Chapter 1

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Jacks POV
"I can't b-believe I'm trapped o-outside i-in the s-now." I looked around, trying to find my way home. But everything was just so white. The blizzard was intense. I was lost. I lived in Ireland for years, and I get trapped in one storm? My fingertips turned more and more blue. I found myself outside an unfamiliar store, I tried to enter, but it was closed. I sit on a bench that is covered in ice. My hand turns the color of my fingers. And I curl up. Waiting for the snowy cold to take me. I fell asleep. Waiting to wake up, in another world.

Marks POV
"W-W-why d-d-did I come t-to Ireland in the fucking w-winter?" I look around for my hotel. It wasn't too far from here. I looked around, to see a young man it looked like, curled up on a bench. He wasn't moving. I run over to him. "S-sir? A-are you alright?" When he doesn't respond, I pick up his head. His eyes are closed, and I feel his chest. 'His heart is still beating. Slowly though.' I think to myself. I look around for any help. But everyone is indoors. I think if I should leave him here. After debating it, I decide that I can't leave him here to die. I pick him up and hold his frozen body close to mine. I give him my hat. Covering his brown and grey hair. I go as fast as I can to my hotel. And sneak him in my room. There was nobody at the front desk. I set him carefully in my bed, and cover him up. I turn the heat up as much as possible, and get some hot water to treat his frost bitten hands. I go out of the room where he lyes, and head to make some food. Praying he wakes up. I look back at him one last time. I get a closer look for the first time. His hair, brown but with gray hairs. He only looks to be in his 20's. His neck, very long. And his face. Red, cheeks from the frosty air. I grab a flashlight, and open one eye lid, to see if his pupils dilate. His eyes, the color of a stream. It made me feel warm inside, weirdly enough. I check his eyes, and they work fine. He looks like he will be fine, just cold. I hope he doesn't freak out when he find out where he is. And with that, I walk out.

Jacks POV

I wake up, warm. I think I'm dead. I look around. My hands have been put in warm water, and are taking back there natural color. A beanie has been placed on my head, and over my cold ears. I'm in someone's bed. Im comfortable. I look around, and hear a noise. I quietly crawl out of the bed, and walk around. I take off the beanie, and head out of the door, I see a man in the kitchen. His arms, very muscular. His hair, looks very fluffy. And brown. He looks over at me with shock. His eyes, like hot chocolate. He warms my heart. And we just look at each other. "Wh-where am I?" I finally ask. "I, I saw you outside. You looked like you were on the edge of death. I took you to my house. To warm you. And to take you out of the snow. I hope your not too creeped out." He respond.

Marks POV
"Who are ya?" He asked. His rich Irish accent filled the room. "I'm Mark. And you are?" "My name is Sean. Call me Jack. That's what everyone does." He respond. "Ok, Jack. I made some dinner. Want some? You look like you haven't ate in ages! Not that you look bad, you just, look hungry. And skinny. Not that being skinny is a bad thing, you just, look like you could eat something. That's all!" 'He sounds so cute when he stutters.' Jack though. "sure. I'll have some. But I really should be getting home as well." "Ok. Well, sit down. I made some spaghetti. And I baked some cookies." His face light up when I mentioned the cookies. He got giddy, and his blue eyes glowed with the smell of the food. I placed the food in front of him, and I could see he would swallow it down in one bite. But didn't want to be rude.

Jacks POV
"Is it good?" He asked. "It's amazing! Best spaghetti I've had." I could see his face light up. Happy to know that I liked his meal. "Nyahaha!" I said, he wouldn't get the reference to Undertail. "Is that.. Papyrus?" He said. My eyes widen. "You play undertail?" I asked. "Of corse! Im a YouTuber, so I play all kinds of games." "Really? I'm a YouTuber as well!" "That's so cool! I go by Markiplier." "Jacksepticeye." "Hey, u won the Pewdiepie shoutout! Good for you!" "You heard of me?" "Not really. I just watch Pewds a lot." "Same! And yes. I got the shout out." I was kinda careful. Him looking stronger then me, he could take me out easily. I was on guard. But he seems sweet and sincere. "So Jack, you live close?" "I don't know anymore. I was actually lost. I don't even know where I am." "Are you from Ireland?" "Born and raised! But, something came up.. I took a walk. In the snow. Dumb ass.. But I got so lost in my thoughts, that I was lost by the time I snapped out of it." "May I ask, what were u thinking about?" He asked. I decided it didn't really mean much. "Well, ya see, I've been in a relationship for 4 years now. But today, she decided it was time for us to take a break." Marks face sunk, and looked sad all the sudden. Surprisingly. He didn't even know me.

Marks POV
He looked so heart broken. I could see tears begin to form in his big blue eyes. I quickly changed the subject. "So, where do u live? I might be able to point ya home." He looked up. His face unreadable. "I live on Willow brook avenue. House number 2256. (I made up a place.) I live in the middle of nowhere." "I don't know where that is. But I sure as hell can bring u there, I'll look it up. But, it's really getting late. If your comfortable.." I started to stutter, as I do when I'm nervous. "You can sleep here if you want. You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable. You can sleep in my bed. I can sleep on the couch. I wouldn't mind. It's pretty comfortable. Even though the bed is better, but I'm offering it to you! Because your my guest." I cursed to myself. Something about him gave me butterflies in my stomach. His face, confused. Thinking of what he should do. "Sure." He respond. "But in the mornin, Imma head out." Relief flooded over me. As I said, "ok. Go get some rest. I'll clean the dishes, and start searching where ur house is, so I can take you there." "Ok. Thanks Mark." His Irish accent made my face feel hot. I quickly turn to clean the dishes, and hide my face. "No problem Jack. Buh bye!"

Jacks POV
I could tell he stuttered when asking me to stay the night. It was kinda cute actually. He was so kind to let me stay. Something about him, made me happy. I went ahead to the room where I woke up. And curled up in the thick blankets, and buried my face in the pillows. My mind racing with thoughts. I heard soft foot steps enter the room. "Are you asleep?" I heard, it was soft, and I almost missed it. But I couldn't mistake that deep voice of his, that I heard the first time he spoke. So caring, yet strong and passionate. I didn't respond. Making him think that I was asleep. Still my guard was up. So he couldn't try anything. I heard a soft "clink." And I carefully opened an eye, so he didn't see me. But I saw a steaming cup of something on a table next to me. I watched as he exit the room, as carefully as he came in. I sat up once I was sure he was gone, and saw a cup of hot chocolate. As dark as his eyes. I sipped from the steaming cup. It was so good, that I drank some more. Slowly I realized it was emptying. I finished it off in a single gulp. And set down the empty cup. After that, it wasn't hard, for me to slip into a deep sleep.

Hey guys! I hoped you liked it. But that will not the the only one. I'm gonna try to figure out how to do a series. Please stick with me! Remember, this is my first one. I'm very new here, and know nothing. If you know anything that might help me out, plz comment. Anyway, that was only part one. (I have to do it) And THANK YOU GUYS, so much for reading this fan fiction if you LIKED it, PUNCH the like button IN the face, LIKE A BOSS! And! High fives all round, WHAPSHH WHAPSHH! but thank you guys, and I will SEE ALL YOU DUDES, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!! Buh bye!

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