Warped - 3 The Most Important Meal of the Day

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Chapter 3 The most important meal of the day

David and Kyle rode down with us to breakfast, not making any stops. We all sat together and were soon joined by Ronnie and Ashley.

“Morning,” Ashley said, sitting beside me.

“Morning,” I replied, looking at the menu. I don’t like breakfast… At all. Ronnie sat on the other side of me.

“What are you getting Lacey?” He asked me. Monica snorted.

“She doesn’t eat in the morning,” she told them.

“It’s true, I’m never hungry before noon anyways,” I admitted.

“You should really eat something,” Ronnie pushed.

“Fine Dad,” I sighed. He laughed but I did get a bagel.

“This bagel is going to ruin my day,” I complained.

“No it won’t, It’s good for you,” Ronnie said. So I sucked it up and ate the damn bagel.

“Your powers are amazing,” Monica said to Ronnie.

“It’s a gift,” he replied.

“No, I just felt like listening to a non-nazi for once,” I stated. David choked on his eggs and Sierra snorted milk.

“That’s attractive,” Kyle told her. Ashley just sat there laughing as Monica scowled at me. Just then, late as always, Andy showed up wearing sun glasses.

“Shhhhhhh,” He shushed us.

“Rough night,” Ashley whispered to me. I nodded.

“What’s so funny?” Andy asked.

“Monica’s a nazi,” I told him.

“Don’t make me laugh, it hurts,” He said with a grin. Just for that, Ashley clapped loudly in his ear.

“Ouch! Bitch,” He said quietly.

“I heard that,” Ashley sang.

                After breakfast we were all pushed back into the board room… Only this time, there were no tables or chairs only open space. Uh-oh. This is not looking good for me. The same lady from yesterday announced we would be playing dodgeball and split us into four teams. Each team was given a square on the ground and one square in the middle was no man’s land.

“You may not go in other team’s squares,” I was getting nervous. Then she told us to go to our respective squares… I didn't really know anyone on my team except for Alex who Ronnie had introduced me to earlier.

“Hey, Lacey, ready to kick ass?” He asked me. I grinned and nodded.

“GO!” The woman yelled and ran out. It was on. I whipped a few at Kyle and the third one connected with his arm. He’s out. Alex got Chris from MIW and also managed to peg his own bandmate, Nate in the head.

“Awweh, poor Nathan,” I said. Alex laughed. I got Dave, another from Sparks and then I honed in on CC, but missed. I managed to stay alive until there were only a few of us left. Sierra seemed to be out already.

                Finally it was just me, Alex, David, Ronnie, Andy, and a few others. I got David good, but Ronnie hit Alex and he was out. Andy and I threw at each other and BOTH hit. We accepted our fate and walked out of bounds.

“That hurt,” Andy whined.

“Oh suck it up, we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other,” I told him.

“I know, welcome to hell Lacey,” He said laughing. I laughed too but knew he probably wasn’t kidding.

“Okay people!” The woman reappeared… I really~

“I really hate her voice,” Andy leaned over to whisper to me.

“I was just thinking that!” I told him, giggling.

“Anyways, next is the partner relay, you will need to walk tied together, solve a problem, yes each is different and last piggyback race to the end, Pick partners,” She finished.

“DIBBS ON LACEY!” Andy called. Ashley groaned from somewhere nearby.

“Damn, but she’s light!” He complained.

“I know,” Andy said with a smirk. I laughed.

“We better win in the last race with your gazelle legs,” I said.

“Hell yeah!” he shouted.

“I see you’re over the hangover,” Jake Pitts said.

“I bounce back quick,” Andy stated. Soon we were all lined up and tethered together.

“GO!” The woman shouted.

“1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,” Andy and I chanted. Some people got creative but eventually we made it to the table with the problem on it.

“Translate into another language? What the hell is this?!” Andy complained. The paper said ‘Can I have some water?’

“Wait, I speak French!” I exclaimed. I scribbled it onto the paper and we handed it in, only one other team had made it remotely close. So I jumped on Andy’s back and he ran as fast as he could. We won too. Andy high fived me (what is with these BVB boys?) and claimed victory.

“That was convenient,”  Andy said.

“I know right?” We laughed and waited for the others to finish.

                “Well everyone, I hoped you enjoyed the bonding, remember the tour starts in 5 days!” the woman said.

“I dislike her,” I said.

“Good job guys,” Ronnie said finally finding us. I saw Andy rubbing his ribs.

“How’s your ribs?” I asked him.

“Not too bad, I’m just trying not to fuck them up again,” He said.

“Aw, I hope they get better,” I told him.

The rest of the 5 days passed in the same manner. We had a game every day. Personally I enjoyed soccer the most. Sierra and I hit the beach hard most of the time, getting our base tan on… or in her case, burn. She was red after one day. Day two after that was more exploring LA and all the different parts. We didn’t get into too much trouble, but Andy showed us all his little underground spots to hang at. Days three and four it rained so we played cards almost all day. And day five, well we packed up and got ready for tomorrow. Some bands were already sleeping in their buses. Why? I do not know. Tomorrow is our first day on the road, just driving, no shows. We have to get to the opening venue which for the first time is not LA. I’m so excited!!!

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