Warped - 18 *The Song

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Chapter 18

                When we got back to the bus, I still had some time to kill before Andy got back to take me to god knows where.

“Do you want me to keep you company?” Ronnie asked me.

“Actually, I think some alone time would be good for me,” I told him.

“Call if you need anything,” He said before turning to leave. I laid in my bunk for the first time in forever and looked at my pictures. I should call Chrissy. I dialed her number and waited.

“LACEY!” She screamed into the receiver.

“Hey Chris,” I said back.

“How’s life on the road?” She asked.

“Good, good, got some intense injuries and a new boyfriend…”

“WHAT?!” She yelled.

“It’s just some stitches,” I said.

“Oh, I know about that, but who are you dating?!” She asked frantically.

“Andy Biersack,” I said into the phone. She started screeching on the other end just as Andy walked in.

“Who’s that?” He whispered. I pointed at the picture of Chrissy and I.

“Look, Chris I gotta go,” I told her.

“Fine, call me again soon, I miss you,” She said.

“I will, miss you too sis,” I said before we hung up.

“She seems…” He trailed off.

“Where are your words now?” I joked as he helped me up.

“Stuck somewhere,” He said and carried me out of the bus.

“Where are we going?” I asked as he set me down outside the bus to fix his pants.

“To the park I used to write all my brilliant lyrics in,” He said.

“Oh my god, that sounds awesome,” I said and got on his back.

“I’m glad you’re looking forward to it,” He said. It wasn’t too far a walk to the park. It was really peaceful, lots of trees and a playground. We sat under a tree and Andy sat beside me.

“That’s where I used to live with Chance before we got kicked out,” Andy said with a laugh, pointing at a low brick building.

“By throwing a tire through a window?” I asked.

“Actually,” He looked down at me. “Yes.”

“That’s hilarious,” I said and leaned into him.

“I was going to visit him later if you want to come with,” He said.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I told him. The next thing I knew, Andy was pulling out a piece of paper from his pants pocket.

“This is for you, we don’t have any music yet, but Jinxx and Ash are trying to get on that,” He said and handed me the folded little square. I opened it to read the most beautiful lyrics in the world. I actually started to cry because it was just so damn sweet. I looked up at Andy and met his eyes that were bluer than the sky.

“Oh my god Andy, this is amazing,” I said, going to wipe at a few tears. Andy beat me to it.

“It’s all because of you,” He said. I pulled his lips down to mine by the back of his neck. When we pulled apart, I handed him the paper back.

“Make it a masterpiece,” I told him.

“Nothing less,” He promised and pulled me up carefully. “We have more stops to make.”

“I want to see everything you used to do when you lived here,” I said as he picked me up again.

“Okay, then I used to go to this awesome sushi place around the corner,” He said. “But it’s not dinner yet, so I’ll save that, why don’t we catch a cab and go see Chance?”

“Done,” I agreed and got down. I watched my skinny little stick of a boyfriend hail a cab and I climbed in behind him. We arrived at a weird complex kind of thing, it was more of a gated community meets a motel but fancier. We walked up and Andy greeted the security guard.

“I’m home!” He sang. The guard laughed and opened the gate.

“Welcome back Six,” He said.

“You haven’t heard? It’s Biersack now,” Andy told him and pulled me in the gates. What have I just gotten myself into?

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