Warped - 4 *To The Bus!

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Chapter 4 

                So I woke up at like 6am to pee that morning… Why? I couldn’t tell you. I did my stuff and crawled back into bed, but I couldn’t fall back asleep. That’s when I heard it. A large crash came from the hall. Apparently, Sierra was up too and we ran out the door, flipping the lock to keep it open on the way. We ran out to see Andy, Ashley and Jinx tangled on the floor, Andy’s head made an obvious dent in the wall. David and Kyle came running too. Knowing the band’s history of injury, we ran to see if they were okay.

“Guys!” I yelled and ran forward. They were laughing like they were drunk.

“BOYS! Are you okay?” I asked, helping them up.

“Yeah, Andy’ll have a headache though,” Jinx said. We shoved them all back to bed, but it didn’t last long. By eight, they were knocking on our door again. We opened it to see all of Versa Emerge and Black Veil Brides standing there.

“Come on ladies, the buses are here and ready to leave,” CC said. Andy had an ice pack to his head. I laughed. He stuck his tongue out at me. Sierra and I took our stuff and dumped it on the boys to take it to the bus. Slowly, in my pyjamas, I trudged down the stairs into the lobby. Sierra, being the more presentable of us, checked out and we ran to our buses. CC dumped my stuff mostly underneath, except for a few bags I managed to save before the doors were shut. I trudged up the stairs and into the bus to see the bus all clean.

“It will not stay this way,” I announced. Knowing it was true the boys laughed.

“Which bunk is mine?” I asked. There were only six bunks anyways. Lucky us.

“I dunno, pick one,” Jinx said. So I did, the bottom one.

“CC and Ashley aren’t allowed to be above me,”  I said and everyone laughed.

“Kay, I’ll be above you,” Andy said. I nodded and opened the curtain to my bunk. It was bigger than I thought. So we all got to work, I climbed in my bunk and covered the mattress with my black sheets. My comforter was black and silver. I also stuck a few click lights around. I also stuck up some pictures, most of me and Chrissy. Now that I think about it, I should call her. We should raid together or something… And yes, I did have my coveted World of Warcraft pillow.  When I got back out, all the boys were arranging the bathroom. Like the brilliant woman I am, I took my black and white, toiletry bag and hung it on the back of the door.

“Done,” I said and walked out.

“What? What is this?” Andy cried.

“A WOMAN’S way to organize things,” I said and dropped on the couch.              

“I think I need one,” Andy announced.

“I’ll buy you one for the next holiday,” I told him. We all had a good laugh. It was weird seeing all of them without their make up. I hardly recognised Jake and Jinx.

“So, time to get to know YOU,” Ashley said, pointing dramatically at me.

“Fine, go,” I told them.

“When is your birthday?” Andy asked… Wow, they had a paper.

“May 6th.”

“Where are you from?”


“Who’s your top 5 favorite bands on this tour?”

“You, Falling in reverse, Breathe Carolina, Sparks the rescue, aaaand… hmmm Myself,” I finished.

“Wow, anyways-“ Andy started.

“When do you PMS?” Ashley asked.

“There’s the pervert,” CC said. I just laughed.

“We need to know BEFORE she starts getting pissy,” Ashley defended.

“Chill, you’ve got three more months of safety,” I told them.

“Excuse me?” Jake turned around.

“Birth control,” I said. The all “Ohhh”-ed. It was amusing. By the end, CC and Jinx were in harmony.

“What is your favourite pass time?” Andy asked.

“Uhh, jamming out on my guitar, World of Warcraft, Skyrim?” I said, sort of like a question I guess.

“You play WOW too?!” CC said excitedly. Yeah, we’re cool like that.

“Back to the paper Chris,” Ashley said.

“Uhm, will you do an interview with Bryan Stars?” Andy asked. I burst out laughing.

“Only if I get to take one of you with me,” I said.

“Fair enough,” Andy replied. After the rest of the paper and a hole in the carpet being covered with a rug later the bus finally started moving. Christian and I sat across from each other on the couches playing World of Warcraft.

“Mr. Christian Coma, you play much too often,” I told him. He laughed.

“Oh, says the girl with five level 85’s,” He pointed out.

“I worked very hard for those!” I defended. Not to mention my hunter that was getting close.

“We should go hunting,” he said. So we did. Not for real, in the game. We decided to go see if Loque’nahak was out.

“You realise that there’s a 0.001 percent chance one of us will see him right?” I pointed out.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t still look,” he said. So I flew to Northrend and we searched Sholozar Basin. After a few minutes and three spots later, CC starts yelling.

“OH MY GOD! LACEY! Get you’re toon here quick!” He shouted. Andy just shook his head at us, laughing.


“Loque’s up!” He said. My heart started pounding as I flew there. Sure enough, Loque was prowling around at the bottom. CC watched as I threw several traps and tried to tame him, there was a point where he had to become my tank so I could finish the cat off.

“YES!” we both screamed. I knew Chris was taking pictures with us. What a silly boy. We agreed to go hunting later, but it was time for lunch anyways.

“Ugh, we still have no food,” Ashley complained. We ended up at a McDonalds… Not that we would ever be welcome there again for all the trouble the boys caused. Let’s see, there was a broken bathroom stall door and sink, two broken chairs and a clogged soda dispenser. Lovely.

“That has to be a new record,” Jake said once we were back in the bus.

“You did that on purpose?” I asked.

“No, it’s a perfected art form, doing in by accident,” Jinx replied. By nightfall we were in Austin, Texas.

Warped (An Andy Biersack/Warped tour fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now