up in my bed and looked at toby who was just standing in front of my bed like a total creep. "H-heyyyy there y-y/n!!!" Toby said happily. "Heyyyy there Tobes!" I replied back happily also. "Are y-you ready?!" He said excitedly. I yanked the bed sheets off of me showing the normal clothes I usually wear everyday besides my pajamas. "Heck yea I'm ready! I was ready ever since last week!" I squealed and jumped off my bed. "LETS GOOO!!!" It's 6 AM in the morning! I wonder how everyone is doing muhahahaha. Toby and I dash to the kitchen and start grabbing the mix for what even we have today. "It's Waffle Wednesday!" Toby started to sing. "It's Waffle Wednesday!" I started to sing along. 'EVERYONE EVERY WHERE IT"S WAFFLE WEDNESDAY!!" We both singed. "We bang your so you can wake up on WAFFLE WEDNESDAY! At 6:30 AM because we dont care it's WAFFLE WEDNESDAY! Yank down stairs for WAFFLE WEDNESDAY!!! SHOVE YOUR FACE WITH WAFFLES WITH FORCE BECAUSE IT'S WAFFLE WEDNESDAY!!!!"

Slender walked into the kitchen with a really 'why did I even adopt you guys' face, well it kind of looked like it because he was face palming. But then we started to finish the song with the last lyrics! "BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE A FACE LIKE SLENDERP THEN WE WILL TORTURE YOU ON WAFFLE WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!" We finished the song and Slender left because last time at Waffle Wednesday....
~"Do you guys just have to do this AGAIN?!" Jeff complained as he walked through the dining room door. "Umm duh what do you think? Most of us love waffles! I PUT MY LOVE IN EVERY SINGLE WAFFLE AND YOU BETTER LOVE IT JEFF!!! OR I WILL SLOWLY KILL YOU!!!" I threatened him and threw a knife at the wall that was really close to him. He stopped talking after that. I gave Masky and Hoodie a waffle cheesecake so they won't complain. For Sally and LJ I gave them waffle with candy toppings! Lastly for Lazari and EJ I gave them organs with waffles.... Umm I don't know how it tastes like but I would like to PASS! I looked at Slender. "Slender what would you like to eat?" "Oh nothing." He said. But then Toby gave me a plated of waffles covered in sticky syrup and allot of butter. I know what he meant so I took all the waffles and smashed it on Slenders blank face. ~

Great times great times... After we were done making everyone's waffle we started to call everyone down while singing the Waffle Wednesday song. Before we even waked up Jeff slammed open his door. "SHUT UP!!! That song is so fucking damn annoying!!!" He complained and walked towards the dining room. "Good Jeffrey!" I yelled out to him. He just flicked me off in response... that damn bastard. I first wanted to wake up BEN. I went into his room which I should not be in because he is a perv. I tiptoed over to his bed and saw him sleeping peacefully... and then I started to slam one of his game controllers against his face. "WAKE UP YOU LITTLE NERD ELF!" I yelled out happily, I know it was a little bit cruel but... you can't stop me from being hyped. "What the fuck man?! Y/n just let me sleep... did you forget we did a gaming marathon all last night?!" He complained. Last night me and BEN went against each other and I was a slight moment away from beating him! I think he cheated... "Wake up for me pleaaaaase?" I used my puppy dog eyes. He just stared at me trying to be irritated. ".... Fuck you man..." He mumbled and sat up from his bed.

I skipped away happily and I already saw Sally, LJ, and Lazari up. They always loved this day! I also saw Liu who looks a bit wet... I think Toby splashed him with water... Next up is Lily, Jane, Judge, then EJ! I went into Lily's room which is all red and covered with black dots but it was still kind of cute in here because of stuff animals! I went over to Lily about to push her off her bed but... she caught my hand... "Don't you dare... y/n I will make sure you get no sleep tonight if you push me off..." she grumbled obviously out of it... she was never a morning person. Then I just pushed her off. "IT'S WAFFLE WEDNESDAY!" I yelled happily. "...ugh y/n why you gotta do this to me... I hate mornings so much..." She complained. "Because your my bessssst friiiend!" I hugged her as she got up. "If I ate you, will I still be your best friend? Because I'm sure you would be dead." she said coldly and went to change. She's always like that in the morning! But she's just really shy. And I figured out she was actually a cannibal! She doesn't eat organs that often though...

Toby and I woke everyone up already besides... EJ... He could eat us at any moment! Me and Toby sneaked into his room carefully. Toby was at the other side of the bed far away from the door while I was near the door. We both held the water bucket in our hands above EJ. " 1... 2...3!" Toby yelled whispered and we dumped the water on EJ. "RUNNN!!!! RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!" Toby yelled and we both ran for our lifes, as we hear EJ cursing at us from behind.


Everyone is eating just fine! EJ is still mad... who am I kidding? almost everyone is mad and that is what makes this day even more better! I heard the door bell ring. Since I was the first one done eating and Slender was too afraid to go out his office I picked to answer the door. "I'll be right back guys!" I said and opened the door. I saw no one... but I did saw something. I saw my favorite stuffed animal that Toby gave when we had normal lifes... I walked towards it slowly about to pick it up. But something quick that looks NOTHING like human grabs it and starts to run. I stood there for a quick second paralyzed by shock but I chased after the thing afterwards I realized what happened. It was too fast for me too catch up. I lost after I lost track of him but then I saw a clock... I was curious so I bent down and touched the clock... everything started to get blurry, then I felt like I was flying. All I saw was black.

Lily's PoV-

I felt like something was off when the doorbell ringed. We don't normally have visitors. I went to check who was there but all I saw was the door wide open with no one there. I started to panic because y/n was not there!!!!! In panic I ran back to the dining room and yelled out "Y/N IS MISSING!!!!" I yelled out. "WHAT?!" Toby was the first to react. Then Masky "B-but... How?!" I am sure Slender heard because he teleported in here. "Children I need you all to quiet down, who realized the change of this air?" He asked. Now then he mentioned it the air feels... a bit evil... "Yea it feels like..." I started to say. "Zalgo is here..." Masky finished. "WHAT?! WHY?!" Toby yelled. "Why did he have to take y/n?!?! It makes no sense!" BEN yelled out too. "I don't know but we have to find her before they do something..." Slender said, he looked a bit panic. Toby slammed his chair on the ground and went to his room stopping.

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