Chapter 11

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Marks POV
I look into his eyes, and know he's not kidding. I try to hide my tears. I'm scared! I saw how Anti looked! I don't want to know how Darkiplier will. "It's ok babe. We'll get through this together." I say to him. In a calming voice so that it doesn't crack. He nods his head and I wipe away his tears. I know he's been through a lot. And now he get the person he loves into the same mess he's in. He composes himself and we get under the covers. He puts his head on my chest, his hair tickling my chest, and I wrap my arm around him. And we fall asleep.


I'm walking around in the woods with Jack. He doesn't seem to happy. He keeps looking down, with his hands in his pockets, and hood on. "What's wrong Jack?" I ask for the tenth time. This time he stopped in his tracks. He closed his eyes slowly, and when they opened, one eye was missing. It started seeping out dark red blood. And his other eye was green where the white should be. But his eyes still the beautiful blue as always. You can never mistake those eyes. I back up, and he turns to me. It's Anti. And then I hear something from behind me. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I whip around to see Dark there. "No! Get away from me!" I scream and run deeper into the woods. I find a house that looks similar to my own. I run to it, remembering Jack dream. But when I touch the knob, it burns me. I look up at my house which is burning to the ground. I fall to my knees forgetting this is a dream. And I watch as my house burns. Along with everything inside. Then I hear a scream coming from inside. "Help! I'm stuck!" I recognize that voice anywhere. "Jack?" I yell. I hear more screaming as it sounds to be something dropping. I run inside to get him. "Jack?! Where are you?!" I hear another scream and I run towards it. I see jack stuck under a bookshelf that must have fallen on him. I run over to him, and push it off. I see his leg is all torn up, so I pick him up, and jump out of the window. Were only on the first story so it didn't hurt when I fell. I watched as my house collapsed, and I set down Jack. He looked at me and I saw a darkness coming closer. "Don't let it take me. Please!" I looked deep into his eyes, and I saw he was in physical and mental pain. "How?" I looked back up to see the darkness coming closer. And closer. "Please!" I didn't know what to do. And I saw as the darkness take over Jack. Jack kept looking at me the whole time the darkness entered his body. And as his eye turned septic, and another eye vanished. He kept staring at me. And then, he slowly disappeared. And darkness came over him. I saw him vanish, and not once did he break eye contact. I stayed there, sobbing on my knees. Then I hear faint words, "Your next."


I wake up startled, in cold sweat. I could feel dry tears on my face. I remember my dream still very well. It felt so real. Jack woke up from my movements. "Morning babe." He said, rubbing his eyes. "Morning." I say. My voice sounds tired and crackly, but deep non the less.

Jacks pov

I rub my eyes, then look up at Mark. I see his face is red, and his eyes are puffy. I know he had a bad dream. After what happened last night, there just gonna get worse. I went in to hug him. I know what its like when that first dream hits, and having nobody to talk to about it. I hold him close to me for some time. He digs his face into my shoulder. Last night he let me cry and be sad about it, now it's his turn. He softly cries into my shoulder. "It's ok babe." I rub my hand through his soft hair. "Don't worry babe. I'm right here. It was only a dream." We stay there for some time. I could tell he was really scared. I ran my hand through his hair, and kept trying to calm him. He finally stopped crying. I was relieved, I hated to see my baby cry. He pulled back. "Come on babe." I wipe his tears from his checks. "Tears is not a good look on you." He smiled and laughed a little, got up and washed off, and I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I feel so bad for him, I make him a big breakfast. It absolutely sucks when you are doing this by yourself. So I have to be there for him. I don't want him to be scared, feel lonely, sad, mad, anything. He comes out of the shower and walks
out, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, and a messy wet floof on the top of his head. I smile at him, and turn back to cooking the bacon. He comes up and hugs me from behind. And I lay my head on his shoulder. "What's all this babe?" "Breakfast. I got pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and coffee." I kissed his neck and took the bacon off the stove and covered our plates with food, and filled our cups with coffee. He went to the room and dressed, and came back out for food. We talked about some random stuff, then went back into the Darkiplier thing. He stays cool headed the whole talk, I'm glad he's getting calmer with this. After that, we go into different rooms for a couple hours and record videos separately, then we do a few clabs, then we called Bob and Wade, and we played some prop hunt. Before we knew it, we had videos for the next week, unintentionally. They laughed at there jokes, and then sent there videos to there editors.

Marks POV
We finished our games, and we were talking with Bob and Wade for some time. "Hey Mark, can you take the phone and go somewhere else?" Wade asked Mark. "Uh sure bud. I'll be right back Jack." Jack smiled at me and talked to Bob some more. I took my phone with Wade on it out into the living room, and shut jacks door. "Ya what's up man?" "Have you invited Jack to your panel?" "Oh no not yet." "Ok man. Better do it. Felix wants to join, but I can't give him an answer till Jack answers." I ran my hand through my hair. "Ok Wade I'll ask him tonight and get back to you tomorrow." "Alright man, I gotta go. Talk to you later!" "Buh bye!" We waved at the camera and hung up. Jack was coming out of his room. "Bob had to go." "Ya so did Wade. Anyway it's getting late. Let's head to bed. I'm really mentally tired from today." "Of corse babe." He pecked my cheek. "Wait! Remember when we first met, and I asked if you wanted to go to a panel with me?" "Ya."  "The spot's still open. If your free." He thought for some time, then looked up at me with bright eyes. "Ya! I think I can manage." He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I placed my hands on his hips. "Why don't we celebrate in the bedroom?" He looked like he was thinking. "I've been really stressed lately." I said, and he smiled. "I think I can help with that." He smirked and grabbed my wrist, and ran into the bedroom.

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