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Jacks POV
I run as fast as I can. I wanna get marks present before it gets dark. The panel was in a few days, and I haven't bought it yet! I'm so stupid! I run to the jewelry store, and look around. I have to get him the perfect ring, to propose with. (Even though this is the first time I actually said it was a ring, 80% of u already knew.😂)I needed to get the perfect one. I look around, would he want a diamond, or plain? I decide to get him a silver ring, with small blew jewels. And it saying "To my love Markimoo" engraved on it. I pay for the ring, which was not cheap, and head home. I keep it in my jacket coat, and finally get back home.

Marks POV
'Where is Jack? He's been gone for a few hours now.' I had finished packing, and found a suitcase for Jack to pack. I was making some videos, when I heard the front door open. I was still recording and playing the game, when Jack yelled, "Honey I'm home!" While fighting the most important battle, so that had to go in the recording. "K babe!" I yelled back, eyes not moving from the screen. He walked in the recording room, and stood by the door for a few seconds. I could see a smirk grow across his face. He quickly ran up to me, still in battle, and kissed me on the cheek. And hugged me, as my face went red, cause this had to stay in the recording. "Hey babe. How's it going." "Jack Im recording you goof ball!" He acted shocked. "Really? I had no idea!" He turned to the camera. "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier." He said, in a low voice, trying to inmate me. I push him out of frame, and we laugh. He got back into frame. "Buh bye!" He waved as I pushed him again, we laughed and he left the room. "See what I have to deal with?" I finished the game and edit it quickly. When I go downstairs I see Jack has finished packing, and had all our stuff by the door. He had taken his shirt off, cause it was hot as hell inside. Damn is he cute.

Jacks POV
I packed the ring deep in the suitcase, and I had finished packing. I embarrassed Mark in front of his fan base, and I saw his face go bloodshot red. I laughed when he came down. He made a pouty face and crossed his arms. And looked at me. "Hey babe, how'd recording go?" "Bad!" He yelled at me, playfully. "Aww. How come?" "Some leprechaun interrupted me." "Did ye find his pot O' gold?" I put on a heavy Irish accent. "No!" I laughed and turned to the oven, taking out a hot batch of cookies." He walked over and hugged me from behind, and kissed my neck. I laid my head on his shoulder, and we just stood there. "I'm so lucky to have you." I said tiredly. Today was a long day, and I think I found the perfect ring. "Not as lucky as me." I turned facing him. "I have the luck of the Irish." I kissed him, holding it for a few seconds, and pulled back. "You must have rubbed off on me then." He said low, and turned to the cookies. "Looks good babe." "Oh I'm not done yet." I went to the cabinet and pulled out 2 butter knifes, and a thing of frosting. I start to put frosting all over the cookies, and Mark does the same. I take some and smear it on the tip of his nose, he laughs and licks some frosting off his fingers. When we're done with the frosting, half the cookies were still plain. We ate the frosting ones, and put the rest in the fridge for later. I put on my shirt, and we set on the couch. We giggled and we talked some. I wanted to say something that was on my chest for some time, but I didn't know how to put it. "Hey Mark.." "What's up?" I guess he could see my confidence lacking, and he immediately looked sympathetic. He looked at me with his mocha brown eyes. I remember when we first met. He saved my life, on the bench. Brought me in, gave me hot cocoa, the came color as his eyes. "I, I love you, with all my heart.You know that, right?" He takes my hands into his. His warm touch calms me some. "Of corse babe. And I love you." I look down, and a small smile goes on my face. "It's just, I've seen so many relationships where.." I pause for some time. "It's ok babe. I won't judge what you say. Just tell me." I sigh and look back up at him. His eyes full of concern. "I've seen so many relationships, that are all about sex. And don't get me wrong, I love.. You know.. But, I don't want our relationship to be only about that. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He sits for a few seconds, then answers. "I know what your talking about. And I understand. I don't want to happen either. Usually, that just ends up in a break up. I don't want that to happen." I smile lightly. "Me neither." We hug for a few seconds. His warm arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe. We let go of each other, and I look at my watch. "Tomorrow we're heading to Pax. You excited?" "Hell ya! Even though, we're not supposed to be in the same one. Your in the one with Ken and Felix. I'm in the one with Bob and Wade." "Ya.. But we're gonna be able to travel together." "Ya, I guess." I look back at my watch. "Why do you keep looking at your watch?" I quickly look back up. "Uhh, no reason." He looks at me, knowing I'm planning something. "Ok.. I'm gonna go take a shower.." "K babe." When I hear the water turn on, I jump off the couch, and grab a picnic basket from under the sink, in a cabinet. "This is gonna be the best date ever." And I start packing, with a goofy grin across my face.

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