Warped - 5 *Smoking In The Dark

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Chapter 5  

Well, actually we got there early enough for Ashley to go to a few clubs to find a new fuck buddy.

“He is disgusting,” I announced.

“Either way, I’m in,” CC said. I scowled at him. “Anyone else? Andy?” He continued with a sly smile.

“Nah, not tonight,” He said. Jake went with them, Jinx only went to go get wasted. Stupid boys. Anyways it would be nice to have a quiet bus for once. I took my guitar from storage and took it back up with me. I sat on the couch and fiddled around with some chords.

“That sounds nice,” Andy said in passing. A little before midnight, the rest of the boys came back. I was sitting in my bunk with my iPod blaring to try and drown them out. Too bad that wasn’t working. You know, I think I like Jinx best… he only threw up in the bathroom and then passed out in his bunk. Where as Ashley was the noisiest sonofabitch I’ve ever heard. So I took my book and a blanket and marched right out the bus and sat leaning against it. I didn’t really get much reading accomplished until Andy joined me.

“Hey,” He said, sitting beside me.

“Hey,” I replied quietly. In the parking lot full of buses, all full of noise, I was glad we got here almost last and were confined to the grassy outskirts.

“What are you doing out here?” He asked.

“Trying to escape Ashley’s moaning,” I said laughing.

“Yeah, I know right? Mind if I smoke?” He went on.

“Not at all, it’s times like this I wish I could.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I have a lung condition, and I’m really not supposed to smoke, but at this point I don’t really care if I kill myself anymore,” I confessed. Andy lit up a cigarette and took a few drags.

“Wanna try it?” He asked me.

“What the hell, sure,” I said and took a drag. Sure it tasted like a children’s playground after school in 100 degree weather, but I could already feel myself relaxing as I watched the smoke come out of my mouth. I handed him back the cigarette.

“Well?” He pushed.

“I regret not trying it sooner,” I told him.

“Ha, I’m a terrible person.” We sat there for a while, just passing it back and forth, until it was gone. By then the bus had stopped shaking considerably.

“This was nice,” I said to Andy.

“Yeah, I’m surprised you aren’t hacking it up right now,” He told me.

“My lungs are already bad enough,” I joked. “Besides, I’m not as straightedge as everyone thinks.”

“How so?” Andy asked lighting up another one.

“I already drink enough to put most other people my age to shame, and not to mention all the shit I did last year,” I admitted.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that,” He said.

“I wonder if I could out drink you,” I thought out loud.

“Never,” He said. I laughed.

“Just another mystery then.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hair while you throw up,” Andy told me. Then we snuffed the cigarette and went back in. I pretended like I was going to sleep, it was only quarter to one anyways. Andy did too, but I heard him get down at around one thirty.

“Andy? What are you doing?”I asked, pulling back the curtain.

“I need food,” He said. “Why are you still up?”

“I can’t sleep.” He laughed at me.

“Want me to stay with you?” He asked.


                He asked me why I couldn’t sleep so I told him. It’s because I’m not familiar with my surroundings or the people so I don’t feel safe hence I can’t sleep.

“That’s stupid,” He said. “You can trust us, we take care of each other.”

“Good to know.”

“Besides, I’ll be here the whole time,” He joked and actually got into my bunk.

“Thanks,” I said sarcastically.

“You know, I’m trying to help because I like you,” he admitted. Even in the dark I could see his expression. He looked scared. Ha ha ha.


“Yes,” He said. “Like as more than a bus-mate or a one night stand. You have something different about you. It amuses me.”

“Good, I like you too,” I said boldly. Then he wrapped his arms around me under the covers and we slowly went off to sleep.

Warped (An Andy Biersack/Warped tour fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now