Warped - 22 *Toronto!

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Chapter 22 - *Toronto

                A week later, my stitches were all healed up and we were just pulling into Toronto. It was about eight in the morning and I was curled up with Andy on the couch, we were both taking a nap until Jon came in and started yelling at us to get up.

“You know we don’t have to play until three Jon,” Andy complained and I hid further into him.

“I know, but  they need Lacey at the gate,” Jon told me. I groaned and got up.

“I’ll go too then,” Andy said.

“No, no, I’ll only be a second, you stay here,” I ordered and followed Jon out to the gates.

“LACEY!” I heard a familiar scream. It was Chrissy. She also was with Elliot and Jordan, two of my very best friends. Behind them was Nate, the guy I liked when I left. I was happy to see all of them.

“Someone get these four some Crew passes,” I said and they were let in. A security guard handed each of them a pass and I led them back to the bus.

“Should we be scared?” Chrissy asked.

“Yes, let me check if CC’s wearing pants,” I said before sticking my head back in. “Everyone decent?”

“Mhm,” All of them said at once.

“Alright guys, come on in,” I held the door open as my four friends climbed onto the bus.

“Woah,” Elliot said.

“And this is what we call clean,” I joked and watched as everyone took a seat somewhere. I curled back into Andy on the couch.

“You two are just too cute!” Chrissy said and Nate looked uncomfortable.

“Riight,” I said, drawing out the word. “Andy, this is Chrissy, Elliot, Jordan and Nate.”

“Hey,” Andy greeted them.

“And guys, this is my boyfriend Andy,” I finished the introductions. Andy’s arms tightened around my shoulders and his fingers ghosted over my skin.

“Well you definitely deserve some happiness,” Jordan spoke up.

“It’s about time!” I said with a laugh.

                Eventually all the rest of the boys joined us. Ashley was too busy flirting with Chrissy to notice Jinxx sneaking up behind him with a bucket of water. Chrissy noticed but she hid it like a pro. I was so proud! It was funny to watch Ashley shriek like a girl when the icy water hit his bare back.

“BRO! I WAS GONNA DO MY PAINT RIGHT NOW!” Ash screamed, he was fuming.

“So, towels exist for a reason,” Jinxx said between fits of laughter.

“So does deodorant but you don’t seem to use that either,” I mumbled, earning laughs from Andy.

“You little-,” Jinxx was cut off by CC.

“Calm down now, and come do an interview with me,” CC said and drug Jinxx out of the bus with Ashley carrying his legs.

“Help me do my paint?” Andy asked, giving me his trademark puppy dog eyes.

“Alright, get your crap,” I said and pushed him up. He slowly left me and walked to the back where they kept all the paint.

“He’s just a big teddy bear,” Chrissy said in amazement.

“Only because it’s the morning, when he wakes up all hell’s going to break loose,” I explained with a laugh.

“He seems good for you,” Elliot said.

“Oh no he’s not,” I said. “No one’s good for me, but we understand each other.”

“He seems like a good guy though,” Jordan clarified.

“You should’ve been here when the stitches were bad,” I laughed. “Why are you being so quiet Nate?”

“Because,” He sighed. “I’ve never seen you so happy.”

“That’s a lie, I was happy with you too,” I said before Andy walked back in.

                I helped him out as much as I could and tried to keep him focused but it didn’t really work. He has the most horrible ADHD when he tries to get ready.

“Come on Batman, I’m ready to use every threat I have to get you to focus,” I said and narrowed my eyes.

“You wouldn’t dare,” He said, matching my expression.

“Try me,” I started. Andy managed to stay focused for all of three minutes before drawing on himself with the paint.

“Andy,” I said sternly. “Don’t make me make you sleep on the couch.”

“But!” Andy started.

“Don’t even, I mean it!” I said and he went back to trying not to get distracted.

                All in all, I got Andy fully dressed and in paint in record time.

“Woah,” Jake said from behind me. “That was impressive.”

“Thank you!” I sang. “Come on guys, let’s go meet some people!”

Andy had gone off to join Danny for an interview while Chrissy and Jordan got to meet some of my friends, and their idols.

“Hey Lace! Wanna play some soccer with us today?!” I heard Vic yell at me.

“Sure, When?” I asked.

“Noon-ish?” He offered.

“Sure! See ya then Vic,” I called as we went to go see Ronnie. He was chilling on the stage even though he still had an hour and a half before the doors opened.

“Hey pops, what’s up?” I said, jumping the fence easily.

“Nothing, these your friends?” He asked me. They all got along great. And soon we were side stage watching the set. It was going to be a good day.

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