Warped - 13 *Mortician's Daughter

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Chapter 13

     I woke up early the next morning because my stomach was searing in pain. Dispite cracked ribs, Andy was still trying to take care of me.

“Are you okay Lace?” he asked.

“No,” I moaned. Like the angel he is, he got me some medication and wrapped his arms around me very carefully.

“How are your ribs?” I asked him.

“They hurt, it’s no big deal,” He shrugged it off.

“I’m sorry you got hurt,” I told him.

“It’s fine, beside you I look like nothing,” He said proudly.

“What time is it?”

“2am.” I sighed. It was too early to get up. The next thing I knew, he was humming to me.

“Mortician’s daughter,” I said.

“What?” He broke off.

“That was Mortician’s Daughter, was it not?”

“It was,” He said, surprised.

“Don’t stop,” I whispered. It was nice, to drift off with the meds and Andy’s soothing voice.

By the end of the week we had another solid day of driving in front of us and I had improved greatly. Most nights I still slept on the mattress on the floor but I also started walking on my own. We were leaving first thing the next morning. The boys did a ton of interviews while I stayed inside and did nothing. Well, I read… But they were only manga, so it’s not like they were real books with paragraphs and stuff.

“Bah,” Andy moaned when he got in the bus.

“Are you a sheep now?”  I asked, looking up. His crystal eyes stared me down.

“No, I’m tired of questions,” He said and sat beside me.

“How are your ribs?” I asked.

“They burn,” He replied. “I need alcohol.”

“We have none, Ashley and Jake finished it off,” I told him. He sunk further into the couch.

“Damn,” He said and pulled out his pack of cigarettes.

“Outside,” I told him. We have a rule about smoking inside.

“Fine, come on,” He said and helped me up. We sat on the grass outside the bus and lit a couple up. It was nice, just to chill with Andy by ourselves. It was surprisingly hard to get by ourselves.

“How are the tattoos?” Andy asked me.

“Pretty good, they stopped oozing,” I told him. He laughed a cloud of smoke. It was kind of cute.

“Good, if there’s anything you need, just tell me,” He said and took another drag.

“I NEED you to do the Lightning Thunderstein voice,” I told him with a smirk.

“I forgot you’ve seen those,” he said smiling.

“Please!” I pleaded. He sighed and took another drag. I started recording with my flip cam. He did it too.

“I GIVE YOU, ELEVENTEEN YEARS TO KILL ME!,” he cried. I died of laughter. It was just so perfect.

“W-We have to go visit Chance,” I said, still laying on the ground laughing.

“Don’t rip your stitches,” He told me.

“Don’t rip your shirt off,” I said, still laughing. Sadly it only made me laugh harder.

“Haha, very funny,” He said sarcastically. He only continued when I stopped laughing.

“So, how about we go out again tonight?” He asked me.

“When and where?”

“Here in three hours,” He replied.

“Should I dress up?” I asked.

“I’ll still be in my paint if e sHethat’s any indication,” He told me.

“Fine, stay off the bus,” I told him and got up.

“Give me fifteen minutes,” He said before I turned around. He was still sitting on the ground.

“WAIT!” He called. “Can I borrow your straightener?!”

“Only for the next fifteen minutes,” I said and walked straight to Sierra’s bus.

                “Hey! Look who crawled out from under her rock,” She greeted me.

“Nice to see you too,” I said sarcastically.

“What’s up?” She asked.

“I’m going out with Andy again, and I don’t know what to wear,” I told her.

“We should go through your clothes to see what there is for reference,” She said.

“I know, it’s supposed to be relaxed today,” I explained.

“As in just a skirt or like, plaid?” She asks the weirdest things.

“Like he’s still going to be in full make up,” I told her.

“Ah, perfect,” She led me in the bus. We spent the hour doing my hair and makeup and then ran back to the bus under the cover of Christian.  He’s just such a great guy to have around. We finally got in my bus and went through all my clothes. I ended up in a lacy black skirt, a very modified DRUGS tee and heels. With a black leather purse of course.

“You look amazing,” She said.

“Thanks for helping me,” I hugged her and saw the time.

“I gotta go!” I said and rushed to the door.

“Good Luck!”

Warped (An Andy Biersack/Warped tour fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now