Part 22

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First off, this is part 22 and not 19 only because I have out 22 parts to this story in all. So it makes it easier to keep track of. So, ya. 👍 sorry if that's confusing.

Jacks POV
I close the door, and turn to Bob and ken. "Welp. They gone." I say. They chuckle at this, and Bob turns to the kitchen. "Where are the leftovers?" He says, looking in the fridge. "What leftovers?" I say. He shuts the fridge, and walks out. "Ok then." He says, I laugh. "What time you got till?" I ask. "11." Ken says. "Noon" Bob says. "Who wants to play a game?!" I ask. "How about Prop Hunt? For fun." Ken says. We smile, I race for my LapTop, and Bob walks over to it. Ken flips open his PC, and we go to the game. We play around till Mark comes home. He looks at the time. "Traffic coming back was bad." Mark says. "Must have been! It's 10:30!" "Ken, you should go now. There's a huge accident near the bridge. Gonna take you a good while to get there. And, have you ever heard of this thing called a Taxi? Or Uber?" "I'll call an Uber." Ken says. We laugh, and Ken goes in the other room for the call, while Mark takes over Kens computer. "Ok. Time for the master to work. Are we recording?" He asks. "No." Bob says. "Good. Hey!" Bob shot Marks prop. "I didn't even start yet!" He said. His voice going high and squeaky. I laughed. Ken comes out, and he says the Uber will be here soon. "Soon" turns out to be 20 minutes thanks to traffic. We say or goodbyes, and get Ken out. "Mind if I come Ken? I don't want to miss my flight." Bob says. "Sure come on bud." We say bye to Bob, he grabs his stuff, and they leave. Leaving me and Mark alone in the house, for 2 hours. We smile at each other, and race for the laptops. He gets his, as I make a new server for us. I give him the code, and we play prop hunt for 30 minutes. By the end, we're laughing, crying some, and basically dying. "Your never gonna find me. Hehehe" Mark says, in a creepy voice. "Are you sure bout that?" I say, sneaking around a corner. Mischief filling me voice. "Yes I'm sure. I'm in a place you'll never find me." His voice goes oddly high when he says never. I turn the corner, and shoot a little doll at the end of the haunted house map. "Oh come on!" Mark yells. "I was trinna be scawy!" Mark pouts. "You were very scary Mark." "Thank you." He says, still pouting. I laugh, and close my laptop. He does the same, and we get up and stretch. "So what you wanna do?" "I don't know. Record. Go out to eat?" "Oh ya! I gotta upload. Hold on." "Ok. I'm gonna fix myself something to eat. What something?" "No thanks." I say, and Mark kisses my check before heading into the kitchen. I find a video to upload, and wait for the time to change, and I hit upload button, (I don't know how the upload process works, it's probably off) and close my laptop. I walk into the kitchen with Mark, and walk up to him, hugging him from behind. "Whatcha making?" "Peanut Butter and Jelly." He says, putting bread on top. "Wanna bite?" "No thanks. That's yours." I say "I'll make my own." I reach into the cabinet for a plate, and I see antisepticeye on a plate again. I drop the plate, and I turn around. Mark is gone, but in his place, is antisepticeye. "What, what do you want?" I say, later noticing that was a bad idea. My voice is wobbly, and I'm still frightened from the plate. I compose myself, standing straight, and clearing my throat, stopping the wobble. "What do you want?" I say, anger in my voice instead of fear. "I want you to feel pain. Like I always have." He says. He's right, he's always wanted me in pain. "I want you to suffer. But, obviously I can't get to you, with just sheer pain. Nor mental pain. I've learned from watching you, for some time." He watches me? How? How have I not noticed him? "If you want to know, just go to 'Pandas, a Chinese Restaurant' (Don't judge. There's a Chinese Restaurant named Pandas near me, so I said that. Fuck off!) when you get home." I remember passing that place before. "Let's play a game." Anti whispered in my ear, before I heard something else. "Jack!" "What?" "Jack!!" "Who are you!" "Jack!" I felt my face get cold, then everything went black. ~~~
"JACK!!" I woke up to Mark standing over me, with water specks on his shirt. I started coughing, cause something was in my throat. "Jack!" I was pulled into a warm hug, eliminating all the coldness from my body. "What happened babe?" He asked. "I.." "You passed out once you grabbed the dish! I hid the remains in the trash. But, what happened?" When we pull back, marks shirt is even more wet now. He must have splashed me with water to wake me up. "I, I don't.." I rubbed my head, which felt like it was splitting in two. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to remember. "I need something to drink." I stammered out. "Ok, can you stand up?" "I think so." I used marks strong shoulder, to prop myself up. Once I was standing, I let go of Mark, causing me to fall down. I felt strong arms catch me, before the ground. Mark picks me up bridal style, and carries me to the couch. He carefully sets me down, propping up my head on the pillows. He leaves, and quickly comes back with a glass of water. I try to grab it, but Mark pushes down my arms, and picks up my head, and puts the glass to my lips. "I can do it myself ye goofball." I said, smiling at him. "Let me help you. Come on babe." He said, giving me puppy dog eyes. I chucked, and let him give me water. Once the cold water hits my throat, a sharp pain comes to my head. "Ouch!" I said, bolting upright, holding my head. Mark runs to the kitchen, where I hear water rushing, and he comes back with a wet rag. He holds it to my head, and I put my hand on top of Mark's. "Thanks." I say, giving him a reassuring smile. He smiles back, and holds my hand, using his other one to keep the cloth on my forehead. It felt really nice, but then, slowly, the memory's came back. And soon, a pieced it all together. I felt all the blood drain from my face, and my mouth drop. "What is it?" I look at Mark, and quickly close my mouth. "Nothing. I'm just hungry. On the way home, can we stop by Pandas?"

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