15 - *A late night interview

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Chapter 15 - *

Lacey’s POV

Andy looked scared out of his skin tight pants, so I decided to try and speak.

“Of course I’m okay, they’re just stitches,” I said. He totally relaxed and sat on the bed. Slowly, the rest of my friends piled in. I’m so sure we weren’t allowed this many people in a room at once.  Oh well.

“I am SO sorry,” Andy said, taking my hand.

“It’s fine Andy, really,” I said. After another hour, we were let out of the hospital on strict orders that if I’m going to perform, it has to be in a chair. And I have to have someone with me all the time.

“Dude, that sucks,” David said to me. “We were going to have a sweet rave party tonight.”

“Damn, that’s too bad,” I said with a frown. I was leaning heavily on Ronnie and Andy to walk to the bus that was parked outside. There were a few photographers and I swore under my breath. Sierra, David and Kyle tried to block us from view while Monica started yelling at them. The boys slowly carried me up the stairs and I laid on the mattress in the middle of the floor. Sierra came in after and shooed out the boys.

“What would be comfy to you?” She asked and dug through my suitcase.

“Any of the boys shirts, those ones are Andy’s,” I told her. She threw me one that wasn’t destroyed and found a pair of torn leggings to put over tight jean shorts.

“Now, we’re going to go back to the venue and do an interview and show the world how kick ass you are,” She said and sat with me on the floor.

“Perfect,” I said with an evil smile. The boys joined us on the bus with Monica coming in last. The driver took us back  to the venue and Monica made calls the entire time. Apparently a few pictures of me had already made the front of a few websites. When we finally made it back nobody even left, Monica just let one reporter and her camera man on. We all sat in a line across the couch on the floor, with the exception of Andy who was behind me, playing with my hair.

“Wow, you have quite the crew here,” she remarked.

“Well, they’re all amazing friends,” I told her.

“Ready for this?” Ronnie asked.

“As I’ll ever be.”

Reporter: So, Lacey, Why were you admitted to the hospital?

Me: I was too stressed out and re opened a few of the stitches in my stomach.

Reporter: Did it hurt?

Me: Duh, It was about the same as getting my tongue pierced. And that hurt like a bitch.

Reporter: What happened?

Andy: Oh my ex attacked us.

Reporter: Wow, that’s intense

As it got really late, the reporter left and so did David, Kyle, Sierra and Monica. Ronnie didn’t really want to leave but Andy and the boys promised to take great care of me. Ashley went to bed first, which was really weird.

“Good night,” Jinx said and crawled into his bunk. CC and Jake went to bed soon after too. Then it was just Andy and I on the mattress.

“I’m so sorry,” Andy said, still sitting behind me.

“It’s really fine Andy, seriously,” I told him, turning my head to look at him. He sighed.

“I need a smoke, are you coming with?” He asked. I nodded and we went outside. It was nice to get out in the dark for a cigarette with Andy, not that I really liked him smoking all that much in the first place. We chilled outside on the ground in the warm L.A. air.

“How do you feel?” He asked me.

“A little hazy, but pretty good,” I replied easily.

“I still feel ba-,” He started.

“Andrew Dennis Biersack, don’t you dare finish that sentence, it wasn’t your fault,” I told him. He laughed a little.

“I know, but she’s my ex,” he pointed out.

“I don’t care, she’s the one who came up to us remember?” I said and laid a hand on his cheek. His own hand enclosed mine gently.

“It just sucks that it was you who got hurt Lacey,” he said looking down.

“We’ll even out in Canada,” I told him. I was lucky enough to pull one of his sweet smiles to the surface and walked into his arms.

“We should go back in,” He said, his lips resting on my hair.

“Okay,” I agreed and he helped me slowly into the bus. I was way too tired to change, so I fell asleep on top of Andy, my head resting perfectly under his chin.

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