Warped - 7 *The First Date

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Chapter 7

                Sierra and I sat on the steps of her bus, waiting for me to be collected. Before that happened, Ronnie came by.

“Hey Ladies, why do you look so nice?” he asked. Sierra laughed and I glared. Ronnie giggled like a kid.

“I have a date,” I told him.

“Ooooo! Who you goin’ out with?” He asked in his gay-est voice.

“Andy.” He gasped.

“That’s adorable!” He continued in his gay voice. At that point, Sierra lost it and hit the dirt laughing. I almost joined her if it weren’t for the fact that my dress costs more than most jewelry. It was a strapless black corset with lots of silver embellishment and a super short skirt. And it even had POCKETS! Oh my god, I love this dress. My shoes were silver, my nails were black and I didn’t have any jewelry except for my onyx ring. At this point, Ashley showed up and gave us a confused look.

“Nevermind, let’s just go.”

                It turns out that we don’t even get to ride there, Ashley and I took a separate cab than Andy and CC. So I don’t even get to see him until we actually get there… Great.

“Calm down, you look great,” Ashley said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’d bang you,” He announced. I punched him in the arm for that one. I poked at my forehead, hoping that you couldn’t see the stitches. Sierra helped me try to cover them up with fake skin and make up and it looked pretty good, I must say. We pulled up to this little place and I saw Andy looking gorgeous, leaning against the wall outside. Naturally, a cigarette was hanging from the tips of his fingers. He looked amazing in REAL pants, black pants. And he also had a black shirt rolled up to the elbows and a black tie. Surprisingly he also managed to scrape off the day’s paint. Ashley opened my door and I stepped out onto the pavement.

“TADA!” Ashley sang. I laughed and  walked over to Andy, listening to the clicking of my heels. Ashley’s shouting got Andy’s attention all right. I could see his eyes moving up and down me.

“Hey,” he said in his deep, sexy voice.

“Hey.” I replied. Man I was nervous.

“Are you ready for this?” he said holding out his hand.

“Hell no,” I squeaked and took his hand. He laughed and opened the door for me. Inside it smelled strongly of cooked meat. Not that that’s a bad thing. We were quickly led to a table by a waitress who most definitely recognised us. Once we sat down and decided on our food, we got to talking.

“Where’d the stitches go?” Andy asked in amazement.

“Sierra helped me cover them up,” I told him.

“It looks perfect,” he said. I blushed. “You look gorgeous by the way.”

“Thank you, you look very handsome yourself,” I replied. He smiled widely and didn’t stop for a while.

“What’s with you?” I asked.

“I’m just really happy,” He told me.

“Aww!” We ate and laughed until I started getting tired. When we got back we walked through the venue hand in hand, watching the stars. We laid on top of the bus for a while.

“Did you have fun?” Andy asked me.

“It was perfect,” I replied. He looked into my eyes and leaned down and kissed me. It was perfect until the bus shook a little and I screamed really loud. Andy wrapped his arms around me.

“Shh, it’s okay,” He comforted me. I’d started to laugh as I leaned into his chest. It happened again so I clung to Andy for dear life.

“Damn Ashley,” I groaned. Andy just laughed in his seductive low way that made my heart skip a beat.

“One day, we’ll get back at him,” He said. We sat up there until the bus stopped moving and then went back down. Too lazy to find my own clothes, I stole one of Andy’s shirts and changed quickly.

“Oh my god,” Andy gawked at me.

“I am wearing shorts you know,” I pointed out.

“I can’t believe you look better in my shirt than I do,” He said quietly. I chuckled and slouched against the wall. We ended up in my bunk again, my head resting on Andy’s chest.

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