Warped - 8 *Jinxx is a Ninja

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Chapter 8 

                I was once again woken up by one of the other guys. I looked at the little watch I taped to my wall and saw it was 6 am. I snuggled closer into Andy and felt his arms tighten around me.

“You slept soundly,” he whispered. I didn’t say anything, I just tried to get back to sleep. Then, the lovely noises of somebody throwing up filled the bus. I sighed when I heard  Jake laughing.

“Damn those boys,” I said and much more carefully, got up. I pushed Jake out of the way to see poor CC still by the toilet. I sighed.

“Well, at least we know who’ll take care of us,” Jake said and walked out. I sighed and held Christian’s hair back.

“Thank you Lacey,” He said while I tied his mane back and handed him some tissues. Come to think of it, all the boys had manes.

“No problem Coma, are you done yet?” I asked.

“Fuck no,” He said and promptly started throwing up again. I helped him until we could at least get him on the couch. He fell asleep quickly and I sat across from him.

“You’re so nice to all of us,” Andy said, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

“Yeah honey, we really need it,” Ashley said, doing the same. I sighed and left my head fall back.

“It’s 6:30…” I groaned. Andy laughed.

“Go get ready, today’s a media day for all of us,” he told me. I sighed and trudged outside.

“Lacey! Put some pants on!” Sierra yelled over.

“I’m wearing shorts for god’s sake!” I yelled back. I grabbed a bunch of clothes and ran back inside to change. Andy helped me pick what to wear. Well, not everything. I ended up in a pair of black skinny jeans and a tank top. With no shoes.

“ASHLEY!” I screamed. He laughed and flung my converse at my head. Jinx reached out and caught them before they hit my head.

“She has stitches, idiot,” He said and handed me the shoes. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.

“Oh my god, you are a ninja!” I said. Jinx just laughed and sat down… Except he accidentally sat on CC. Who woke up. Then I remembered and clawed the fake skin off my forehead to reveal pink gauze. I changed it quickly but Andy was still in the bathroom from when I left and Monica was already at the door.

“Come on, we have a big day!” She said and hauled me out the door. I ended up on a couch with a reporter.

“Hi, Lacey! I’m Sheryl,” She said kindly, shaking my hand.

“Hi, I’m sorry, I just woke up,” I apologized. I looked at the clock to see it was already 10am.

“That’s fine,” She said laughing. The interview went smoothly, I found out it was for Alt Press. Then it came around to my bandages.

“So what did you do exactly?” She asked.

“I slammed my head off my bunk, trying to get up,” I admitted. We chatted more and she asked a lot of questions.  Finally it was over and Andy met me outside the bus. Of course, there was a cigarette in his mouth.

“Okay, you really shouldn’t  smoke THAT much,” I scolded him.

“I know,” He said. “Wanna get breakfast?” He asked. I nodded and he took my hand. Not that I minded. Out of nowhere I suggested something.

“I should go get tattoos sometime,” I thought out loud.

“You want tattoos?” Andy asked.

“Of course! I’ve been planning them for years.

“I know a guy if you want, we could even go tonight,” He said.

“I would love that.”

“You realise we’re going to have to take the others right?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

After breakfast, two more interviews, lunch and ANOTHER interview, Monica released me for the day. I could do whatever I wanted. Andy and Ashley were doing their last interview of the day and CC and Jake were doing one too. God knows where Jinx, little ninja, so I decided to hunt for Sierra. I looked a lot of places, but where was she? Of course she was on her bus.

“Hey!” She said and hugged me.

“Hey, I’m going to get some tattoos tonight if you want to come with,” I said casually.

“Really?! Have you asked Monica?” She asked.

“Yeah, she says she’ll sign them as an early birthday present,” I told her.

“YAY! I’m so excited!”

“You’re getting tattoos?” Jinx said, coming out of nowhere. I screamed.

“You really are a ninja,” I said. He just laughed.

“Can we go when the guys are done?” He asked excitedly.

“Well, do you have anything else to do?” I asked her. She shook her head and we sat around. By the  time the boys were actually done, Ronnie, David and Kyle were all along for the ride, Andy’s artist already waiting for us… All 10 of us. This should go well.

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