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Marks POV

I wake up suddenly. "MAAAARK!! LETS GO WERE GONNA BE LATE!!" Jack was sitting on my chest smiling. I roll my eyes and smile, as I push him off me. "Get off me you leprechaun." "Ye bastard." He laughs as he climbs off the bed, and pulls me awake. "Come on come on!" He pulls me to the door. "Jack I need to get dressed!" "Fuck that!" I laugh and get out of his grip. He walks into the kitchen, and I get ready. Brush hair, teeth, wash face, cloths, grab our toothbrushes and paste, and brushes, pack them, go to Jack. "Hey babe! Long time no see!" He says, acting as if he didn't just yank me out of bed. "Blah blah blah that's completely absurd." He roles his eyes, and grabs me a plate of pancakes. "Eat up! I wanna get going!" "Why you wanna get going so fast?" I say, as I eat some pancakes. "I wanna see everyone! I have only see them through Skype." "Oh ya. I keep forgetting." He playfully hits the top of my head, and calls a taxi. We finish up, as the taxi pulls in.

Time skip to on the plane cause I don't have anything to say and this is my story so. Ya.

Jacks POV

I was super excited so the long trip. I would get to sleep for once! As I get on the plane, I get a phone call.

Jack: Hello?

Hi! This is Justin. I work with Pax.


is this Sean McLoughlin?


you have been scheduled last minute to do both the panels. The one with Mr. Barns..

call them by there YouTube handle please.

Ok. LordMinion777, and Muyskerm. And your doing the one with Pewdiepie, Markiplier, and Cinnamon toast Ken.

My heart skipped a beat.

Ok! Thanks! Is that it?

Yes sir. Have a nice day! See you there!


I hung up with a huge goofy smile on my face. I turned to tell Mark, but then his phone went off. I didn't hear much, but I recognized the voice. Justin? I sit down, as Mark talks on the phone. He hangs up, and I start talking, as does he. "Mark gue- you first." "Hey ja- oops, sorry." "What's up?" "No you first." "Ok so, Justin called," "he called me to!" "Ok, let's say this at the same time." "Ok!" "3" "2" "1" All people could hear, "I can do panel with you jark!" we laugh for a second. "We get to do the panel together!" "I'm so excited!" "Even though my panel will only be me Wade and Bob answering questions." "I don't care babe." He got closer to me. "As long as I'm with you, it's gonna be amazing." He leans in and kisses me, and I kiss back. We pull back, and look at each other for some time. I then yawn, as we take off. "Go to sleep babe. You deserve it." I nod my head, and put my head on his shoulder. And I quickly fall asleep.

Marks POV

He's so cute when he sleeps! I'm so glad I got him, of everyone, I got him. I smile, and as we take off, he slips off my shoulder. I carefully grab him, and set him on my lap. I stroke his hair, and he smiles lightly.  I think. I think of darkiplier. And Antisepticeye. And pax. And what can go wrong. And how great it will be to see the guys again. And then, I drift into sleep.

I soon wake up, after what feels like 2 seconds, to a lady tapping me awake. "Sir, I'm gonna need you to prepare for landing." I run my eyes. "Ok, no problem." "Thanks." She walks off and I carefully shake Jack awake. God he's cute when he sleeps. I hated to wake him. "Jacky. Jackiboy wake up." He slowly opens his eyes. "I'm awake, ya, what's up?" I put on a very high pitched voiced. "Sir please prepare for landing." He laughs and gets up. We buckle up, and sit in silence for the next few minutes. The second we land, I call Wade, who said he would pick us up. "Hey Wade! We just land."

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