Chapter 10

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Jacks POV
"Uhh Jack? Whose that?" I'm frozen. Me and anti lock eyes. "Oh. You haven't introduced me to your friend." He said with a lengthy smile. I step in front of Mark. "Back off Anti." "What? I can't say hi?" "Back. Off. Anti." Mark put his hand on my shoulder. "Babe, I'm sure it's fine." He carefully pushed me aside, and stuck out his hand for a handshake. "Good boy." Anti grabbed his hand, pulled Mark into a choke hold, and his fingers turned into razor sharp blades. Which anti carefully slide over marks neck. Careful not to cut him. Mark froze and looked straight at me. "ANTI! Put him down! NOW!" "Oh but this is so much fun!" Anti made a cut on Marks shoulder. Mark winced, but didn't do anything. "You said you wouldn't hurt him!" "And you said I could take you over." He cut marks other shoulder. This time Mark whined a small bit. "You never tried." "Oh but I did. You never let me. I wouldn't be able to take you over." Mark was let go, and he came straight for me. He tumbled down, but I caught him. Mark turned around and looked at Anti hard. "He's remembering. Aren't you Mark?"

Marks POV
Everything came rushing in, it hurt like a mo fucker. I dropped to my knees, holding my ears, trying to block out the ringing. I heard muffled yelling, and felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I felt something, it hurt bad. It felt like my skin was being pulled apart. Then something snaked into me. It felt like a drill was piercing my skin, and muscles and bones. Until a sensation, that felt like a wave came over me. It actually felt like a cold wave hit me. Not as peaceful as it sounds. I got a little bit of self control, which I used to look up. The figure was gone, and Jack was knocked out on the floor with a big pile of blood around him. That's when everything went silent. I felt no pain, no ringing in my ears, no yelling, nothing. I got up, and ran wobbly over to Jack. I felt his heartbeat. It looked like he lost all his blood, but his heart was going, better then ever. I shook him wildly, trying to wake him. I soon got him to groan in pain. I stop shaking him. "Jack wake up babe!" He slowly opened his eyes. His eye.. His.. Septic. Eye. Where his other eye was, had a black hole. With dark red blood coming out. He smiled a toothy grin. "Oh mark. You friend, is gone." I stood there, looking at Jack, up and down. He didn't look like Jack, but not like anti either. I remembered the dream now. "J-Jack?" "Not Jack. Anti." He said, mater-of-factily. "Where's Jack?! What did you do with him?!" "Oh I did nothing. It was Jack. He signed his soul away." He went to grab my neck, but he couldn't. He struggled to move his hard near my neck. He pulled back, "damn it!" I looked at him. "I can't hurt him in this body." He mumbled under his breath. I knew how to win. "What was that?" I asked. "Nothing slave! Now do what I say, or I will make you feel worse pain then you ever have felt!" I nod my head, trying to look scared. "What is it?" I asked. "Get me some coffee." I nod my head and ran for the kitchen, quickly making him coffee, and running back out, purposely spilling everything in the cup onto him. "I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me." I lean back, ready to take a hit, but nothing comes. "Just get me a towel." I nod my head, and run for the bathroom. Jack only had paper towels. I put some in the toilet, and some I washed down the drain. "MARK! WHERES THE PEPER TOWELS?!" "I can't find any! Please don't hurt me please!" I embrace myself for a hit, but nothing comes. I was right. He can't hurt me! I don't know how, but he can't. I throw a punch, and it hits him right in the jaw. I hear a loud CRACK from his jaw. He turns to me, and tried to punch me, but he can't. I look into his eyes, seeing something else. I see jacks big blue eyes. It looks like Jack is trying to hit me. Like in the dream. I really don't want to, and I could be mis-seeing it, but I have a feeling. I lean in hard, straight into a punch. "What?! What did you do?!" Anti said. "I don't know bitch." He fell to the ground, and I quickly went to his aid. When he looked up, I saw the big ocean blue eyes I love. I hug Jack tightly. "Wh-" I start, but he quickly cuts me off. "Shh. Let me enjoy this." We hug each other, for some time. Then let go. "I need so many answers." He nods his head in understanding. "I will answer them as truthfully as I can." We run upstairs, into the bedroom, and sit on the bed.

Jacks POV
"First question." I say. Preparing myself. "Why?" I look at him confused. "Why didn't you tell me this before?" He finishes off. "I don't know." "Oh come on." Mark respond. "I'm serious! I don't know why I didn't. I was scared that you wouldn't like me if I told you." I looked down ashamed, and a tear escaped. Mark lift my chin, and looked me straight in the eyes. His mocha brown eyes full of care and love. "I would never hate you for something that is out of your control." He said. His voice full of compassion. I nod my head and compose myself. He wiped away a tear the was still glued to my face. "Well work this out together babe." I nod and smiled, happy to have him next to me. "Ok. Next question." I say, ready for the next question. "Ok. Who is anti?" "I know, and I don't know. I know that he's the dark side of me. I don't know where the fook he came from." Mark nod his head. "Ok, my next question is about the dream. I remember it. Why did you knock me out?" "I knocked you out, so you wouldn't remember anything. You wouldn't remember anti, the dream, anything." "But I do. I remember everything. I relived the moment in the house, as a ghost almost. I saw you, when I went upstairs, I saw what happened once my body disappeared." I looked down, the cuts were still on my stomach from the whip. They were there, but you cant see them if your not paying attention. Mark looked at me and slowly lift my shirt, revealing all the whip marks. He gasped and I closed my eyes. "Sean, why did you take this?" "I didn't want him to hurt you." I said. Keeping my head down. He left the room and came back with a role of bandages. He slowly wrapped them around my stomach with care. I looked up at him, and smiled. We met eyes, and just smiled. "Thank you." I said. "Anytime babe." "I love you Mark. More then words can describe." "I love you to Sean." We kissed, then pulled back. "Any more questions?" I asked. "You deserve to know everything you want to." "Ok." He sighed. "Did you read the note?" I froze. I remembered the note, he got from his mom. Kicking him out of the house because he's gay. I slowly nod my head. "Your family, wasn't the nicest about it." "Ya. And it was really hard, cause that same month, my uh. My dad.." "I know babe." I hugged him tightly. "I know." He cried into my shoulder softly. Then he pulled away. "Ugh! I told myself I would cry anymore about it." I wiped away his remaining tears. "It's ok babe. You got me." He smiled, and clears his throat. "Next question. On the dream, there was a red figure. I ghost like thing, who was that?" I gasped. "Darkiplier." I said very softly. "Who?" I cupped my hands to my mouth and tears came to my eyes. "No no no no no no!" I broke down crying. "ANTI!! HE SAID HE WOULDNT HURT YOU!!" "He didn't babe. What's wrong?" I looked him in his eyes. "It's darkiplier! YOUR dark side! And darkness can only be transferred my darkness. Anti. Gave you, darkiplier." "Ok well, how can I stop it?" Time froze as j answered his question, with tears in my eyes. "You can't."

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