Chapter 8

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Shey's POV
I got really confused. But I didn't question the sicko's mind. "Why would you kidnap your boyfriend?" He looked back up at me with shock. "Kidnap? I would never!" His eyes grew watery. "Sir, you were charged with the kidnapping of Sean William McLoughlin." "Why would you say that?" "We got a call from his family, saying Sean hasn't returned home in a week. Without any telling of where he went. He never answered his phone. Then we spot him today, running from you." He froze. He looked at his feet with a surprised look. He looked so honest. I knew that look. Why was it so familiar? "He. He came to LA. To visit me. He was running from me, because he wanted to get home fast. So he took my phone and ran. He didn't answer any calls, cause his phone doesn't work in America." I nod my head. "Thank you." I left the room, and went out to see Sean being attacked my reporters. I got him inside, and he took a breath. "Thank you." He said. Once he caught his breath, everything came out. "Where's Mark?! He didn't kidnap me! Please let me see him! He did nothing wrong please!!" He started crying, looking me straight in the eyes. That was when, my partner came up to us. Her name was Autumn. She came up, talking about another case, and when she looked up, she froze. "Autumn? You ok?" I waved my hand in front of her face. "Hellooo earth to Autumn." "Huh? Sorry, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I thought he was-" "Jacksepticeye?" He cut her off. She nod, and Sean smiled. "Oh my god. Shey. That's Jacksepticeye. Shey. Shey. Shey." She started swapping me. "Stop it!" I bat her hands away. "Jack what are you doing here?" "I take it your a fan." "Of corse!"

Jacks POV
I can't believe a cop is a fan of me. I look at her neck, to see a necklace, with a pink mustache on it. "Mark, is in jail. Everyone thought he kidnapped me." "But he didn't! I saw ur posts! You visit him in LA! I completely lost it, cause, sorry to say, but I'm a septipler fan." "Well. I'll let you in on a secret." She looked confused and excited. "Septipler is real. We were gonna post a video, we started in LA, and planned to finish in Ireland. But, this happened." I did a hand gesture, showing that he was in jail. She stood there with her mouth open. "Listen Jack, I'm a die hard fan of you both. And I promise, I will not let Mark go to jail." I nod my head. "Thank you.. Autumn, was it?" She nod her head and smiled big. "Beautiful name. Just as beautiful as the season." I don't know how, but her smile got bigger. Shey had to push her away, but she quickly came back. With a new face.

Autumns POV
I had to help Jack and Mark. "Shey, send me the video from the room with Mark." In about a minute, I got a video. I watched it quickly, and went over to jack, serious now. "Why were you in La?" "To visit my boyfriend." "Did your phone work in America?" "No." "Do you have Marks phone on you?" He went to his pocket, and pulled out a phone. He hand it to me, and I hand it to Shey. "Make sure it's his." I turned to Jack. "Thank you Jack." "Thank you autumn." "I'll call you when we have news about Mark. You can go home." He nod and went to the door. Quickly a bunch of cameras was shoved in his face. He tried to move forward, but couldn't. I had an idea. "Jack wait! I have a few more questions." He nod and came back in. "What is it?" "Follow me." I walk him to the back of the police station, out the back door. I go first, and I see no reporters, and I take him to my car. He knows what I'm doing, and gets in. I follow his directions, and drive him to his house. "Thanks autumn." "Anytime." I drive back to the station. I look around for Shey. "Hey Shey. How are we doing on the septipler case?" "Pretty good. I found out it is marks phone, and we matched stories. I looked into it, and Jack wasn't kidnapped. (Starting now I know nothing about what goes on with the police. time skip!)

Marks POV
I was let go! I was so excited. They had called Sean, and he said he was on his way. Reporters had given up, and Jack came in within minutes of the call. He hugged me tight, and for the next minute, we didn't do anything. We just embraced each other. "I'm sorry. I should have told my family I was leaving." "It's ok babe." I stroke his fluffy messed up hair. "Don't worry. I'm fine. Your fine. We're all ok." When we pulled back, I saw he had tears running down his face. "I-I upload a video for you. On your channel." I smiled, and leaned in, and kissed him. He kissed me back. I heard an Aww. And I pulled back, to see 2 girls looking at us. They both quickly looked away and act like they saw nothing. Jack turned to look at them, and smiled. He grabbed my hand, and brought me over to them. "Babe, this is Shey, and Autumn. Autumn is a fan, and they both helped you out of jail." Autumn looked at me and smiled. "Thank you." I said. And engulfed her in a big bear hug. After I let go, Jack hugged her. "I guess the legend is true." "Tat is?" "Jack really does give the best hugs. She smiled, and Jack smiled back. "Sean, we should go. We need to finish the video." "Oh right! I totally forgot about that! Hey Mark, you think.." He whispered in my ear "we could invite Autumn and Shey? They did help." He pulled back, and I smiled. He got all giddy like a little kid. He clapped his hands and jumped. He turned to the girls. "You guys wanna be in the video? We're making it about telling our channels were together." Autumns face lit up, along with Shey's. "Yes!" They said together. Autumn brought us to Jacks house. She explained how she knew where Jack lived, and we were there. "Oh shit! Our bags are still in La." "We'll use my camera. I can send you the footage."

Jacks POV
I gave him my camera, and he went to the window, he snapped his figures, and turned on the camera. "Ok Jack. Are you happy now?" He said, in a grumpy playful voice. "Yes I am! Anyway, this vlog, is about a lot. Number one. You may have heard that Mark got arrested for kidnapping me. That is bull shit." "He came to visit me in La. His phone didn't work, and he forgot to tell him family. They called the police for kidnapping, and I got in trouble. But thank Jesus, these girls were here. Autumn!" we did a cut seen, Jack snapped his figures and Autumn came where we did. "And Shey!" Another cut seen. "They are fans of us, and they stopped at nothing till Mark was free. Because of them, Mark came out a day after he went in. Which isn't common. Say hi girls!" "Hi!" "Hello everybody." Autumn said, with a low voice like marks. We all laughed. "But wait, why were you in LA Jack?" Shey said knowingly. Autumn smiled and rolled her eyes. "I know! Pick me!" Autumn said, raising her hand and shaking it widely. We all laughed. "Autumn?" Shey said. Autumn went behind us, and pushed me and Mark together. Making us kiss. She pulled away, and we stayed kissing. "Septipler away!" Autumn yelled. "Now I want everyone to draw fan art at home," Shey said, "of septic Sam, inside tiny box tim. You can make it sweet, like Sam is in a box, or you could make it, Sam's tail, is IN Tim. Anyway you want is fine." Shey held up the number 2 and mouthed the words "sex!" Me and Mark pulled away and giggled. "I love you Sean." I looked at the camera. "He calls me Sean! Isn't that hot?" He laughs. "I love you to markimoo." Autumn end the video. She got her hands on the memory card, and transferred the video to her laptop. "Shey here happens to be the hacker. She can get into ur files." "Good thing I downloaded the video to my laptop." Within a few minutes, the had his files. We put together the video, and upload it to both our channels. *sigh* I look over at Mark and hold his hand. "You ready for the first wave of hate?" "Our channels are gonna plummet." "It's worth it." I said, kissing him.

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