Warped - 17 *LA

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A.N. Sorry it's short! I was on vacation and only brought my laptop while this, which was supposed to be chapter 16, got left behind on my desktop :P So I changed it a little and made it chapter 17 instead :D Enjoy!

Chapter 17!

Andy’s P.O.V

I couldn’t sleep, so I just thought… I looked down at Lacey to see her face blank, probably hiding tons of emotions. God, this poor girl doesn’t need any more drama or pain. I felt awful for what Julia managed to do. Now she was back to square one… Actually now she’s even worse, so there’s that to deal with. Tomorrow, my beautiful Lacey would be confined to a wheelchair and she would STILL play her show. I looked down at her sleeping. She had a small smile on her lips and for once she looked like nothing bothered her. Her purple locks were a mess, but somehow she still looked perfect. I started up at the ceiling and thought about how to make the next day amazing. We both had early shows, so I would be able to spend the whole day with her and only her. It was especially great because we were in L.A. for the weekend. I used to live here, so I was looking forward to taking her to my favourite places. When I looked back down at Lacey, her smile was replaced by a scowl. She woke up suddenly, hissing in pain and clutching her stomach.

“Hey baby,” I whispered in her ear. “It’ll be okay.” Tears started leaking out of the sides of her eyes while they were clenched shut. I reached over to get her the water bottle and some pills, which she took with shaking hands. I replaced the meds and rubbed her back soothingly.

“Shh, it’ll all be okay in a minute darling,” I told her and kissed her forehead.

“I hate that BITCH!” She shrieked into the darkness. She has a set of lungs on her. I felt bad for the others but there wasn’t much I could do. She was still crying, so I did the only thing I thought would help. I kissed her in hopes to take away the pain, I would rather have it on myself than her. When we finally let each other go, she wiped the tears from her eyes. The clock on the microwave said it was only three a.m. She sat up slowly and rubbed her forehead.

“You are so adorable,” I whispered in her ear, letting my arms find their way down her thighs. Her stomach wasn’t really an option at the moment.

“No, I’m really not,” She muttered.

“You’ll always look amazing to me,” I told her. “I promise I’ll never let anything hurt you again.”

Lacey’s P.O.V.

“I promise I’ll never let anything hurt you again,” He said, I could hear his voice wavering. I looked back to see his eyes watering.

“Andy,” I said, but my own voice faltered and cracked. I kissed him with everything I had.

“Please don’t cry,” I told him and lifted a hand to wipe away a single tear. His crystal eyes stared back at me and he smirked.

“That’s my line,” He said jokingly. I leaned back into him and relaxed, happy to be with him. Slowly, my mind clouded and I let my head fall back on his shoulder.

“Go to sleep now, I promise, I’m not going anywhere,” He said, his breath tickling my ear. The last thing I hear was his humming, it was a song I’d never heard before. But I loved it.

The next morning, I woke up still in Andy’s cool arms. It was great since I was always warm.

“Good morning darling,” Andy whispered.

“Good morning,” I said, burying my face in his neck.

“Come on, your show’s in an hour,” He told me. Wait, what? I looked at the microwave to see that it was already eight in the morning.

“Wow, it’s late,” I yawned and let Andy pick me up off the floor. He laughed at me.

“I know, you slept pretty well last night,” He told me and helped me into fresh clothes. I still had my bra on so I didn’t mind him seeing more than he’s used to. He frowned and his eyes grew darker when he saw my bandages. I pulled his face back up to look me in the eye.


Ronnie stopped by with a wheelchair that I refused to perform in.

“We got this!” Ashley announced. CC was carrying a huge Wal-Mart bag holding god knows what. We had bought the wheelchair in case I ever needed it again. CC and Ashley started pulling colorful duct tape out of the bag, along with spray paint and spray glue. There was also an open cardboard box.

“TA DA!” Ash announced. Ronnie laughed.

“That’s genius,” I told them. They made it all pretty with tape and then opened the box to reveal band stickers of all varieties. I instructed them on where to put them all and the BVB patch ended up on the backrest for all to see.

“Gorgeous,” Ronnie said, admiring his work.

“Just like you,” Andy said so quietly I could barely hear him. I giggled and Ronnie rolled his eyes at us.

“I don’t want to know!” He said, flinging his arms up and pretending to walk away. We attached duct tape ropes to the front so I could be pulled.

“Like a boss,” CC said as Ashley pulled me through the grounds. We made it just in time.

“I’m not going out there on this,” I said stubbornly. The boys rolled their eyes at me, Andy agreed to help me onto the stage if I agreed to sit on a stool the whole time.

Andy and Ashley helped me off stage and left me with Ronnie. They had their own show to play.

“You did awesome kid,” He said, ruffling my hair.

“Thanks Ronnie,” I said laughing. He took the duct tape rope and looked at me.

“Where to?” He asked.

“Hmm, the bus I guess,” and Ronnie pulled me all the way there… Did I mention he runs funny?

Warped (An Andy Biersack/Warped tour fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now