Warped - 6 *The First Show

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Chapter 6  

The next morning, I was still wrapped up in Andy’s arms. I heard a shuffling outside and someone calling for Andy. Not that he woke up much, but enough.  A curtain was also flug open.

“What the hell?” I recognized Jinx’s voice. Uh-oh, he  opened Andy’s bunk.

“What?” CC said. God no.

“Where the fuck is Andy?” Jinx asked. That got everyone up. I shut my eyes and pretended to sleep, hoping they wouldn’t open the damn curtain. Too bad they never do what’s normal. No, they just had to open my curtain. I buried my face into Andy’s chest, trying not to let them notice I’m awake.

“Oh my god,” Ashley gasped. They shut the curtain, thank god.

“Well, we’re hosed,” Andy whispered so quietly, I could barely hear him.

“Fuck,” I whispered. I leaned my head back against his chest and felt his arms tighten.

“I got this,” he said and rolled out onto the floor.

“Dude! What were you doing with her?” Ashley asked.

“I like her! Don’t judge me,” He defended. “And shhhh, she’s still sleeping.”

                Then there was just a lot of whispering and I started to get worried so I ‘woke’ up. I just kind of swept the curtain aside loudly and sat up, promptly whacking my head against the wood. They all laughed until we noticed I was actually bleeding. Ashley casually pointed it out when blood started running down my face.

“Oh my god!” CC said with a gasp. Andy came running. Ashley called one of the medics.

“Holy shit, that’s not good looking,” he said, trying to wipe it off my face with a towel someone got from the bathroom. The medic came and patched me back up within the hour. And yes, I did get a small amount of stitches.

“God damn it, that fucking hurt,” I said, lightly touching it.

“Don’t touch it!” Andy yelled. I did as he said and went out to see my first glimpse of Warped tour. There were buses EVERYWHERE and stages just beyond that. Monica came and swept me up in her whirlwind of preparations.

“Okay, so you have to cover those stitches up and do your make up and get your butt on stage!” She said. I sighed and went off. I wasn’t quite fond of the idea of covering my whole forehead to hide the stitches so I just did my makeup and hair quickly and met back up with Monica.

“That was quick!” CC said from the couch.

“I don’t need quite as much make up as you guys,” I said and pranced out the door. I didn’t stop to talk to anyone, I was just worried about getting to the stage. Sound check was already done while I was being sewn back together. So all that was left was to go out and play the show.

“Good luck,” Andy said from behind me.

“Oh my jesus!” I screamed. “You scared me!” He was laughing.

“Sorry, I just wanted to watch your first warped show,” He said and pulled me into a hug. I could see the cameras flashing now. I hugged him back anyways.

“Get ready for The 9th!” The announcer yelled. I sighed and stepped back.

“Break a rib!” Andy called. I laughed and flipped him off. As I walked on stage, the pit was already full of screaming people.

“Wow, hey guys!” I said into the mic.

                I played a few songs, had some fun and even crowd surfed before my set was over.

“Thanks guys, you’ve been great! I’ll be signing stuff at my booth in about five minutes,” I announced and walked off. I pulled new clothes out of my bag and changed right in front of Andy.

“Woah! What’re you doing? Put your clothes back on!” He said.

“Oh shut it, we slept in the same bed last night, do you really think I care? Besides I feel disgusting.”

“You look great though!” He said cheerfully. Who knew he could be cheerful? As for the signing, it was endless questions about my forehead. Finally I was done for the day and got to hang out with Sierra.

“So what’d you do exactly?” She asked. I sighed.

“Well, I was eavesdropping on the boys and I couldn’t hear them anymore so I decided to get up and bashed my head on the ceiling when I sat up.”

“Ouch, did they at least take care of you?” She asked. I assumed she meant the guys.

“Only the ones that were sober enough to realise what had happened, I swear Ashley was still drunk this morning,” I told her. We laughed and decided to go see a few shows. Not a lot but maybe three or four. I did go backstage to see Ronnie though.

“There she is!” He yelled. “How’s the head?”

“It hurts like a bitch,” I responded. I got to watch their set too. It was a good day. I went back to the bus to get something and drop off my bag when Andy caught me again.

“So, how about you, me, no band mates and a fancy restaurant?” he asked. I giggled.

“Demanding much?”

“I tried to make it a question,” He said with a smirk. They still hadn’t played yet, but pre did their make up and war paint.

“Sure, why not?” I replied.

“Because I will devour your soul.” We hung out all day in the sun until his show came around. I watched from the pit, wanting to get the full experience.

                Just before the end of the show, before the last song, Andy had to open his big mouth.

“This last song is for a very special woman,” He started. Oh no. “She has taught all of us many things in the little amount of time we’ve known her and personally, I’m wrapped around her finger.” He paused.

“Am I thinking of the same girl here Andy?” Ashley joked. I laughed.

“Well anyways, she knows who she is, so here’s to you,” He finished. They played The Mortician’s Daughter. I almost cried, but that would be against the rules. Afterwards I ran backstage.

“GUYS!” I screamed. We had the biggest, sweatiest group hug that’s ever been done, and yes I came out with black paint all over me. We laughed and fought over who got the shower first. Being the only woman on the bus, I won. Andy went to go use the D.R.U.G.S shower since they’d played earlier that day. I don’t know what the others did, but CC was just going to sleep in it. The guys wouldn’t let us see each other until the “date” later that evening. Sierra helped me do my make up and we waited for Ashley to come get me.

Warped (An Andy Biersack/Warped tour fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now