Chapter 4

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Warning- Violence

Marks POV
Did I just say that? Did he just say that? Is he.. Are we.. I feel his hair tickle my neck, and I smile. I could tell he was sleeping, I could hear his soft snore. And even when sleeping, I could feel his love. I closed my eyes. And remembered, that I had to leave, back to LA, in 2 days. I couldn't leave Jack. Not now! I didn't want to leave Jack now! I tried to go to sleep, but I just couldn't. I kept thinking about going home, and how much I would miss Jack. Soon enough, I fell asleep.
~in dream, still marks POV~
I opened my eyes. I was in some sort of, forest. And I saw a figure walking around. Until something pulled me from behind. I was yanked into a big bush and my mouth was covered by a hand, I looked up, and saw Jack. He put his finger to his lip, telling me to be quiet. I nod, and he let go of me. He point to a figure, and gave me a thumbs down. I looked up at Jack, and he looked scared, but, also a sense of something else. Like, he knew what he was doing. Confidence. Until I saw a new figure appear. It had a red glow following it. It went up to the other figure, who was trailed by a green glow. It looked as if they were talking. But the red figure, didn't look human. Like the green one did. He looked like, a spirit. The green figure got closer to the bush, which we were hiding in. I looked to Jack for reassurance, but got none. He looked just as scared as me. The confidence that was in him, was gone. We backed into the bush some more.

Jacks POV
Anti was coming straight for us. Why was Mark here? Would he remember anything? I knew he would, but my main priority was to keep Mark safe. I grabbed a rock, and threw it on a tree, making anti go the other way. I grab marks wrist, and run as fast as I can, to a house. That I knew all too well. Anti heard us run, and chased us. He was fast. If the house wasn't near, he would catch us. We got to the house, and I locked the door just in time. "What the fuck was that?!" Mark yelled at me. "Calm yer tits, and look around. See any dark figure, come get me. Got it?" "What was that? Where are we?" "Stop! I'll explain. Just lock everything, make sure we're safe. You check upstairs. This place always changes. Every time it's a new set up. The thing about this dream, if you die, you don't wake up. Now go." He followed my instructions. And I check the downstairs, as he looks upstairs. I find some things, that I never saw before. It looked like a note. The front said, "To mark." I opened it slowly, and started reading.
"Dear Markimoo. Thank you for coming out. But you know our religion. I packed all of your things, and gave you $200 dollars. Hopefully you can find a dick loving man out there. Good bye Mark. I knew you were a mistake the second I got the results. -Mom.
Ps. Hey Mark! It's Tom. I just wanted to say, fuck off you gay dick. No man will ever love you, and I hate you. Buh bye ass hole."
I almost started to cry. His family kicked him out of his house, because he was gay. I carefully fold up the note, and look around the house.

Marks POV
Something was up with Jack. But what? I look around for a figure. When I hear something in the closet. I open the door to see total darkness. The I see it. An eye. It slowly opens. It's green, with a blue iris. It looked like jacks logo.. "JACK!" I yell, hoping he gets here. The figure slowly comes out. When I see that it looks just like Jack. Only, one eye is missing. And black blood flows from where his other eye should be. His brown hair, covered in red blood. I hear Jack come running upstairs. When he turn the corner, the Jack like figure vanishes. My knees go limp, and I drop to my knees in relief, and fear. Jack looks at me, and his red puffy eyes, show me he's in pain. "Mark, I love you so much." He hold the metal baseball bat tighter. "I love you to." "I only want the best for you." He raises the bat. "Jack, your scaring me." "I'm sorry."

Jacks POV
I hit him over the head with the bat, and he fell limp. His body disappeared, as a new one took his place. Anti came back, and stood where I had hit Mark. I knew it would only wake him. And he wouldn't remember anything of this dream. It was for his own good. But I felt so bad. I went limp, and I dropped the bat, and fell to my knees. A tear running down my face. Anti walked around me. Then, when I stopped crying, he slammed my onto the ground. Lift me up , and hung my like a scarecrow on my dresser, hand cuffs that he made appear, holding me in place. He pulls a whip out of thin air, and tears off my shirt. And starts whipping me, trying to get me to break. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to take me over. I wouldn't let him. He would hurt whoever I loved. A little while later, my stomach was covered with blood, and cuts. "Why won't you give in? I've beat you mentally and physically. So just drop!" I was glad he stopped when he did. One more hit and I knew I was out of it. But then it came. He whipped me, so hard. It almost hit my bone. The chains broke, and I fell to my hands and knees. "Fine." I said. Coughing up blood. "But your not allowed to hurt Mark. Mark. Edward. Fischbach. He growled at me, the agreed. But he still continued to beat me. He whipped my back, then stopped all over it. Till I finally woke up. I felt the same pain I did in the dream. I didn't scream though. I kept my cool. I wasn't bleeding much, on my stomach I was a little bloody. Nothing to make a scene over. I notice Mark isn't in bed anymore. I get up, and fell back down, from all the pain I was in. It gets more and more painful. Until, it stops. I'm in no more pain. I put on a shirt, and go out into the living room, to find the car repair man outside, and Mark, making breakfast.

Marks POV
I don't know what I'm doing. Do I just, let the egg cook? Do I flip it? How does Jack like his eggs? I turn around to see him there a smile gently, as he walks over. "Morning Mark. Making eggs?" "Trying. I don't know what do to!" "It's easy! Watch." He held the hand that the spatula was in, and moved around the egg. "Make sure it doesn't burn." He smiles at me and a smile back. His smile then disappears. "Hey Mark?" "Ya Jack?" "Did, did ya mean what you said last night? That you love me?" I looked at him, and set down the spatula. He kept going. "Cause, I really like you. And yes, I'm bi. But, if you only said you love me to make me happy, I understand." I look at him, and he is staring at the ground. I pick up his head, till he's looked right at me. I lean in, and kiss him. I stay there for a moment, until I pull back. "I love you, . And if that didn't prove it, I don't know what will." He smiled at me. The same smile that melts my heart every time. "Breakfast babe?" I asked. Showing him the egg. He giggles. "Sure babe. Sounds yummy." I put the egg on a plate, and hand it to him. I make myself one, and sit with him.

Jacks POV
He kissed me! He actually kissed me! I hope he doesn't remember the dream last night. I know he was in it. I'm sure. "So, how did u sleep?" I ask. "Good. I woke up with a head ache though." I remembered hitting him in the head with a bat. "I woke up pretty early as well. What about you?" "I slept fine. Way batter when you joined." He smiled and looked back down at his egg. "I'm glad I did." I heard a knock at the door, and went to answer. It was the repair guy. He told us the car was fixed, I gave him money, he gave me the keys back. I gave them to mark. "Well. I guess I better head to my hotel and start packing. I gotta leave tomorrow. Go back to LA." "No Mark! I don't want you to go. I love you." Tears filled my eyes. By I quickly wiped them away. "Ok Mark. I might visit you." He got a piece of paper, and write his address. "If you do." He handed me the paper, and got up. It was now my turn. I jumped up and kissed him. I didn't mean to come on so strong. I knew I hurt him. But I soon dropped my lip.

Marks POV
He hurt my lip when he kissed me, but I knew he didn't mean to. I could feel his lip drop, and so I put my tongue in his mouth. Licking the roof of his mouth, and playing with his tongue. He pulled away, and placed his forehand on mine. I held him by his waist. "I wish I didn't have to go." "I wish you could stay here longer." Jack said. I looked up at him, his eyes the same shade, reflecting the first time I saw him. I knew he was thinking the same thing. We let go of each other, and I left for my car. I looked back at him, in his doorstep, and I blew a kiss, as I drove away. I looked in my rear view mirror, to see him blowing a kiss. I role the window down, and pretend to grab it. He smiles as I drive off.

Jacks POV
I missed him already. And he wasn't even at LA yet. I knew I couldn't go long without seeing him. I immediately went on my computer and booked a ticket to LA. The closest to where Mark lives, I decided to go in a month to tease him. And I booked it, and started to make videos.
~Time Skip to end of day because I have no idea what the hell to make them do~
I had already made the videos for tomorrow ready, 8 videos recorded, and 4 of them completely done. I fall asleep excited to see my boy friend in a month. Sad to see him go. I sleep peaceful tonight. Hopefully.
Yo yo yo! That's another chapter done and done! I hope you guys liked it! And anti is really gettin active. It's only uphill from here! I hope.. Anyway, I hope you liked it! And as always, THANK you guys, so much for reading this fan fiction if you LIKED IT, PUNCH the like button IN the face, LIKE A BOSS! AND! Highly fives all round. WHAPSHH WHAPSHH! BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES, IN THE NEXT VIDEO! Buh bye!

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