Warped - 16 *Back to the Bus

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Chapter 16

Andy’s P.O.V.

                I was woken up at two a.m. by Lacey groaning. She was slowly waking up because of the pain. Then she started yelling.

“Lace, is it your stomach?” I asked. She nodded and clutched her middle.  I reached behind me to get her medicine and the glass of water I’d gotten ready, knowing this would happen. She gratefully took the meds and I put the cup back on the floor behind me. I knew her stomach would still hurt for the next ten minutes, I wrapped both my arms around her and let her scream into my chest to muffle the noise. I rubbed her back and tried to keep from crying myself. I hated seeing her like this, all torn apart and vulnerable. Eventually she calmed down and looked up at me with watery eyes.

“Thank you Andy,” She said and sniffed. I kissed her full on the lips to try and erase the pain that my idiotic ex brought on. She kissed me back and her hands tugged on my hair.

“Anything for you darling,” I told her. She kissed me again and I had to push her away.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” I told her with a smirk. She just smirked back and kissed me again.

“I’m getting sleepy,” She told me. I tucked her head back under my chin and she snuggled into me.

“Go to sleep then, I’ll be here when you wake up,” I told her and traced random patterns on her lower back where my hands rested.

“Promise?” She asked me like a child, her eyes full of innocence.

“I promise,” I said. I can’t believe she had to ask. I’d do anything for her, and all she wants is my company. She really was amazing. I was ready to give her anything she ever wanted, but she asked for nothing. I drifted off to sleep, holding this amazing girl that I didn’t deserve but somehow she was mine anyways.

                The next morning, Lacey needed more medication so we switched her over to the daytime one so she wouldn’t sleep all day. I held her again while the meds kicked in and CC didn’t quite enjoy her screaming.

“Poor thing,” I heard a voice say as I pulled Lacey up onto the couch. I looked over to see Jinxx following Sammi in the bus.

“Sammi!” Jake called. She waved and sat across from Lacey and I.

“Hi, I’m Sammi,” She said  and offered Lacey her hand.

“Lacey Adams,” She replied and leaned against me.

“How are you feeling?” Jinxx asked.

“Awful,” Lacey moaned. I kissed the top of her head and she closed her eyes.

“Poor girl, Andy you should take her out a little today,” Sammi said.

“I know, I was thinking about it,” I told her. We were on our way to LA today and it was a little less than a day’s drive away and we could probably stop for a while. Sammi and Lacey got along really well and by noon, Lacey was feeling better and we stopped for lunch.

“Now how do we get her off the bus?” Jake asked. CC ran to the back and returned with a plastic chair.

“Sit,” He commanded her and then lifted the chair and carefully carried her outside. She laughed the whole way. No one else was around so the seven of us ate together and almost got kicked out of the wendy’s.

Lacey’s P.O.V

                The whole day was amazing. The boys took awesome care of me and Ronnie called just after lunch.

“Hello?” I said into the receiver.

“Hey Lace! How are ya?” He asked.

“Not that much better, but the boys are being great,” I told him with a smirk.

“What were you up to?” He pushed.

“We just had lunch and I was going to watch Batman with Andy,” I laughed when Andy’s face lit up and he scrambled to find the disc he wanted.

“Meaning he watches it and you nap?” Ronnie laughed.


“Have fun, call if you need me,” He said.

“I will, tell David and Kyle I’m fine, will you?” I asked.

“Of course, bye Lace,” He said.

“Bye Ronnie,” And I hung up. Andy had already pushed play on the dvd and I snuggled up to him. I always loved how perfectly I fit into his side. He might be super bony but somehow he was still comfier than any pillow I’d ever had. And he was warm too. I probably fell asleep twenty minutes in and I woke up four hours later for dinner.

“Sorry,” I told Andy. He just chuckled and helped me out to the restaurant. For once, we actually sat down at a table and had a waiter take our order. Andy and I sat in a booth by ourselves, as did Jinxx and Sammi, who I’d grown fond of over the hours. She was super nice. And her and Jinxx were super cute!

“I can’t wait until we get to LA, I’m going to blow your mind,” He told me.

“I’m so excited,” I told him with wide eyes.

“Good, we can go see Chance if you want,” He said. My eyes got even wider.

“Yes! Oh my god yes!” I squealed.

“Cool it, we need to keep your stitches in tact this time,” He said with a smirk.

“I just want to be better!” I whined. Andy laughed and grabbed my hand.

“We’ll get you there, hopefully in only a few weeks,” He reassured me. We ate in between laughing fits and I was too full for dessert.

“There was actually something I wanted to tell you tonight,” He started as he carried me back to the bus bridal style. He had refused to let me walk.

“What is it?” I asked curiously. He set me down by the side of the bus and started fidgeting. I took his hands and tried to look him in the eye.

“I love you Lacey,” He said, staring deep into my eyes. I couldn’t care less about my stomach, I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

“I love you too Andy,” I told him. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me against him. In the background I heard a chorus of “Awww!” and turned to see everyone’s heads sticking out the bus door.

“Guys!” Andy whined. I laughed and he carried me onto the bus. That night I slept in the arms of the boy who loved me and that I loved back. It was the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had.

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