Warped - 9 *Tattoos and Kisses

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9 - *tattoos and kisses

We all piled in cabs and drove to god knows where. Andy told the others where we were going but not me. Ugh, sneaky bastard. We pulled up to a tattoo place and we talked to Andy's friend.

"So, what do you want done today?" he asked me. He was your basic tattoo artist, covered in tats of his own and a few piercings. His bleach blonde hair was enough to blind in the sunlight.

"How much time do you have open?" I asked him. He laughed.

"All day," he replied. "I booked it off when Andy called."

"In that case, go big or go home right?" I said. So I told him what I wanted, and we waited as he drew it up.

"Now I'm getting nervous," I told everyone.

"Don't we'll all hold you hand if you need us to," Sierra said. I sighed and leaned into Andy who was behind me.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm paying for this one," Ronnie said.

"No, you don't have to," I started but he cut me off.

"I know but I want to, besides you're now officially little sister on tour," Ronnie announced. David and Kyle said similar things and eventually everyone wanted to be apart or me and my big tour family. So I was struck with a great idea. I got everyone to write their first name on a piece of paper. Andy, Ronnie, David, Kyle, ashley, CC, Jinxx, Jake, Sierra, Monica, and myself and brought it to Austen, the tattoo artist. Finally it was time for my first one. It was big and went down one entire side of my right arm. It read "Please don't ever give up." I laid down on the table and waited nervously. Andy took my hand and Ronnie stood with me while everyone else watched from afar.

"Calm down, it's not that bad," Andy told me.

"Yeah, look at us, we're still around," Ronnie tried to soothe me too. It worked a little. It wasn't until Andy called for some privacy that I started to relax.

"Hey," he started. "Don't be so scared, I'll be here the entire time holding your hand."

"I know," I said shakily. Then he pressed his lips against mine with everything he had. I immediately calmed down and closed my eyes. Everyone came back in and Austen started tattooing. I squeezed Andy's hand until the pain dulled. It wasn't that bad.

"Do you think you can handle more than one today?" Austen asked. I chuckled.

"Yeah, how about that star wars one?" I asked. Now he laughed.

"How about all of them?" each time a new tattoo was started, I squeezed Andy's and Ronnie's hands and then relaxed. Finally by the time it started getting dark, we were on the last tattoo of the day. It was the one of all the roses with the people I loved on it... Well their names anyways. There was one for Monica, Chrissy, my best friend Ian, and two blank ones. The names were going to be filled in later. This one was actually painful. Ronnie, Andy and David stayed by me side the while time. Finally, it was done and we paper toweled my neck.

"So just keep them clean and you'll be fine, besides the guys know what they're doing," Austen said.

"Thank you so much!" I said. Ronnie paid for my big arm tattoo, Ashley paid for my BVB tattoo, and david for my star wars. As another present, Monica and Sierra paid for my neck, and a few others on my left forearm and wrists. And my partial sleeve. I hoped to make it a half sleeve soon. The only one I actually paid for was my little 9 on my foot. My lucky number.

"They look gorgeous," Andy told me in he cab on he way home. I didn't sit nicely in there because my new tattoos were starting to sting a bit with pressure.

"Sleep on your stomach!" Austen had told me before we'd left. I'm gonna have to. We had to leave for the next city anyways. For once, Ashley was deprived of sex and the bus was quiet. I took the same shirt from the night before from Andy and put it on.

"Keep the paper towel on it," andy told me. I obeyed and crawled into bed with him. I swear I'd never be able to go back to sleeping without his cool hands on me. They trailed lightly up and down my back as I fell asleep.

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