Warped - 14 *Julia

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Chapter 14     

         Heels and grass were a bad idea. I settled on leaning against the bus and playing with my skirt.

“Why do you always look so perfect?” He asked from behind me.

“AH!” I screamed and almost fell on my face. Luckily his hands caught me.

“Nervous?” He asked.

“God Andy, don’t sneak up on me!” I said and hit him in the chest.

“Sorry, I’ll remember that,” He apologized. I turned around to look at him. Yup he still had full make up on but at least he changed clothes.

“Should I have scrubbed it off?” He asked.

“No, I like it. It’s normal.” I pointed out.

“Thank you, you look amazing by the way,” He told me. I blushed.

“Shouldn’t we go?” I asked.

“Riight,” He said and took my hand. We ended up in a cab with an unusually quiet driver. IT made me laugh.

“So, where are we going?” I asked.

“You don’t get to know,” Andy teased.

“You’re evil,” I told him. He just flashed me a smile that I wasn’t aware he was capable of. It was almost scary. He looked like an innocent little kid. I just sat there in the quiet and looked out the windows. To be honest, I was really nervous. I couldn’t keep from fidgeting until Andy grabbed my hands. I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes and finally felt relaxed.

“You’re perfect, calm down,” He whispered. I can’t believe it but I giggled like a fan girl. Ugh.

“Your tattoos look great, they’re healing nicely,” he continued.

“Have you seen one of my favourites?” I asked and pulled down the collar of my shirt to show him the Savior tattoo with the rosary beside it.

“That is amazing,” he said in awe.

“I’m glad you like it.” Finally we pulled up to the restaurant.

“Famous Dave’s?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, have you ever been to one before?”

“We had one by my house, Chrissy and I used to go there all the time,” I finished.

“Who’s Chrissy?” He asked.

“My best friend.” I pointed out and we walked in.

“Perfect,” He said and flung an arm over my shoulder.

                The host recognized us when we walked in and got us a table right away.

“See, being famous has an upside,” I said to Andy.

“Tell me about it, do you know how many play places we’ve been let into at four in the morning,” He said. We laughed and our waitress came. And did she ever flirt with Andy… Hard. We ordered quickly and Andy sent her away.

“Be nice,” He said seriously.

“Oh, this coming from you?” I joked.

“True, but do it anyways,” He said. We talked about everything, favorite movies, bands and where I used to live.

“What DID happen with that anyways?” He asked me.

“My parents didn’t want to try and keep up with me, so they handed me off to Monica,” I started. “She’s not even my actual adoptive parent. Those papers are still blank.”

“Well, you seem to be doing good on your own,” He told me.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“You guess?” He asked.

“Well, I don’t really have anywhere to live after the tour,” I admitted, looking down.

“You can always stay with me if you’re willing to put up with Chance,” Andy offered. I smiled.

“I would love to,” I said.  We finished our dinner and walked out to the parking lot.

“ANDY!” Someone yelled. I heard him groan as we turned around. A girl about the same age as Andy came running over. She was tall, stick thin and blonde. I gave her an ugly look before clinging to Andy for dear life.

“Hi Julia,” He said in monotone.

“What are you doing out with this,” She paused, looking me up and down. “This whore!”

“What did you just say to me?!” I yelled at her.

“Woah! Woah woah woah, ladies, chill,” Andy said, stepping in between us. “Don’t you dare talk about her like that Julia.”

“But it’s true!” She screeched.

“JULIA!” Andy yelled in his deep voice. It scared both of us. Julia shrunk down to nothing.

“Do NOT bother us, ever,” He said, his eyes burned and led me away. My stomach hurt really bad. I had to stop and hold my stomach closed.

“What’s wrong?!” Andy asked me. He seemed really concerned.

“My stomach,” I moaned. We pulled up my shirt to see the top few stitches in my stomach had opened up again.

“Oh my god,” Andy sighed. We called an ambulance because we didn’t have a car. It wasn’t fun. As soon as I was put in the ambulance I could see the cameras flashing. Andy decided to meet me at the hospital.

Andy’s P.O.V.

I can’t believe Julia showed her face. I haven’t even seen her lately! Or at all, for the past year. Just the stress from the encounter was enough to break Lacey’s stitches. I really hated seeing her like this… Well, I dialed Ashley’s number into my cell to tell him what had happened.

“That BITCH!” He swore on the other end.

“I know,” I sighed.

“Well, Jeremy and I can come get you, we’ll be right there,” he said.

“Okay, can you tell Monica?” I asked.

“Yeah dude, I’ll talk to Ronnie and stuff too,” He said. We agreed and I had to wait around.

“Andy, what is wrong with you!” Julia said from behind me.

“Julia! Get the fuck away from me!” I groaned. She was so needy.

“Why are you dating her and not me?” She persisted.

“Because Lacey is an amazing person and you’re a worthless piece of shit,” I replied calmly.

“HOW COULD YOU?!” She screamed.

“It wasn’t hard, I never even loved you,” I told her. That shut her up. Finally Jeremy and Ashley got here and I didn’t have to stay around Julia.

“Was that who I think it was?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes, now drive,” I told them. The next half hour was hell as we waited to see her. Lacey was such a nice person, I couldn’t believe this was happening to her. In the waiting room was me and the boys, david, kyle, monica, Ronnie and Sierra. Finally a nurse told us we could see her.

                She looked like hell. Her pretty blue hair was tangled and her make up was smudged, her shirt and skirt were bloody and worst of all was seeing all the tubes poking into her. Her eyes fluttered open and I got to see the gorgeous blue color I’d been missing for the last while.

“Oh my god Lace, are you okay?” I asked her very seriously. She gave me a confused look.

*~*Cliffhanger :O  your welcome :) *~*

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