Jacks POV
I pack some sandwiches, some drinks, the cookies, some napkins, and a bag of chips. I left a note on the counter that I would be right back, and took the basket, and ran as fast as I could of the door.

Marks POV
I come out of the shower, with a moppy head of hair, and I see a note. "Dear Markimoo. I'm sorry I left again, but it will all be worth it. Please trust me! Be home soon. Love- JackABoy" Hmm. Jack was gone a lot. this morning for like, 3 hours. And again? *sigh* I trust him. I make a video and I finish, as Jack runs in. I hear a door quickly open, shut, loud foot steps, then glasses banging around, then water being poured, then silence, then loud gulps for air. I giggle some and walk downstairs. I see Jack, messy hair, water smeared on his face, and dirt on his shirt. He looks at his watch, then at me. "I'll, ill be right back.." He says out of breath. "Please.. Sit down." I laugh, and he walks to his room, and comes out with his hair brushed, a nice blue shirt on, with black shorts. He was better now. He had caught his breath. "Come on Mark. Follow me!" He said. I could tell me was hiding his excitement over something. Behind jacks 20 year old face, were eyes of a 7 year old. I get up and follow him to wherever we were going. I keep asking him, but he never answers. We part away from the town, and we keep walking. I vaguely remember this place.. Ya! The bench, the shop, the hotel in the distance. But where?
Jacks POV
I remember this place like the back of my hand. I memorized it now. "Recognize it?" I ask him, I could see something flicker in his eyes. "Recognize it, yes. Remember it, no.." "This is the place where you first found me. On that bench." I turn to him. "I remember it well. Waiting for death, only to wake up, in a warm house. With a muscular man. With the most gorgeous eyes. Most beautiful voice. Everything, was great. Who knew my hero, would end up to be my boyfriend? My baby. My everything." "I love you babe." "I love you to Markimoo." "Your my little Irish goofball." I smiled and we kissed. I held his hand and kept walking. I saw the hill, and we started climbing. Once we reach the top..

Marks POV
"Where are we going?" "Come on Markimoo!" He playfully tugged my arm up the hill, as I laugh. "What's going on?" I role my eyes and go with it. Once we reach the top, I saw where he took me. I froze. My mouth dropped open. "You said you wanted to see the beaches here. I thought I'd show them to you." I look out on the ocean, and then at Jack. "No fucking way." He smiles and jumps as he claps his hands, giddy. I look back at the beach, and my eyes adjust to the beauty. He then grabs my arm, and we race down the hill, our shoes getting lost in the process as well. We both strip ourselves of our shirts, and run into the cold ocean. The sun, reflecting off the ocean, as it doesn't quite reach sunset, but it's close. I run on shore, as does Jack. He tackles me from behind, and covers my mouth so I don't eat sand. I chase him back into the water, until we can't touch. We both forgot about our fear of the ocean, with us being together. We then made our way back up the hill, where Jack pulled a picnic basket, off a tree branch. "Where'd that come from?" "Where'd what come from?" He smiled and opened the basket. He pulled out 2 sandwiches, 2 water bottles, some napkins, a bag of chips, and the cookies we baked earlier. We finish our food, and watch the sun set. The orange sunset, reflecting off the water. Pink swirled into the sky, with splashes of blue! It was gorgeous. We walked down to the beach, and laid on the sand. We watched day turn to night. And the sky light up with stars. "Space. It's so beautiful." I say. "The elegance. And the story of why." Jack responds. I smile. "I." "Love." "Space!" 'Space' we both say together. We laugh, and the sky grows brighter. Jack nuzzles his head on my chest. Nobody seems to be near, so I guess we could stay here for the night.. I kiss the top of his head. "Thanks Jack." "Anything for you Mark." I smile, and drift off to sleep.

Sorry this ones shorter! I wanted to write this one for so long! But the next one should be pretty long. (It is the Pax trip anyway so.) hope you can forgive me!

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