Warped - 2 *Good Morning!

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Chapter 2

We were finally dismissed.

“That couldn’t have been more boring,” Andy turns around and says to Ashley and I.

“I know!” I said leaning back in my chair. CC did the same but fell backwards quickly.

“I didn’t know you could make that high a noise C,” Ashley joked. He just glared at us from the floor. I was trying really hard not to laugh. Even Andy let a few escape. After that we were all howling. Sierra came over in the middle of it. She just looked at us funny.

“Lacey, wanna go shopping?” She asked me. I nodded and got up.

“Great to meet you guys!” I said before I left.

“Maybe you’re on our bus! That’d be sweet!” Ashley said.

“Of course it would, but what are the chances?” I called before I popped out the door. I readjusted my purse and Sierra and I called a cab.

“I’ll get this one,” She offered.

“I’ll get the one on the way back,” I told her. She told the driver to go to the local mall. It was brilliant since I didn’t bring much.

                We went to Hot Topic and Spencer’s and every other underground store Sierra knows. By noon I started getting hungry and we went to the ENORMUS food court. We both got some Thai food… I just decided to try it. Sierra said it was good anyways.

“So where should we sit?” I asked. She shrugged and we finally found an open spot. We opened the boxes and ate our food with chopsticks.

“This is different,” I said.

“Try it, it’s good,” She said. And it was. We laughed more over lunch but Ronnie and Ashley came over and crashed our party.

“Hello Ladies,” Ronnie said, looking smug as always.

“Hey Ronnie,” Sierra and I said. Ashley laughed at us.

“How’s your day been?” Ronnie asked. So we told him.

“Well, first I bought more spacers, it’s a disease really. And then Sierra took me to this awesome store and we bought a TON of stuff there.” I started.

“What’d you buy?” He asked. Ashley sighed, knowing the answer would be long. Sierra and I launched into a full description.

“I got a spirit hat before we stopped for lunch,” I said. Ronnie didn’t know what it was so I pulled it out to show him. It was black and awesome! He just looked at me funny. They decided to join us for the rest of the day.  We ran back around from store to store watching people stare. Yeah, we were THOSE insane scene kids that day. Naturally, when Sierra and I were done, we took taxi’s back to the hotel.

“I got this,” I told her and paid the driver. When we walked in with all our bags, everyone was in the lobby trying to see some papers.

“The bus lists!” Sierra called and we ran to see. When we got to the front we searched for our names. Sierra and I found that she was with her band, of course, but I didn’t find mine.

“Hey Lace!” Ashley called me.  I ran over. He pointed to the page.

“What? What?” Sierra asked.

“Sweet I’m on the Black Veil Brides bus!” I exclaimed, Ashley and I high fived.

“Everyone will love you,” Ashley said. Sierra and I went back up to our room to get changed for dinner. We were all going somewhere, I didn’t really know. Monica came in half way through our rampage.

“Hey girls,” She said. Monica was super nice. She was in her late 20’s with short brown hair and glasses. She was tall too. And single. I felt bad for her sometimes, but then again she seems happy with her life. Taking care of me, I mean.

“Monica! Should I dress like me or nicer?” I asked. She laughed and knowing what I meant, she responded appropriately.

“Like you, it’s not a fancy dinner,” She said. I threw things around and tried stuff on until Sierra and I approved of each other. I was wearing a black tank top and a lime bandeau with the tightest, most shredded jeans I own and black converse. Sierra looked somewhat similar, but toned down a bit. I also grabbed my hood before we left. Limos picked us up for dinner and Sierra and I piled in one with the rest of her band. It was fun getting to know them better on the ride. Besides, I have a feeling I’ll be spending lots of time on their bus too this summer.

                The next morning, Monica came in to wake me and Sierra.

“WAKE UP LACEY!” She shouted and blew an air horn.

“I’m up! Just make it stop!” I complained, covering my ears. Sierra came in to see what the noise was.

“What the hell was that?” She asked. Monica just laughed.

“That was one of the only ways to wake Lacey up, she sleeps like she’s dead,” Monica stated.

“Good to know,” Sierra said and went back to her room to change. What to wear…

“Wear something you can actually move in,” Monica said and went back to the living room. I sighed. That’s like, nothing… Ugh. I ended up in short shorts and a bigger black tank top that I cut all down the sides (it was black, duh). I also threw on some low cut converse and my hood to hide my hair. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and walked out.

“Done, this is as good as it’s getting,” I announced. I looked at the TV to see it was only eight in the morning.

“Why am I up so early?” I groaned.

“Breakfast,” was all Monica said and the three of us walked out into the hallway.

                “This is why hotels hate us,” One voice said from behind me.

“I know,” I recognized David’s voice. David and Kyle walked around the corner. David looked like a scolded child.

“What’d you two do now?” I asked.

“David broke a bed!” Kyle said like a little kid.

“So! We don’t have to pay for it,” David defended.

“Who were you doing last night?” I joked. Kyle looked at me shocked and so did Monica. David, Sierra and I bursted out laughing. Once we finally calmed down, David answered.

“No one, I was jumping on it,” He admitted. I just laughed more.

“At least there aren’t chandeliers,” I said and we broke out into song… A Breathe Carolina song actually. It’s where I got the joke from anyways.

“Last night, we were dancing on the table, swinging from the chandelier singing HEY- OH!” We yelled down the hall to the elevator.

“Well, I’m awake now,” I laughed as the doors slid shut.

Warped (An Andy Biersack/Warped tour fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now