Warped - 11 *Picking fights

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Chapter 11

     After the hectic signing, Andy and Ronnie helped me back to the bus. Ashley and Jake had blown up an air mattress on the floor between the couches and Jinx had gotten the others to sign a paper saying they wouldn’t have sex until I’m better, or at least well enough to sleep in my own bunk.

“Wow you’re smart Jinx,” I told him.

“You can call me Jeremy you know,” He said.

“Oh I know, I choose not to,” I finished. We framed the little contract and set all my blankets on the mattress.

“Do you still want me to stay with you?” Andy asked.

“Always,” I said and leaned into him. CC had the brilliant idea to take off the paper towel and clean my tattoos. This idea, not so brilliant. I will admit that the towels had to be changed, it was starting to get gross and itchy from the whole show and stuff. Andy’s hands, which were perpetually cool, felt amazing on my hot skin.

“Ugh,” I heard Ashley say.

“It’s not half as bad as yours was Ash,” Jake pointed out. That shut him up. Anyways, the boys were really gentle all the way up my arms. Andy made it to my neck first. His hands hesitated at the bruises and his eyes got dark. I tried not to scream as I turned my head to see him. I couldn’t read his face.

“I swear, I’ll kill that little fucker,” He muttered. I put my hand on his face and he looked up slowly. We didn’t say anything, we just sort of sat there. He cooled down and finished helping me with a touch as light as a feather.

                Andy and CC helped me to the shower where we tried to wipe off most of the crap and applied more lotion.

“You really shouldn’t play tomorrow,” CC told me.

“As I’ve already said, to hell with that, I’m going to do it and that’s final,” I said stubbornly. Andy laughed and bandaged me back up.

“You really are one of us,” He said. Just then, the bus jolted sideways, causing me to fall backwards onto CC and onto the air mattress. Andy looked out the window and stormed outside while I was left moaning in pain on top of CC who was quick to help me.

“You little FUCK!” I heard Andy scream. There was a lot of screaming as Ashley, Jake and Jinx ran outside.

“Christian, help me up,” I said.

“You’re not going out there!” He protested.

“Just get me to the window and then go help Andy and the boys,” I negotiated. He did as I asked and ran out. The kid from earlier was back and now screaming at Andy. Naturally, all five of them swelled up together, ready to fight. I saw some other kids with video cameras catching this moment to put on the internet. This could ruin the boys… I had to stop it. Finally, this “Thomas” punched Andy in the ribs. Damn, I got up and made my way out of the bus just in time to see the other boys pinning the kid down. Ignoring all the pain and the sensation of breaking my stitches, I ran out to Andy.

“Oh my god, are you okay?!” I asked him. He had crumpled to a heap on the ground, grabbing at his side. I sat beside him only to watch as he got up to kick the kid in the ribs. I don’t know how Jinx did it, but he restrained Andy. They whispered something quickly and I could tell it was about me. Ronnie came running and also whispered with Jinx. My mind was getting foggy when Ronnie came to help me off the ground. He took one look and my stomach and almost got sick.

“That bad?” I asked quietly. He nodded.

“What?” Andy asked. He was still a little hazy but was still good enough to take a good look at me.

“BASTARD!” He screamed. Luckily, with almost no adrenaline left to carry him through, the pain in his ribs stopped him. Silently, we made our way to the local hospital.

                The next day came around and we were all back on the bus. Andy had only cracked a few ribs, but my claw marks were significantly worse. Now they were bandaged with more than paper towel. I got up, with a lot of help from CC and Jake, who were already up. Andy was still fast asleep beside me on the mattress. I got dressed in a loose shirt I’d cut to show my stomach and arms. I would proudly show off my bandages today. I also managed to slide into my shorts without any help other than my belt. My stomach definitely hurt the worst. The boys helped me creep out of the bus without disturbing Andy. Let me tell you, that was pretty impressive. I slouched backstage and watched the pit fill up. I sighed and saw Monica walk up with Ronnie in tow.

“You can’t seriously be doing this,” She said.

“I’ll take it easy,” I shrugged her off. She just sighed and I heard her talk to Ronnie.

“See, she doesn’t listen to me,” She complained. It was funny, seeing Monica with her mousy brown hair and preppy suits talking to someone like Ronnie. He shrugged and whispered something I couldn’t hear. Then he grabbed a stool and told me to get ready, he’d be right back. I climbed up with difficulty to the wing.

“Good Morning Texas! How are you doing today?!” He yelled into the mic. The crowd roared with enthusiasm.

“I’m really proud of Lacey today, she has some bad injuries from yesterday, a lot of stitches and bandages. But she still wants to do this show for you guys. Sadly, it won’t be quite as high energy as always but we hope you like it anyways.” He said and came to get me. I tried to stand tall but heard a lot of gasps. I guess it’s because you couldn’t really see my skin. Ronnie helped sit me on the stool.

“Hello everyone, if you’re wondering, I’ll be fine,” I said. For fun, I made the set a lot more acoustic than it normally is. I still felt like I had to make up for it with something. I told my band and turned to the crowd that had actually gained people instead of losing them like I thought.

“So I feel bad that this show is lacking, and I’m going to give you a sneak peek into my first album with the first single that we were going to release in a few months.”

And with that, my song was leaked. By me. Monica was ready to bash my skull in when I got off the stage, with heavy help from Ronnie. He, however, was really proud of me.

“Those fans will always remember this show now,” He said.

“That should’ve happened when I walked out with stitches in my stomach,” I told him. Once again, all my fans at the signing were really sympathetic. But man did I really need to do an interview to get that out there. Monica quickly found me one.

“Hey,” Ashley found me before the interview.

“Hey, how’s Andy?” I asked him.

“He’s going crazy without you,” He laughed. “I’m not even kidding, he’s really worried about you.”

“Go tell him I’m fine and that I’ll be back soon,” I sent Ashley off with the good news.

Warped (An Andy Biersack/Warped tour fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now